Grand Vizier Koca Sinan Paşa and factional politics in the court of Murad III
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez Koca Sinan Paşa'nın (ölümü 1595) sadrazamlığı ve III. Murad'ın dönemi saray politikaları ve siyasi söylemine damgasını vuran hizipçilik hakkındadır. Koca Sinan Paşa görevden alma, atamalar ve teftişler vasıtasıyla hizipçilik politikası gütmüştür. Bu araçları kullanarak hizipçilik yapan tek devlet adamı Koca Sinan Paşa olmadığından, kendisi de zaman zaman bu taktiklerin kurbanı olmuştur. Ayrıca, devlet adamları kendi hiziplerine fayda sağlamak için rakiplerini Divan-ı Hümayun'da dava etmek yerine onlar hakkında dedikodular çıkarmışlar ve iftira etmişlerdir. Koca Sinan Paşa da söylenti ve ithamları manipule etme konusunda son derece başarılı politikacılardandı. Aynı zamanda, sikke tashihi ve akçenin tedavüldeki tek gümüş para olmasını sağlamak için bazı reformlar yapmıştır. Vergilendirme sisteminde değişikliğe giderek, bütçe açığını kapatmak için hazinenin ihtiyaç duyduğu nakit parayı doğu ve güney eyaletlerinin vergilerini iltizama vererek çözmeye çalışmıştır. Koca Sinan Paşa'nın çağdaşı olan tarihçi ve vakanüvislerin 1593-1594 Macaristan Seferi sırasında serdar ve sadrazam olan Koca Sinan Paşa hakkındaki çelişkili anlatılarını karşılaştırarak hizipçiliğin Osmanlı tarih yazımı üzerindeki etkisini inceledim.
This thesis deals with Koca Sinan Paşa?s (ca.1520-1596) grand vizierate, and the factionalism that dominated the court politics and the political discourse during the reign of Murad III. Koca Sinan Paşa used dismissals, appointments, and audits in order to get rid of his foes. Since he was not the only statesman using these tactics, and he also became a victim of factionalism, in addition to being an aggressor. Another major tool of factional strife was slander and gossip, which enabled rivals to make allegations about one another instead of making legal accusations. Koca Sinan Paşa was very successful in manipulating hearsay and accusations, probably with an intention to control public opinion. He also carried out important reforms about the standardization of the coinage and the integration of different monetary zones of the empire. He implemented changed about the system of taxation, in order to reduce the budget deficit he tired to meet the need of the treasury for ready cash by introducing tax farming in the southern and eastern provinces. I compared the accounts of four chroniclers and historians who were Koca Sinan Paşas contemporaries about his command of the Ottoman forces during the Hungarian campaign in 1593-1594, in order to trace the effects of factionalism on Ottoman historiography.
This thesis deals with Koca Sinan Paşa?s (ca.1520-1596) grand vizierate, and the factionalism that dominated the court politics and the political discourse during the reign of Murad III. Koca Sinan Paşa used dismissals, appointments, and audits in order to get rid of his foes. Since he was not the only statesman using these tactics, and he also became a victim of factionalism, in addition to being an aggressor. Another major tool of factional strife was slander and gossip, which enabled rivals to make allegations about one another instead of making legal accusations. Koca Sinan Paşa was very successful in manipulating hearsay and accusations, probably with an intention to control public opinion. He also carried out important reforms about the standardization of the coinage and the integration of different monetary zones of the empire. He implemented changed about the system of taxation, in order to reduce the budget deficit he tired to meet the need of the treasury for ready cash by introducing tax farming in the southern and eastern provinces. I compared the accounts of four chroniclers and historians who were Koca Sinan Paşas contemporaries about his command of the Ottoman forces during the Hungarian campaign in 1593-1594, in order to trace the effects of factionalism on Ottoman historiography.