Memory in societies without memory the problematic status of memory in films after 1990
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bu projenin amacı 1990 sonrası dönemde hafızasızlaşan toplumlar için hafızanın anlamını, hafızanın problemli durumunun neden ve sonuçlarını yine bu dönem çekilmiş olan hafıza manipülasyonunu konu alan filmler aracılığıyla anlamaktır. İnceleme için 1990 sonrası dönemin seçilme nedeni ise 1989-1991 yıllarının gerek politik-ekonomik gerekse teknolojik açıdan bir kırılım noktası olarak görülmesidir. Yalnızca realite ve hatta hiper realite kavramlarının tanımlanmasının güç bir hale geldiği, insan bedeninin siber beden kavramının tehdidi altında olduğu ve insan zihninin teknolojinin kontrolü altına girmekte olduğu 1990 sonrasında `hafıza' hem en popüler hem de en kaygı uyandırıcı konu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. O halde, 21. yüzyıla geçilen bu dönemde hatırlamamaya şartlanmış toplumlar için hafızanın anlamı nedir? Eğer hafıza kimliğin oluşması için gerekli deneyimin hatırlanmasını sağlamaktaysa insanlar kimliklerini kaybetme korkusu ile mi karşı karşıyadır? Filmler insanların dünyevi korkularını yansıtırlar. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada `hafıza'nın bu sorunlu durumu hafıza manipülasyonunu temel alan; Gizemli Şehir (Alex Proyas, 1998), Sil Baştan (Michel Gondry, 2004), Aç Gözünü (Alejandro Amenabar, 1997), Gizemli Parçalar (Joseph Ruben, 2004) filmleri ve dönemin benzer özellikler taşıyan diğer filmleri incelenerek anlaşılmaya ve açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır.
The aim of this study is to understand the meaning of `memory? in societies of post-90s, that are getting memory-less every day and to understand the reasons and result of that problematic status of memory through the films of that era, which deals with the subject memory manipulation. Post-1990 is chosen to focus on because it seems that there is a breaking point in years between 1989 and 1991, both from political-economical and technological perspectives. After 90s, in an era where not only the meaning of reality but even the meaning of hyper realities became uncanny and obscure, where human body is terrorized by the possibility of cyber bodies and where minds are under control of technology, memory seems to become both the most popular and most terrifying subject that we come across in every medium. If so, what is the meaning of memory for societies, which are conditioned to `not to remember?, on the transition stage to 21st century. If memory deals with the creation of identity in order to allow experience to be remembered, are people becoming afraid of loosing their identities? Films articulate secular fears of human beings. Therefore in the study, the problematic status of memory will be discussed and explained by tracing the films; Dark City (Alex Proyas, 1998), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004), Open Your Eyes (Abre los Ojos, Alejandro Amenabar, 1997), The Forgotten (Joseph Ruben, 2004) and other films of the period with similar approaches, which deal with the subject `memory manipulation?.
The aim of this study is to understand the meaning of `memory? in societies of post-90s, that are getting memory-less every day and to understand the reasons and result of that problematic status of memory through the films of that era, which deals with the subject memory manipulation. Post-1990 is chosen to focus on because it seems that there is a breaking point in years between 1989 and 1991, both from political-economical and technological perspectives. After 90s, in an era where not only the meaning of reality but even the meaning of hyper realities became uncanny and obscure, where human body is terrorized by the possibility of cyber bodies and where minds are under control of technology, memory seems to become both the most popular and most terrifying subject that we come across in every medium. If so, what is the meaning of memory for societies, which are conditioned to `not to remember?, on the transition stage to 21st century. If memory deals with the creation of identity in order to allow experience to be remembered, are people becoming afraid of loosing their identities? Films articulate secular fears of human beings. Therefore in the study, the problematic status of memory will be discussed and explained by tracing the films; Dark City (Alex Proyas, 1998), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004), Open Your Eyes (Abre los Ojos, Alejandro Amenabar, 1997), The Forgotten (Joseph Ruben, 2004) and other films of the period with similar approaches, which deal with the subject `memory manipulation?.