Accessibility from right based approach: The case of arts institutions
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, müzeler, galeriler, kültürel merkezler gibi sanat kurumlarında engelli kişiler için sağlanan erişilebilirlik uygulamalarına hak temelli bir perspektiften bakmayı amaçlar. Çalışmanın 3 katmanı vardır. İlki; engelli hakları mücadelesinin günümüze kadar gelen engelliliğe dair bakışa etkisini incelemeye çalışır. Bunu yaparken de engelliliğe bakışı temelden değiştiren Engelli Hakları Sözleşmesinden bahseder ve “ayrımcılık yasağı”, “erişilebilirlik”, “evrensel dizayn” ve “makul uyumlaştırma” gibi Sözleşmenin getirdiği kilit kavramları açıklar. İkinci katmanda; kültürel hayata katılım ve çalışma ve istihdam hakları doğrultusunda, sanat kurumlarına erişilebilirlik; izleyici, sanatçı ve kurum çalışanı erişme olarak 3 ayırır ve her bir kategori için sanat kurumlarında ne tür erişilebilirlik uygulamaları var bunu tartışır. Üçüncü katmanda tüm bu tartışmaları Türkiye özelinde ve Türkiye’deki pratiklere bakarak yeniden yapar. Tezin odak grubunu engeli izleyiciler, sanatçılar ve kurum çalışanları oluştururken, odak alanını sanat kurumları oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden derinlemesine mülakatlara dayanarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın ana argümanı; engelli kişilerin haklarına dair kurumlarda gelişen farkındalığın, bu kurumları engelli kişilere tam erişilebilirlik sağlamaya yöneltmiyor olduğu, diğer yandan da engelli izleyici, sanatçı ve çalışanlardaki haklara dair farkındalığın, bu kişileri kültürel hayata katılım ve çalışma hakları için savunuculuk yapmalarına yol açmadığıdır.
This study examines accessibility practices for people with disabilities in art institutions such as museums, galleries and cultural centres from a rights-based perspective. There are 3 layers of this study. First; it assesses the effect of the rights movement of people with disabilities from the perspective of disability. In doing so, the thesis mentions the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which fundamentally altered the general understanding of disability, and explains the key concepts of the Convention, such as “non-discrimination”, “accessibility” and “universal design”. In the second layer of this study; in the context of the right to participation in cultural life and to right to work, access to art institutions is divided into three topics as accessing as audiences, artists and employees and discusses what kinds of accessibility practices exist in art institutions for each category. In the third layer, approach to accessibility and accessibility practices in Turkey are examined. The focus group of the thesis consists of audiences, artists and employees of the institution and focus area consists of arts institutions. This study is based on qualitative methods and in-depth interviews. The main argument of this study is that even though there is a certain level of awareness about the rights of people with disabilities developed within the institutions, their awareness does not project onto providing full accessibility for people with disabilities. On the other hand, the awareness of audiences, artists and employees does not result in these groups of people to be more actively involved in acts of advocacy for their right to participate in cultural life and right to work.
This study examines accessibility practices for people with disabilities in art institutions such as museums, galleries and cultural centres from a rights-based perspective. There are 3 layers of this study. First; it assesses the effect of the rights movement of people with disabilities from the perspective of disability. In doing so, the thesis mentions the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which fundamentally altered the general understanding of disability, and explains the key concepts of the Convention, such as “non-discrimination”, “accessibility” and “universal design”. In the second layer of this study; in the context of the right to participation in cultural life and to right to work, access to art institutions is divided into three topics as accessing as audiences, artists and employees and discusses what kinds of accessibility practices exist in art institutions for each category. In the third layer, approach to accessibility and accessibility practices in Turkey are examined. The focus group of the thesis consists of audiences, artists and employees of the institution and focus area consists of arts institutions. This study is based on qualitative methods and in-depth interviews. The main argument of this study is that even though there is a certain level of awareness about the rights of people with disabilities developed within the institutions, their awareness does not project onto providing full accessibility for people with disabilities. On the other hand, the awareness of audiences, artists and employees does not result in these groups of people to be more actively involved in acts of advocacy for their right to participate in cultural life and right to work.