Millennials' Woodstock: Silent rave everybody became an individ
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Rave, Techno ve House stillerinin popülerleşmeye başladığı 1980’lerin sonunda bir alt-kültür hareketi olarak doğdu. X-jenerasyonu gençliği İngiltere’de M.Thatcher ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde R.Reagan’ın muhafazakar politikalarına uyuşturucuların etkisi altında, geceler boyu durmadan dans ederek karşılık verdiler. 90’ların başında bu hareketin yaygınlaşması ve popülerleşmesi Devletler için bir tehdit oluşturmaya başlamış, neredeyse bütün basın konuya çarpıcı tepkiler vermişti. Bilhassa yasadışı uyuşturucu ve mekan kullanımı, gürültü kirliliği gibi konular yıllarca yasama gündeminde kaldı. Günümüz dünyasında Devletler, çevre koruması adı altında rave ve gürültü kirliliğine karşı önlem almak için yasalar çıkarıyorlar. Gürültü ‘istenmeyen ses’ olarak tanımlanmıştır ve yıkıcıdır. Gürültü limitleri ile savaşmak amacı ile 2000’lerin hemen başında ‘Silent Disco’ (Sessiz Disko) kavramı su yüzüne çıktı. Bu partilerde insanlar FM vericileri üzerinden yapılan müzik yayınını kulaklıklarla dinleyerek dans ediyor. 2003 yılında bu kulaklıklarla parti yapma kültürü sokağa sıçradı. Bu spontan toplantılar ‘Sessiz Rave’ olarak adlandırılmıştı. Bu sefer herkes sokakta buluşup kendi taşınabilir MP3 çalarından (çoğunlukla i-pod) gelen müziği yine kulaklık vasıtası ile dinleyip dans ediyordu. ‘Sessiz Rave’ Devletler için bir tehdit oluşturmadı ve bu etkinliklere hiçbir basın olumsuz tepki vermedi. Bu etkinlikler susturan, rave’in sesini bastıran hareketlerdir. M.Thatcher’ın yaklaşık 30 yıl once söylediği gibi ‘Herkes bir birey oldu, toplum diye birşey yok.’ Devletler, i-pod ve MP3 çalarlar gibi kitle kültürü ürünleriyle ‘birey’leri susturarak 80 ve 90’ların yıkıcı hareketi rave’i, yine bir alt-kültürü meşrulaştırdı.
In the late 80’s, when electronic dance music genres Techno and acid house caught on in the illegal warehouse and free parties, rave emerged as a subculture. Generation Xers responded to Thatcher’s and Reagan’s conservative policies in United Kingdom and in U.S.A by dancing all night under the influence of psychedelic drugs. In the early 90’s, widespread popularity of these control-losing all night dance events posed big threats for the governments and the media. Especially the illegal drug use, noise pollution, illegal venue use and public gatherings remained on the legislative agenda for several years. In todays world governments are making laws against raves and noise pollution in the name of environmental protection. Noise is defined as an unwanted sound, subversive. By the 2000’s ‘Silent Disco’ concept emerged to combat the noise limits. In these parties people were wearing wireless headphones and dancing to the music which was broadcast via FM-transmitters. In 2003 this headphone partying culture jumped from silent discos to the streets. These spontaneous gatherings were called silent raves. Everybody were dancing to the music on their portable MP3 players (mostly i-pods). Silent rave didn't pose any threats for the governments and the media. They are silencing acts. Everybody became an individual, there is no society as Thatcher stated near 30 years ago. By mass culture products like iPods and MP3 players, by silencing ‘individuals’ Governments legitimated rave, the subversive act of 80’s and 90’s.
In the late 80’s, when electronic dance music genres Techno and acid house caught on in the illegal warehouse and free parties, rave emerged as a subculture. Generation Xers responded to Thatcher’s and Reagan’s conservative policies in United Kingdom and in U.S.A by dancing all night under the influence of psychedelic drugs. In the early 90’s, widespread popularity of these control-losing all night dance events posed big threats for the governments and the media. Especially the illegal drug use, noise pollution, illegal venue use and public gatherings remained on the legislative agenda for several years. In todays world governments are making laws against raves and noise pollution in the name of environmental protection. Noise is defined as an unwanted sound, subversive. By the 2000’s ‘Silent Disco’ concept emerged to combat the noise limits. In these parties people were wearing wireless headphones and dancing to the music which was broadcast via FM-transmitters. In 2003 this headphone partying culture jumped from silent discos to the streets. These spontaneous gatherings were called silent raves. Everybody were dancing to the music on their portable MP3 players (mostly i-pods). Silent rave didn't pose any threats for the governments and the media. They are silencing acts. Everybody became an individual, there is no society as Thatcher stated near 30 years ago. By mass culture products like iPods and MP3 players, by silencing ‘individuals’ Governments legitimated rave, the subversive act of 80’s and 90’s.