Bağımsız denetim sürecinde iç kontrole dair döngü yaklaşımının uygulanması
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Firmalarda yapılan hileler firmaları finansal ve finansal olmayan şekilde etkilemektedir. Gerçekleştirilen hileler sonucunda firmalar büyük miktarda para yitirmekte ve itibar kaybı yaşamaktadır. Bu sebeple mali konular ile ilgili yapılan denetim faaliyetleri ve operasyonlara ilişkin kontrol süreçleri oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Kontrol kavramını denetim kavramından ayıran en belirgin özellik kontrol faaliyetlerinin firma yönetimine bağlı bir şekilde devam etmesidir. Firmalar ekonomilerin en önemli ajanları olmaları dolayısıyla doğal olarak bunlarda meydana gelen değişim ve gelişmelerden en çok etkilenen birimler haline gelmişlerdir. Özellikle yaşanan büyük şirket skandalları firmalara karşı bir güvensizlik ortamı oluşturmuştur. Bu güvensizlik karşısında bağımsız denetim faaliyetlerine ilişkin düzenlemeler firma yönetimlerine farklı ve yeni düzenleme ve sorumluluklar getirmiştir. Bu çalışmada da denetim ve iç kontrol süreçleri anlatıldıktan sonra hasılat, satın alma, muhasebe ve insan kaynakları döngüleri incelenmiştir. İlgili döngüler hakkında genel bilgiler verildikten sonra, döngü yaklaşımında belgelerin toplanması ve uygulanması konuları ele alınmıştır.
ABSTRACT: Fraud in companies affects the companies in both financial and non-financial ways. Fraud causes companies not only to lose large amounts of money, but also to lose reputation. Hence, audit activities regarding financial issues and control processes regarding operations are vital. The most distinctive feature that separates the control from the audit is that the control activities executed depending on the company management. As companies are the most important agents of the economies, the economic changes affect the companies and especially the big companies falling into a difficult situation also affects the economy. Accordingly, as it has been experienced, large company scandals have created an environment of distrust towards companies. In the face of this insecurity, regulations on independent audit activities have brought different and new regulations and responsibilities to company management. In this study, after the audit and internal control processes are explained, revenue, purchasing, accounting and human resources cycles are analyzed. After general information about the relevant cycles is introduced, the collecting of documents and application of cycle approach are discussed.
ABSTRACT: Fraud in companies affects the companies in both financial and non-financial ways. Fraud causes companies not only to lose large amounts of money, but also to lose reputation. Hence, audit activities regarding financial issues and control processes regarding operations are vital. The most distinctive feature that separates the control from the audit is that the control activities executed depending on the company management. As companies are the most important agents of the economies, the economic changes affect the companies and especially the big companies falling into a difficult situation also affects the economy. Accordingly, as it has been experienced, large company scandals have created an environment of distrust towards companies. In the face of this insecurity, regulations on independent audit activities have brought different and new regulations and responsibilities to company management. In this study, after the audit and internal control processes are explained, revenue, purchasing, accounting and human resources cycles are analyzed. After general information about the relevant cycles is introduced, the collecting of documents and application of cycle approach are discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Döngü, Bağımsız Denetim, İç Denetim, İç Kontrol, Döngü Yaklaşımı, Cycle, Independent Audit, Internal Audit, Internal Control, Cycle Approach