Said Nursi'nin teolojisinde gündelik hayat
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bu tez çalışmasında, Risale-i Nur metinlerinde kendisini sergileyen Said Nursi'nin teolojisi üzerinden gündelik hayata dair bir teolojik önem, anlam inşa edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Said Nursi'nin yaradılışa dair düşüncelerini, gündelik hayatı da bir yaratım, ilahi olanın tezahür ettiği mekân olarak okumak ile Müslüman birey için gündelik hayatın ta kendisinin ihmal edil(e)mez bir öneme haiz olduğu gösterilmeye çalışılacaktır. Özellikle Said Nursi ve onun metinlerinin bu çaba için adres seçilmesindeki ana neden ise, Türk modernleşmesine karşı resmi tarih yazımı tarafından ?düşman? ilan edilen bir kişi olarak Said Nursi'nin, neredeyse tamamıyla bir modernite üretimi olan ?gündelik hayat? kavramı üzerinden, üzerine düşüncelerini yorumlamak, özellikle bu topraklarda modernleşmenin tekelci uygulamalarına alternatif bir modernleşme imkanına dair zihin açıcı ve kışkırtıcı olacağı düşünüldüğündendir. Türk modernleşmesi uygulama olarak ortaya çıktığı günlerden günümüze değin bu tekelci zihniyeti taşımış ve bu çerçevede yaptığı uygulamalara alternatif oluşturabilecek tüm düşünceleri ve uygulamaları düşman ya da en iyi ihtimalle batıl olarak görmüş, değerlendirmiştir. Bu noktada, Said Nursi resmi tarih açısından gerici, yobaz kimi zaman da Kürt milliyetçisi bir düşman öteki olarak resmedilegelmiştir. Tezde yapılmaya çalışılacak şey Said Nursi özelinde ama aslında Türkiye genelinde hep çizile gelen bu tek çerçevenin dışarısında da anlamların ya da hakikatların bulunabileceğine dair mütevazi bir katkıdır.
In this thesis, it is tried to construct theological importance and meaning concerning daily life out of theology of Said Nursi displaying itself in the texts of Risale-i Nur. With reading the thoughts of Said Nursi about creation, and daily life also as a created thing and a place in which the divine one is appearing; it is tried to reveal that for Muslim individual, its very self of daily life possesses non-negligible importance. The main reason why especially Said Nursi and its texts are chosen as resources for this attempt is to decide the thoughts of Said Nursi, declared the enemy against Turkish modernization by official historiography, concerning the notion of daily life, almost all of which is the product of modernity, as seminal and stimulating regarding the opportunity of alternative modernization to the monopolistic implementations of modernization in this region. Turkish modernization has carried this monopolistic mentality from the days that it was emerged as implementation until today and within this framework of its applications, seen and evaluated all thoughts and practices that have potential to be an alternative as enemy or at best superstitious. At this point, Said Nursi has been depicted as enemy-other happening like obscurantist, bigot and sometimes Kurdish nationalist for official history. This study is aiming to make a humble contribution to seeking of meanings or facts other than this unique framework that has been drawn in peculiar to Said Nursi but indeed throughout Turkey.
In this thesis, it is tried to construct theological importance and meaning concerning daily life out of theology of Said Nursi displaying itself in the texts of Risale-i Nur. With reading the thoughts of Said Nursi about creation, and daily life also as a created thing and a place in which the divine one is appearing; it is tried to reveal that for Muslim individual, its very self of daily life possesses non-negligible importance. The main reason why especially Said Nursi and its texts are chosen as resources for this attempt is to decide the thoughts of Said Nursi, declared the enemy against Turkish modernization by official historiography, concerning the notion of daily life, almost all of which is the product of modernity, as seminal and stimulating regarding the opportunity of alternative modernization to the monopolistic implementations of modernization in this region. Turkish modernization has carried this monopolistic mentality from the days that it was emerged as implementation until today and within this framework of its applications, seen and evaluated all thoughts and practices that have potential to be an alternative as enemy or at best superstitious. At this point, Said Nursi has been depicted as enemy-other happening like obscurantist, bigot and sometimes Kurdish nationalist for official history. This study is aiming to make a humble contribution to seeking of meanings or facts other than this unique framework that has been drawn in peculiar to Said Nursi but indeed throughout Turkey.