Investments and politics: The Turkish-Greek case
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Küreselleşen ekonomi çerçevesinde, ekonomik işbirliği, ülkeler arası ikili ilişlikerin düzeltilmesi için alternatif olarak sunulmuştur. Bu tez, bu görüşün Türk-Yunan ilişkileri üzerindeki uygulamasını, yabancı doğrudan yatırımlar konusunda yoğunlaşarak inceler. İki ülke arasındaki ilişkilerin politik ve finansal bağlamda gelişmesi, 'her alanda rekabet' modelinin işbirliği ve finans sektöründeki dayanışmaya doğru kaymasını sağlamıştır. Bu değişim, tezin ikinci kısmında incelenen, ikili yatırımları düzenleyen yasal çerçeve açısından çok açıktır. Her ne kadar mevcut yasal çerçeve daha yakın mali ilişkilerin kurulması için yeterli olsa da, bu tez, sağlam bir ilerlemenin, ekonomik işbirliğinin iki ülkede de dış politika karar mekanizmasında gerçek bir etki bırakmadan önce yapılması gerektiğini tartışır.
Economic cooperation in the context of a globalized economy has been proposed as an alternative means for the amelioration of bilateral relations between states. The present paper examines the application of this statement on Turkish-Greek relations, concentrating on the issue of foreign direct investments. An account of the evolution of political and financial ties between the two states shows the shift of paradigm from one of competition in every field to that of cooperation and interdependency in the financial sector. This shift is evident in the legal framework regulating bilateral investments, which is analyzed in the second part of the paper. Even though the existent legal framework is considered adequate for the establishment of closer financial ties, the paper argues that substantial progress needs to be made before economic cooperation can have any real effect on the decision making of foreign policy in both countries.
Economic cooperation in the context of a globalized economy has been proposed as an alternative means for the amelioration of bilateral relations between states. The present paper examines the application of this statement on Turkish-Greek relations, concentrating on the issue of foreign direct investments. An account of the evolution of political and financial ties between the two states shows the shift of paradigm from one of competition in every field to that of cooperation and interdependency in the financial sector. This shift is evident in the legal framework regulating bilateral investments, which is analyzed in the second part of the paper. Even though the existent legal framework is considered adequate for the establishment of closer financial ties, the paper argues that substantial progress needs to be made before economic cooperation can have any real effect on the decision making of foreign policy in both countries.