The rich, the poor and the hungry Social differentiation and famine in Ankara in 1845
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu yüksek lisans tezi Osmanlı tarihyazımı içerisinde ya görmezden gelinmiş ya da yanlış yorumlara maruz bırakılmış bir toplumsal gruba, yani fakirlere odaklanmaktadır. Fakirlerin toplumsal koşullarını, yerel ve merkezi otoritelerle karşılıklı ilişkilerini, sürekli olarak değişen yardım mekanizmaları içerisindeki konumlarını ve hayatta kalma taktiklerini belirli bir kriz dönemi bağlamında yeniden değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çerçevede fakirlik meselesi orta ölçekli bir Anadolu şehri özelinde, 1845 yılı kuraklık ve kıtlığına, bunun fakirler için yarattığı sonuçlara, resmi ve resmi olmayan hayır mekanizmalarına, hayatta kalma taktiklerine odaklanarak yeniden değerlendirilmiştir. Bu gözle bakıldığında, tez, modernleşme kavramının açıklayıcı ve kaçınılmaz olduğu varsayılan bir dönemde, devlet merkezli modernleşme kavramının Osmanlı tarihyazımı için iddia edildiği gibi açıklayıcı olmadığı gerçeğini tartışmaya açıyor. Yine, daha genel bir kapitalizm ve fakirlik çerçevesi içerisinde düşünüldüğünde, fakirlere yaklaşımları ve fakirlerin diğer toplumsal gruplara yaklaşımı daha karmaşık hale gelmektedir; bir yandan kapitalizm önemini arttırdıkça bir başka devlet ortaya çıkarken diğer yandan normal vatandaşın bu çalışma bağlamında fakirlerin daha çok modern öncesi ve kapitalizm öncesi toplumsal ilişkilere bel bağladığı gerçeği söz konusudur. Diğer bir deyişle, burjuva-devlet ve merkezi otoriteler toplumsal ilişkileri olabildiğince kontrol altına almaya çalışmışlarsa da gündelik olanın tarihsel gerçekliği, fakirlerin cemaat, mahalle, aile ve diğer modern öncesi kurumlara dayandıklarını göstermektedir.
This M.A. thesis focuses mainly on a social group which is either neglected or misinterpreted within Ottoman historiography, namely the poor. It aims at reconsidering the historical reality by reinterpreting the conditions of the poor, their relations vis-à-vis the local and central authorities, their position within the ever-changing poor relief mechanisms and their survival tactics in a specific crisis period. In that sense the issue of poverty is reconsidered for a middle-sized Anatolian city, by focusing on the drought and famine of 1845 and its consequences for the poor, official and non-official institutional charity mechanisms, the tactics of survival and the effects of famine upon the conditions of the poor. Through that lens, it argues that in an era for which modernization is interpreted as inevitable and explanatory, the example of the poor of Ankara reveals the fact that state-led modernization was not as explanatory as considered for the Ottoman historiography. Also when interpreted within a more general context of poverty and capitalism, the attitudes towards the poor and vice-versa, becomes more complicated; on the one hand revealing the fact that a different state appears as capitalism becomes the main driving force, on the other hand the lives of the ordinary citizen and the poor in that case relies more on pre-modern and pre-capitalist social relations. In other words, while the bourgeois-state and central authorities tried to control every aspect of social relations, the historical reality of everydayness reveals that the poor had to rely on bonds of community, district, family or other pre-modern institutions.
This M.A. thesis focuses mainly on a social group which is either neglected or misinterpreted within Ottoman historiography, namely the poor. It aims at reconsidering the historical reality by reinterpreting the conditions of the poor, their relations vis-à-vis the local and central authorities, their position within the ever-changing poor relief mechanisms and their survival tactics in a specific crisis period. In that sense the issue of poverty is reconsidered for a middle-sized Anatolian city, by focusing on the drought and famine of 1845 and its consequences for the poor, official and non-official institutional charity mechanisms, the tactics of survival and the effects of famine upon the conditions of the poor. Through that lens, it argues that in an era for which modernization is interpreted as inevitable and explanatory, the example of the poor of Ankara reveals the fact that state-led modernization was not as explanatory as considered for the Ottoman historiography. Also when interpreted within a more general context of poverty and capitalism, the attitudes towards the poor and vice-versa, becomes more complicated; on the one hand revealing the fact that a different state appears as capitalism becomes the main driving force, on the other hand the lives of the ordinary citizen and the poor in that case relies more on pre-modern and pre-capitalist social relations. In other words, while the bourgeois-state and central authorities tried to control every aspect of social relations, the historical reality of everydayness reveals that the poor had to rely on bonds of community, district, family or other pre-modern institutions.