Hernandez Brothers Love and Rockets series 'A Queer Reading of Locas Girls'
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Kaliforniya'nın bir Latin bölgesi olarak kurgulanan Hoppers'da geçen Love and Rockets serileri Maggie ve Hopey'nin sıradan yaşamları hakkındadır. Love and Rockets serilerinde Hernandez Kardeşler yarattıkları Queer karakterler ve hikayelerle ana akım çizgi roman kültürüne bir eleştiri getirmişlerdir. Kardeşlerin Love and Rockets serilerinde geleneksel anlatım yöntemleri ve hikaye yapısı takip edilmeden, Maggie ve Hopey punk gençlik dönemlerinden orta yaşlarına kadar gündelik yaşamdan hikayelerle okura sunulur. Kardeşlerin kullandıkları hibrid anlatım ve anlatı teknikleri okurların seriler içerisinde yorumlar yapabileceği bir alan açmakla birlikte serilerdeki karakterlere de kendi potansiyellerini gerçekleştirmeleri için imkan sağlamaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında Hernandez Kardeşlerin alternatif çalışması Queer bir çalışma olarak ele alınmıştır. Love and Rockets serilerinin Queer oluşu ve Hernandez Kardeşlerin siyasi duruşu, hikayelerin gündelik yaşamdaki kimliklerden çok sınırda kalan potansiyellere odaklanmasından; heteronormative ve heteronarrative idealleştirmelerden uzaklaşarak anlamı ertelemeye çalışmasından gelmektedir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde queer tarihi ve cinsiyet ötesi Hoppers bölgesinde gelişen alternatifler, taktikler üzerinde durularak, queer bir okumanın gerekliliği tartışılmıştır. İkinci bölümde serilerdeki parçalı ve tamamlanmayan planlar ve karakterlerin bedensellikleri serilerdeki anlatı, anlatım ve karakter gelişimleri doğultusunda sorunsallaştırılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde serilerdeki Latin queer bedenler Jose Esteban Munoz'un çalışmasına referansla incelenmiştir. Gündelik hayat pratikleri sınırları içerisinde uygulanan baskın ideoloji Munoz'un Disidentification kavramı aracılığılya queer bir dünya yaratılması için okunmuştur.
Love and Rockets stories are mainly about the lives of Maggie and Hopey, who are living in Hoppers, a fictional Latino barrio in California. Brothers create genuine and well-rounded queer characters and stories as a challenge for mainstream comics. From Maggies and Hopeys years as two underage punks to their middle ages, brothers series are contained realistic everyday life stories, but they do not follow traditional patterns of storytelling and story content. Brothers? hybrid narrative and narration techniques in their artistic medium, offer a space for readers to comment and also for characters to realize their own potentialities. In this dissertation, the alternative work of Hernandez Brothers is named as a queer work. Queerness of series and the politics of Brothers come from their focus on liminal potentials rather than identities within everyday life; and the aim of deferring the meaning rather than fixing it disrupts the usual modes of their heteronormative and heteronarrative idealization. In the first part, queer history and the importance of emerging alternatives and tactics in the post gender space of Hoppers district, and a queer reading?s necessity are discussed. In the second chapter, strategies of using fragmented, uncompleted plots and corporeality are questioned through the detailed analysis of narrative, narration and character development. Third chapter utilizes Latino queer bodies through the work of Jose Esteban Munoz. I work on his notion of Disidentification, as an attempt to fashion a queer world by working on, with, and against dominant ideology within the boundaries of everyday life.
Love and Rockets stories are mainly about the lives of Maggie and Hopey, who are living in Hoppers, a fictional Latino barrio in California. Brothers create genuine and well-rounded queer characters and stories as a challenge for mainstream comics. From Maggies and Hopeys years as two underage punks to their middle ages, brothers series are contained realistic everyday life stories, but they do not follow traditional patterns of storytelling and story content. Brothers? hybrid narrative and narration techniques in their artistic medium, offer a space for readers to comment and also for characters to realize their own potentialities. In this dissertation, the alternative work of Hernandez Brothers is named as a queer work. Queerness of series and the politics of Brothers come from their focus on liminal potentials rather than identities within everyday life; and the aim of deferring the meaning rather than fixing it disrupts the usual modes of their heteronormative and heteronarrative idealization. In the first part, queer history and the importance of emerging alternatives and tactics in the post gender space of Hoppers district, and a queer reading?s necessity are discussed. In the second chapter, strategies of using fragmented, uncompleted plots and corporeality are questioned through the detailed analysis of narrative, narration and character development. Third chapter utilizes Latino queer bodies through the work of Jose Esteban Munoz. I work on his notion of Disidentification, as an attempt to fashion a queer world by working on, with, and against dominant ideology within the boundaries of everyday life.