Tekillik Tartışmasında Öz Sorunu
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, genel hatlarıyla tekillik tartışması içerisinde öz kavramının oluşturduğu sorunları incelemektir. Dolayısıyla, tezin temel iddiası; öz kavramının, salt varlık ve mekansal bulunuş üzerinden kurulması mümkün olan yeni bir ile-olma (Mitsein) tahayyülü üzerinde çeşitli sorunlara yol açtığıdır. Bu nedenle çalışmanın kavramsal çerçevesi içerisinde ilk olarak Foucault’nun tarihsel tekillik anlayışı ile birlikte tarihsel öznenin kurulumu üzerine yaptığı çalışmalara değinilecek ve sorunsallaştırma, dispozitif ve episteme kavramları ele alınacaktır. İkincil olarak, Nancy’nin anlam ve Esersizlik kavramları ele alınarak, içkin örgütlenme biçimlerinin varoluş kiplikleri üzerine yönelttiği çeşitli güdümlemeler incelenecektir. Ayrıca Nancy’nin içkin cemaatlerin örgütlenme biçimlerine alternatif olarak ortaya attığı Ölüm temasının mümkün kıldığı birliktelik imkanları irdelenecektir. Bu esnada Heidegger ve Blanchot gibi isimlerin de ölüm teması hakkında ortaya attığı yorumlar ele alınacaktır. Son olarak ise Giorgio Agamben’in herhangi tekillik kavramıyla ortaya attığı cemaat tahayyülüne yakından bakılarak, Agamben’in bireyleşme anlayışıyla metaforik bir bağ içerisinde olan “Örnek” kavramı üzerinden Türkiye’de meydana gelen 31 Mayıs olayları analiz edilecektir.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the problems that the concept of essence pose in singularity discussions. Hence, I argue that the problems of essence within the frame of singularity discussions causes issues which are likely to be thought through extensional being (body) over a new apprehension of being-with (Mitsein). For this reason, at first, studies of Michel Foucault which refer to the ontology of historical subject over the "historical singularity" will be addressed within the conceptual frame of the study. Foucauldian notions of problematisation, dispositif and episteme will be dealt with as well. Secondarily, manipulations that have been canalized by various types of immanent communities to its individuals, will be examined by discussing Jean-Luc Nancy's notions of meaning and Desoeuvrement. Additionally, ways of being-with that have been made possible by the subject of death which has been propounded by Nancy as an alternative to immanent communities will be probed. In the meanwhile, views of death belonging to names such as Heidegger and Blanchot will be also addressed. Lastsly, May 31 events in Turkey will be analyzed over the notion of "Example" that has a metaphoric connotation with Agamben's understanding of individualization by taking a closer look at the community apprehension which he propounded with the notion of "whatever singulartiy".
The purpose of this study is to analyse the problems that the concept of essence pose in singularity discussions. Hence, I argue that the problems of essence within the frame of singularity discussions causes issues which are likely to be thought through extensional being (body) over a new apprehension of being-with (Mitsein). For this reason, at first, studies of Michel Foucault which refer to the ontology of historical subject over the "historical singularity" will be addressed within the conceptual frame of the study. Foucauldian notions of problematisation, dispositif and episteme will be dealt with as well. Secondarily, manipulations that have been canalized by various types of immanent communities to its individuals, will be examined by discussing Jean-Luc Nancy's notions of meaning and Desoeuvrement. Additionally, ways of being-with that have been made possible by the subject of death which has been propounded by Nancy as an alternative to immanent communities will be probed. In the meanwhile, views of death belonging to names such as Heidegger and Blanchot will be also addressed. Lastsly, May 31 events in Turkey will be analyzed over the notion of "Example" that has a metaphoric connotation with Agamben's understanding of individualization by taking a closer look at the community apprehension which he propounded with the notion of "whatever singulartiy".