Kira sözleşmesinin olağanüstü sebeple feshi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: “Kira Sözleşmesinin Olağanüstü Sebeple Feshi”, 6098 sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu’nun kira sözleşmelerine ilişkin genel hükümlerinin yer aldığı kısımda üç özel durum için üç madde altında düzenlenmiştir. Bu hallerden birincisi, TBK madde 331’de düzenlenen “Önemli sebeple fesih”, ikincisi TBK m.332’de düzenlenen “Kiracının iflası” ve sonuncusu ise TBK m.333’te düzenlenen “Kiracının ölümü” hallerdir. İşbu çalışmanın konusunu, söz konusu üç olağanüstü fesih hali teşkil etmekle, aynı zamanda TBK m.333’ün, konut ve çatılı işyeri kiralarına ilişkin olarak getirilmiş TBK m.356 ile olan bağlantısı da ayrıca dikkate alınmalıdır. Her ne kadar bu çalışmanın konusunu teşkil eden olağanüstü fesih hususu, TBK’nın kira sözleşmelerine ilişkin genel hükümlerinin yer aldığı kısımda düzenlenmişse de, çalışmanın kapsamı sadece genel hükümler ile sınırlandırılmamış, olağanüstü feshin konut ve çatılı işyeri kiraları ile ürün kiraları alt başlıklarındaki görünümleri ve uygulama şekilleri de incelenmiştir. Çalışma ile olağanüstü feshin kira sözleşmelerinin her türü ve alt başlığı nezdinde kapsamlı bir değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca uygun olarak çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, kira sözleşmelerinin genel bir değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Kira sözleşmesinin tanımı, unsurları, hukuki niteliği, tarafları ve genel anlamda sona erme halleri irdelenmiştir. Buradaki esas amaç, kira sözleşmesinin genel hükümlerde yer alan olağan sona erme hallerini açıklayarak devam eden bölümde olağanüstü fesih halleri ile arasındaki farka dikkat çekebilmektir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde ise bu amaç ile paralel olarak, olağanüstü sebeple fesih halleri TBK m.331, m.332 ve m.333 kapsamında ayrı ayrı incelenmiş ve her bir hal özelinde hukuki niteliği, şartları, görünümleri ve fesih usulü ile feshin sonuçları açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca her bir olağanüstü fesih halinin, diğer sona erme şekilleri ile karşılaştırılması yapılmış ve özel olarak m.333’ün, konut ve çatılı işyeri kiralarını düzenleyen m.356 ile olan özel bağlantısı da ayrıca incelenmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın oluşturulması noktasında hâlihazırda yürürlükte olan TBK ve kanun gerekçesi kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmiş, lafzı ve özü değerlendirilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra 818 sayılı mülga Borçlar Kanunu, başkaca mevzuat düzenlemelerinin TBK ile olan bağlantılarına yer verilmiştir. Tüm bu amaç ve yöntemlerin birleşmesi ile çalışmanın ana sonucu olarak, kira sözleşmesinin olağanüstü sebeple feshi düzenlemesinin, sürekli edim arz eden kira ilişkilerinde vuku bulabilecek bazı olağanüstü durumlar için, halin icabına göre taraflardan birini veya her ikisini korumak ve hakkaniyete aykırı bir yük altına sokmamak amacıyla getirildiği söylenebilecektir.
ABSTRACT: “Termination of The Rental Agreement With Extraordinary Reason” is arranged under three articles for three special cases in the section where the general provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations numbered 6098 (“TCO”) regarding lease agreements are included. The first one of these circumstances is the “Termination with just cause” which is regulated in TCO article (“a”) 331, the second one is “Bankruptcy of renter” in TCO a.332 and the last one is “Death of renter” in TCO a.333. The subject of this study constitutes the three extraordinary terminations in question, as well as the connection of TCO a.333 with the TCO a.356, which was brought in relation to housing and roofed workplace rents. Although the issue of extraordinary termination, which constitutes the subject of this study, is regulated in the section where the general provisions of the TCO regarding the rental agreements are included, the scope of the study is not limited to general provisions and the appearance and application patterns of extraordinary termination in the subtitles of housing and roofed workplace rents and usufructuary rents are also examined. Associated with this study, it is aimed to evaluate the extraordinary termination in all types and subtitles of the rental contracts. In accordance with this purpose, in the first part of the study, a general evaluation of the rental agreements was made. The definition, elements, legal nature, parties and termination terms of the rental are discussed. The main purpose here is to draw attention to the difference between extraordinary termination situations and the ongoing section by explaining the usual termination conditions of the rental agreement in the general provisions. In the second part of the study, in parallel with this purpose, the cases of termination for extraordinary reasons are examined separately within the scope of TCO a.331, a.332 and a.333, and the legal nature, terms, appearance and termination procedure and the results of termination in each case are explained. In addition, each extraordinary termination was compared with other forms of termination, and the special connection of a.333 specifically to a.356, which arranges housing and roofed workplace rents, was also examined and evaluated. At the point of the creation of the study, the TCO and the justification of the law, which is currently in force, has been comprehensively examined and its word and essence has been evaluated. In addition, the abolished Code of Obligations numbered 818 (“CO”) and other legislative arrangements have been linked to the TCO. All this legislation has also been enriched with the doctrine opinions and resources regarding the application of the Supreme Court. The aim here is to reach the appropriate conclusion by making use of the greatest number of sources and considering different opinions. As a main result of working with the combination of all these purposes and methods, it may be said that the regulation of the termination of the rental contract with extraordinary reason is brought in order to protect one or both parties and not to impose an equitable burden, according to the case, for some extraordinary situations that may occur in the rental relations that are constantly performing.
ABSTRACT: “Termination of The Rental Agreement With Extraordinary Reason” is arranged under three articles for three special cases in the section where the general provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations numbered 6098 (“TCO”) regarding lease agreements are included. The first one of these circumstances is the “Termination with just cause” which is regulated in TCO article (“a”) 331, the second one is “Bankruptcy of renter” in TCO a.332 and the last one is “Death of renter” in TCO a.333. The subject of this study constitutes the three extraordinary terminations in question, as well as the connection of TCO a.333 with the TCO a.356, which was brought in relation to housing and roofed workplace rents. Although the issue of extraordinary termination, which constitutes the subject of this study, is regulated in the section where the general provisions of the TCO regarding the rental agreements are included, the scope of the study is not limited to general provisions and the appearance and application patterns of extraordinary termination in the subtitles of housing and roofed workplace rents and usufructuary rents are also examined. Associated with this study, it is aimed to evaluate the extraordinary termination in all types and subtitles of the rental contracts. In accordance with this purpose, in the first part of the study, a general evaluation of the rental agreements was made. The definition, elements, legal nature, parties and termination terms of the rental are discussed. The main purpose here is to draw attention to the difference between extraordinary termination situations and the ongoing section by explaining the usual termination conditions of the rental agreement in the general provisions. In the second part of the study, in parallel with this purpose, the cases of termination for extraordinary reasons are examined separately within the scope of TCO a.331, a.332 and a.333, and the legal nature, terms, appearance and termination procedure and the results of termination in each case are explained. In addition, each extraordinary termination was compared with other forms of termination, and the special connection of a.333 specifically to a.356, which arranges housing and roofed workplace rents, was also examined and evaluated. At the point of the creation of the study, the TCO and the justification of the law, which is currently in force, has been comprehensively examined and its word and essence has been evaluated. In addition, the abolished Code of Obligations numbered 818 (“CO”) and other legislative arrangements have been linked to the TCO. All this legislation has also been enriched with the doctrine opinions and resources regarding the application of the Supreme Court. The aim here is to reach the appropriate conclusion by making use of the greatest number of sources and considering different opinions. As a main result of working with the combination of all these purposes and methods, it may be said that the regulation of the termination of the rental contract with extraordinary reason is brought in order to protect one or both parties and not to impose an equitable burden, according to the case, for some extraordinary situations that may occur in the rental relations that are constantly performing.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kira Sözleşmesinin Olağanüstü Sebeple Feshi, Önemli Sebeple Fesih, Kiracının İflası, Kiracının Ölümü, Kiracının Ölümünde Sözleşmenin Sürdürülmesi, Termination of Rental Agreement With Extraordinary Reason, Termination With Just Cause, Bankruptcy of Renter, Death of Renter, Continuation of Contract in Death of Renter