Kredi sözleşmelerinin müzakeresi: Kredi Piyasaları Birliği (Loan Market Association) kredi sözleşmeleri
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Müzakere günümüzde hemen her alanda karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Hukuki anlamda, tarafların uzun yıllar sürecek ilişkilerinin temelleri müzakere sürecinde atılmaktadır. Bu sebeple müzakere süreci zorlu geçmektedir. Bununla birlikte, kredi sözleşmelerinin konusunun para olması sebebiyle kredi sözleşmeleri müzakereleri müzakere açısından özel bir yer tutar ve bu sözleşmelerin müzakereleri daha zorlu geçer. Bu çalışmada kredi sözleşmelerinin müzakere sürecini kolaylaştıracak, uluslararası uygulamada kullanılan model kredi sözleşmelerinden biri olan Kredi Piyasaları Birliği (Loan Market Association) tarafından hazırlanan kredi sözleşmeleri incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, tarafların amaç ve anlayışları irdelenmiş, uluslararası uygulamada sıklıkla karşılaşılan model kredi sözleşmelerinin kredi sözleşmelerinin avantajlarına değinilmiştir. Bu sözleşmelerin hükümlerinin Türk Hukuku açısından icra edilebilir ve geçerli olup olmadığı da ayrıca değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur.
Negotiation is present in every part of our lives. With regard to the legal aspect of negotiation, negotiation process is when the parties start their relationship which may last for years. That's why; negotiation is a very difficult process. In addition to that, as the subject of loan agreements negotiations is money, the negotiation of loan agreements is even more difficult. The purpose of this study is examination of the loan agreements prepared by Loan Market Association which are used in international practice and facilitate the negotiation process. Within this scope, the purpose and understanding of the loan agreement parties and standardized loan agreements used in international practice are examined. In addition to that, it has been also studied whether the important provisions of loan agreements are applicable and in force under Turkish Law.
Negotiation is present in every part of our lives. With regard to the legal aspect of negotiation, negotiation process is when the parties start their relationship which may last for years. That's why; negotiation is a very difficult process. In addition to that, as the subject of loan agreements negotiations is money, the negotiation of loan agreements is even more difficult. The purpose of this study is examination of the loan agreements prepared by Loan Market Association which are used in international practice and facilitate the negotiation process. Within this scope, the purpose and understanding of the loan agreement parties and standardized loan agreements used in international practice are examined. In addition to that, it has been also studied whether the important provisions of loan agreements are applicable and in force under Turkish Law.