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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bir aşk mektubundan parçalar? Her birini rüzgar farklı yöne savurdu? Ufak kasabada onları bulanlar kendince yorumladı? PARÇALAR o kağıt parçalarını bulanların hikayesidir. İç içe geçmiş kasaba hayatında çıkış yolu arayanların masalsı bir günde başlarından geçenlerdir. Ragıp, ilkokul ikiye geçecek; aşk mektubunun yazarı. Sevgili Zeynep Öğretmenim diye başlıyor mektup. Tam zarfa koyacakken kasabanın çocukları elinden kapıyor. Doğruca Zeynep Öğretmen'e. Zeynep Öğretmen de tüm kasaba gibi tören alanında. Kasaba meydanında hoşgeldin eğlencesi var; Amerika'dan gelen yeni İngilizce öğretmeni az sonra kasabaya varacak. Zeynep, yedi senedir kasabada, Celal ile uzun süredir beraber. Şimdi tüm mahalleli ona Celal'le şehire yerleşmesi için baskı yapıyor. Celal'in bağlı olduğu siyasi partide önü çok açık. Zeynep baskıdan bunalmış, hala kararsız. Celal az sonra tören alanına gelecek; yarınki genel seçim için okulda hazırlıklar son aşamada. Ahmet de tören alanında, okul müdürünün oğlu. Köyden bir kız seviyor. Gülbahar. Farklı mezhepten. Köy de kasaba da karşı bu birlikteliğe. Gülbahar yayladan bugün geldi. Henüz görüşmediler; ama haberi geldi Ahmet'e; başkasını sevmiş Gülbahar. İftira! İftiranın sonu olmuyor köy ve kasaba arasında, er geç inanılır. Ahmet de inanacak. Ragıp da mektubun peşinden kasaba meydanına geldi. Mektup, çocukların lideri Bekir'in elinde. Aniden davullar gümlüyor. Uzakta İngilizce öğretmenini taşıyan araba göründü. Herkes yol kenarında, elinde konfetiler. Zeynep Ahmet ve Ragıp dışında herkes heyecan içinde. İşte tam o anda, birkaç büyülü saniye içerisinde mektup kendini Bekir'in elinden kurtarıyor, Bekir tam yakalayacak; kağıt elini kesiyor. Bekir sinirlenip kağıdı parçalara ayırıyor. Her bir cümle bir parça, parçalar konfetilere karışıp havaya saçılıyor. Hava alanında bulamamışlar yabancı öğretmeni; eğlence başlamadan bitiyor.Tören alanında bir önemli kişi daha var. Yaşlı Ferit -Ragıp'ın dedesi; ona da mektubun zarfı kısmet. Zarf ona kırk sene öncesini hatırlattı. Köyden kız sevmişti, Saniye; mezhep farklı. İftiralar. Son gece mektup yazdı: Kaçalım! Ertesi gün arkadaşları öldü haberini getirdiler. Şimdi rüzgar boş zarf getirdi. ?Saniye beni çağırıyor.? Köye gidecek.Gece bitti. Rüzgar kağıt parçalarını farklı yönlere uçurdu. Yeni gün üç hikayemize üç yeni yüz getirecek: Volkan, Julia ve Sevgi. Kağıtlar yirmi dört saat sonra buluştuğunda Zeynep, Ahmet ve Ragıp değişmiş olacak.
Pieces from a love letter? The wind blows each of them to different directions? Each finder interprets them on his/her own way? PIECES is a story about the finders, who, on a fairy-like day, desperately seek a way out of the close relationships of a Turkish small town. Ragıp, on his second year in the primary school, is the author of our love letter. It begins as ?My dear teacher Zeynep.? As he is about to put it into the envelope, kids from the neighborhood took it away. Straight to teacher Zeynep. Teacher Zeynep, like everyone else, is on the townsquare. There?s a celebration; new foreign English teacher is about to arrive. Zeynep has been on this small town for seven years. She?s together with Celal. Now everyone puts pressure on her to move to the city with him. Celal?s political career is bright on the leftist party. She is still indecisive and overwhelmed by the pressure. Celal will be coming to the celebration minutes later, there?s a hustle at the town?s school for tomorrow?s elections. Ahmet, son of the school principal, is also at the townsquare. He loves a girl from the nearest village. Gülbahar. She is from a different religious sect. Both villagers and townspeople are against this relationship. Gülbahar returned from the summerhouse today. They haven?t seen each other for months. But rumors hit the town already, she?s in love with someone else. Rumors! Rumors have no end between the village and the town. Sooner or later everyone believes to them. Ahmet will do the same. Soon. Ragıp enters the townsquare, he is running after the letter. Bekir, leader of the neighborhood kids is holding the letter. Suddenly drums and horns roll. The car carrying the new teacher is at sight at last. Everyone gathers together next to the road, with confettis in their hand. Everyone except Zeynep, Ahmet and Ragıp. And exactly at that moment, in these couple of seconds the letter gets out of Bekir?s hand. As Bekir tries to grab it, it gives him a papercut. Getting angry, Bekir tears the letter into pieces. Each piece a sentence, the pieces begin flying away mixing into the confettis. The car arrives without the new teacher, they couldn?t find her at the airport. The celebration got canceled. There?s one more important person among the celebration crowd: Ferit, grandfather of Ragıp. The envelope of the love letter finds him. It reminds him of his past relationship, 40 years ago. He loved a girl from the village, Saniye. Different religious sect. Rumors! On the last night, he wrote: ?Let?s run away!? The next day his friends brought the news, she is dead. Now that the wind blew him the envelope, he sets his mind: ?Saniye is calling for me.!?. Tomorrow he will go to the village. The night is over. The wind blows the pieces into different directions. The new day will bring three new faces to our story: Volkan, Julia and Sevgi. Twenty-four hours later, when the pieces come together again, lives of Zeynep, Ahmet and Ragıp will be changed.
Pieces from a love letter? The wind blows each of them to different directions? Each finder interprets them on his/her own way? PIECES is a story about the finders, who, on a fairy-like day, desperately seek a way out of the close relationships of a Turkish small town. Ragıp, on his second year in the primary school, is the author of our love letter. It begins as ?My dear teacher Zeynep.? As he is about to put it into the envelope, kids from the neighborhood took it away. Straight to teacher Zeynep. Teacher Zeynep, like everyone else, is on the townsquare. There?s a celebration; new foreign English teacher is about to arrive. Zeynep has been on this small town for seven years. She?s together with Celal. Now everyone puts pressure on her to move to the city with him. Celal?s political career is bright on the leftist party. She is still indecisive and overwhelmed by the pressure. Celal will be coming to the celebration minutes later, there?s a hustle at the town?s school for tomorrow?s elections. Ahmet, son of the school principal, is also at the townsquare. He loves a girl from the nearest village. Gülbahar. She is from a different religious sect. Both villagers and townspeople are against this relationship. Gülbahar returned from the summerhouse today. They haven?t seen each other for months. But rumors hit the town already, she?s in love with someone else. Rumors! Rumors have no end between the village and the town. Sooner or later everyone believes to them. Ahmet will do the same. Soon. Ragıp enters the townsquare, he is running after the letter. Bekir, leader of the neighborhood kids is holding the letter. Suddenly drums and horns roll. The car carrying the new teacher is at sight at last. Everyone gathers together next to the road, with confettis in their hand. Everyone except Zeynep, Ahmet and Ragıp. And exactly at that moment, in these couple of seconds the letter gets out of Bekir?s hand. As Bekir tries to grab it, it gives him a papercut. Getting angry, Bekir tears the letter into pieces. Each piece a sentence, the pieces begin flying away mixing into the confettis. The car arrives without the new teacher, they couldn?t find her at the airport. The celebration got canceled. There?s one more important person among the celebration crowd: Ferit, grandfather of Ragıp. The envelope of the love letter finds him. It reminds him of his past relationship, 40 years ago. He loved a girl from the village, Saniye. Different religious sect. Rumors! On the last night, he wrote: ?Let?s run away!? The next day his friends brought the news, she is dead. Now that the wind blew him the envelope, he sets his mind: ?Saniye is calling for me.!?. Tomorrow he will go to the village. The night is over. The wind blows the pieces into different directions. The new day will bring three new faces to our story: Volkan, Julia and Sevgi. Twenty-four hours later, when the pieces come together again, lives of Zeynep, Ahmet and Ragıp will be changed.