Contact with the 'Other': Perceptions of the Greeks about the Turks after the Turkish-Greek rapprochement
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Milli inşa prosedürü sonucunda, Yunanlar Türkler hakkında bazı stereotipler oluşturdular. Yunan tarihi, eğitimi ve medyasında, Türkler olumsuz bir biçimde veya `Öteki' olarak sunuluyor. Fakat 1999'dan itibaren Türk-Yunan İlişkilerinde yeni bir dönem başladı. Hem devlet hem de sivil toplum düzeyinde iki taraf arasında temaslar arttı. Ege'nin her iki tarafından gelen insanlar birbirleriyle tanışmaya başladı. Türkler hakkında Yunanlar'ın aklına iyice yerleşmiş olumsuz algılamalar yer almaya devam ettiği halde, iki halkın ortak insancılığına ve unsurlarını vurgulanmış olan temaslarını, etkileşimlerini ve de algılamalarını; kuşkulanma ve itiraz etme gücü varmış gibi görünüyor. Bu sürecin sonucunda, bazı Yunanlar, milliyetçi önyargılarını aşmaya başladılar.
As a result of nation-building process, Greeks have formed certain stereotypes about the Turks. In Greek history, education and media, the Turks are presented as the significant negative `other?. However after 1999, there is a new era in Greek-Turkish Relations. Contacts between the two parts increased in governmental as well as societal level. People from both sides of the Aegean got to know each other. Even though well-established negative perceptions about the Turks persist in the minds of the Greeks, it seems that contacts and interactions which are based on the common humanity of the two people and make their commonalities come to the forth, have the potential to challenge and question these perceptions. As a result of this process, some Greeks start to move beyond nationalistic stereotypes.
As a result of nation-building process, Greeks have formed certain stereotypes about the Turks. In Greek history, education and media, the Turks are presented as the significant negative `other?. However after 1999, there is a new era in Greek-Turkish Relations. Contacts between the two parts increased in governmental as well as societal level. People from both sides of the Aegean got to know each other. Even though well-established negative perceptions about the Turks persist in the minds of the Greeks, it seems that contacts and interactions which are based on the common humanity of the two people and make their commonalities come to the forth, have the potential to challenge and question these perceptions. As a result of this process, some Greeks start to move beyond nationalistic stereotypes.