Gender-role changes for Syrian women and men and its psycho-social effects
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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ÖZET: (Suriyeli kadın ve erkeklerin toplumsal cinsiyet rol değişiklikleri ve psiko-sosyal etkileri) nitel bir araştırma olup; Türkiye'de yaşayan Suriyeli kadın ve erkeklerin Suriye'deki geleneksel cinsiyet rollerini, toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinde meydana gelen değişiklikleri ve Türkiye'de yaşayan Suriyeli erkek ve kadınların yeni cinsiyet rollerinin ne olduğunu ve yine Türkiye'de yaşayan Suriyeli kadın ve erkekler için cinsiyet rol değişikliklerinin psiko-sosyal sonuçlarını anlamaktır. Çalışma, sosyalekolojik model (SEM) psiko-sosyal çerçevelerine dayanmaktadır. Bu nitel çalışmada, 2011 yılından sonra Türkiye'de yaşayan (10) Suriyeli kadın ve erkekle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeleri analiz etmek için (Braun ve Calrke, 2006) tarafından tarif edildiği gibi tematik analiz kullanılmıştır ve bu kişiler kartopu örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak seçilmiştir. Ana bulgular, kadın ve erkek rolleri arasında farklı düzeylerde bir bölünme saptanmıştır. Kadının rolleri; ev ve aile işleri ile sınırlı ve de anne- eş olarak bakım veren rolünde olmaları yönünde beklentilerin olduğu görülmüştür. Esas olarak kadinlar daha çok utanç kavramıyla bağdaştırılmış olup toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddetin türleri ile karşı karşıya kalırken; erkeklerin daha fazla özgürlüğe sahip olduğu ve toplum içinde daha geniş roller üstlendiği, ev ve ailevi kararlarda sorumlu aile reisi rollerinin verildiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca erkekler, hem aile hem de toplum için koruyucu ve ekmek kazanan olarak kabul edilirler. Erkekler güçlü, mantıklı ve otoriter, kadınlar ise yumuşak ve itaatkâr olarak tanımlanmıştır. Türkiye'ye göç ettikten sonra birçok değişiklikle birlikte kadın ve erkek rolleri de etkilendi ve roller arasındaki ayrım azaldı. Kadınlar daha özgür görülmeye ve kendilerini ifade etmeye başladılar. Aile ve toplum içinde; ekmek kazanan ve evin reisi olarak görülmeye başlanırken, kadınlar hala ailelerinin bakımını yapmakla zorunluydular. Kadinlar, hem yeni hem de üstlenmeleri beklenen geleneksel rollerin altında ezilirken; erkeklerin rolleri azaltılmış ve aile içinde sınırlı olmakla ailenin koruyucusu rolü ile sınırlandırılmışlardır. Erkekler geçimi sağlayan- ekmek getiren rollerini kaybetmiş olup, bu roller daha çok kadınlar tarafından paylaşılmıştır. Toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddet açısından; bazı kadınlar şiddetin azaldığını belirtirken, diğer kadınlar toplumsal cinsiyetin faklı türlerini veya bazı türlerdeki değişiklikleri tanımladı; işte taciz, karar verilen evlilik yaşı, daha az fiziksel şiddet, eş tarafından daha fazla cinsel istismar ve psikolojik istismar gibi. Rollerdeki bu değişiklikler farklı psiko-sosyal etkilere yol açtı; kadınların, daha fazla memnun ve değerli hissetmelerinin yanı sıra yeni roller altında ezilmeleri ve rol çatışması yaşadıkları saptanmıştır. Erkeklerin ise; kaygı, stres, toplumsal cinsiyetin geleneksel rolünü yerine getirememe, suçlanma ve tecrit edilme durumlarını yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir.
ABSTRACT: The (Gender-role changes for Syrian women and men and its psycho-social effects) is a qualitative study that aim to; understand traditional gender roles back in Syria for Syrian women and men living in Turkey, the changes happened to the gender role and what is the new gender role for Syrian men and women living in Turkey and understand psycho-social results of gender role changes for Syrian women and men living in Turkey. The study is based on social-ecological model (SEM) psycho-social frameworks. This qualitative study has used thematic analysis as described by (Braun &Calrke, 2006) to analyze semi-structured interviews with (10) Syrian women and men that has been living in Turkey after 2011 and they were recruited using snow-call method. The main findings were that there is a division between women and men roles on different levels. Women roles were limited to house and family work and they were expected to be the care taker by being mothers and wives. They mainly were linked to shame and they faced different types of GBV. While men had more freedom and able to take wider roles in community as; the head of the houses who have responsibility over decisions of the house and family. They are also considered the protector both for family and community as well as bread-winner. Women are described as tender and obeying while men are strong, rational and authority. After being displaced to Turkey a lot of changes affected women and men roles and the division between their roles become less. Women started to be seen as more free and express them-selves. They have been enrolled in different roles inside family and community as; bread-winner and head of the house. Women still needed to provide care to their families and they were overwhelmed by being request to act both new and traditional roles. On the other hand, men roles were decreased and as protector they were limited to be the protector of the family with limitation inside the family. Men lost their roles as breadwinner and this roles mainly was shared by women. In term of GBV; some women mentioned that it decreased while other women described different types of GBV or change in some types such as; harassment in the work, decreed age of marriage, less physical GBV, more sexual abuse by the partner and psychological abuse. These changes in role resulted different psycho-social effects; on women level it resulted more feeling satisfied and feel self-value but also overwhelmed and role conflict. Men presented anxiety, stress, not fulfilling their gender traditional role, being blamed and isolated.
ABSTRACT: The (Gender-role changes for Syrian women and men and its psycho-social effects) is a qualitative study that aim to; understand traditional gender roles back in Syria for Syrian women and men living in Turkey, the changes happened to the gender role and what is the new gender role for Syrian men and women living in Turkey and understand psycho-social results of gender role changes for Syrian women and men living in Turkey. The study is based on social-ecological model (SEM) psycho-social frameworks. This qualitative study has used thematic analysis as described by (Braun &Calrke, 2006) to analyze semi-structured interviews with (10) Syrian women and men that has been living in Turkey after 2011 and they were recruited using snow-call method. The main findings were that there is a division between women and men roles on different levels. Women roles were limited to house and family work and they were expected to be the care taker by being mothers and wives. They mainly were linked to shame and they faced different types of GBV. While men had more freedom and able to take wider roles in community as; the head of the houses who have responsibility over decisions of the house and family. They are also considered the protector both for family and community as well as bread-winner. Women are described as tender and obeying while men are strong, rational and authority. After being displaced to Turkey a lot of changes affected women and men roles and the division between their roles become less. Women started to be seen as more free and express them-selves. They have been enrolled in different roles inside family and community as; bread-winner and head of the house. Women still needed to provide care to their families and they were overwhelmed by being request to act both new and traditional roles. On the other hand, men roles were decreased and as protector they were limited to be the protector of the family with limitation inside the family. Men lost their roles as breadwinner and this roles mainly was shared by women. In term of GBV; some women mentioned that it decreased while other women described different types of GBV or change in some types such as; harassment in the work, decreed age of marriage, less physical GBV, more sexual abuse by the partner and psychological abuse. These changes in role resulted different psycho-social effects; on women level it resulted more feeling satisfied and feel self-value but also overwhelmed and role conflict. Men presented anxiety, stress, not fulfilling their gender traditional role, being blamed and isolated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Suriyeliler, Cinsiyet rolleri, Psikososyal etkiler, Mülteciler, Sosyoekolojik, Syrians, Gender roles, Psychosocial effects, Refugees, Socioecological