Reform at the United Nations Reconciling theory and practice
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Eylül 2005'te Birleşmiş Milletler'e üye ülkelerin biraraya geldiği zirvenin gündemini belirleyen Genel-Sekreter raporu dünyanın karşı karşıya kaldığı yeni tehditlere dair bir saptama yaparak BM reformu çerçevesinde geniş çaplı bir dizi öneri sundu. Bu zirvede temel ilkeler üzerinde bir görüşbirliğine varıldı. Genel Sekreter raporu ve zirve sonuç bildirgesinde uluslararası ilişkilerin nasıl olduğu ve nasıl olması gerektiğine dair birtakım tespitlerden yola çıkıldı. Bu bağlamda BM'de reform pratiğindeki tartışmalarda gerçekçi ve normatif kaygıların birlikte ele alındığı ve bu çerçevede bir dönüşüm öngörüldüğünü söyleyebiliriz. Bu tezin temel iddiası BM'de reform tartışmasında gelinen noktanın hem dünya politikasının gerçekliği üzerinde hem de dönüşümün hangi yöne doğru olması gerektiği üzerinde bir görüşbirliğinin var olduğu ve bu dönüşümü kuramsal açıdan anlayabilmek için gerçekçilik-idealizm ikiliğinin aşılması gerektiğidir. Bu uzlaşmayı sağlayan yaklaşım ise E. H. Carr'ın gerçekçilik-idealizm ikiliği arasındaki ilişkiden türettiği sağlıklı siyasi düşünce kavramıdır
The Report of the Secretary-General `In larger freedom? had set the agenda of the summit meeting of September 2005, which brought together all United Nations member states. The report has put forward a reform agenda for the United Nations. Both the Report of the Secretary-General and the Summit Outcome Document based their proposals for reform on an analysis of the consequences of changing dynamics of international politics, the nature of new and existing threats and an idea of how the international system should address these challenges. The agenda of the UN reform explains how the concept of sovereignty and the idea of collective security are evolving and the ways in which these concepts can be institutionalized within the current Charter system. The way the reports combine the reality of world politics with some bold ideals, both illuminates the way the international politics is evolving and ought to evolve. In this respect, the discussion of reform embodied in these documents has both realist and normative concerns. The argument of this thesis is that the theories of international politics are short of conceptualizing both aspects of reform process because they are either realist/rationalist or idealist/normative. To reconcile the consensus realized at the practical level with the controversy in the theoretical level, it is necessary to go beyond realist-idealist dichotomy. The aim of the thesis is to assert how the reform process at the United Nations can be conceptualized by E.H. Carrs concept of sound political thinking which is derived from the relationship between realism and idealism.
The Report of the Secretary-General `In larger freedom? had set the agenda of the summit meeting of September 2005, which brought together all United Nations member states. The report has put forward a reform agenda for the United Nations. Both the Report of the Secretary-General and the Summit Outcome Document based their proposals for reform on an analysis of the consequences of changing dynamics of international politics, the nature of new and existing threats and an idea of how the international system should address these challenges. The agenda of the UN reform explains how the concept of sovereignty and the idea of collective security are evolving and the ways in which these concepts can be institutionalized within the current Charter system. The way the reports combine the reality of world politics with some bold ideals, both illuminates the way the international politics is evolving and ought to evolve. In this respect, the discussion of reform embodied in these documents has both realist and normative concerns. The argument of this thesis is that the theories of international politics are short of conceptualizing both aspects of reform process because they are either realist/rationalist or idealist/normative. To reconcile the consensus realized at the practical level with the controversy in the theoretical level, it is necessary to go beyond realist-idealist dichotomy. The aim of the thesis is to assert how the reform process at the United Nations can be conceptualized by E.H. Carrs concept of sound political thinking which is derived from the relationship between realism and idealism.