Online game culture in turkish new media
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Sanal gerçekliğin sosyo-politik düzlemde ele alındığı bu çalışmada, Türkiye’deki online oyun kitlesinin oyunlardaki ritüelleri temel alınarak Türk oyun kültürünün yapısı incelenmektedir. Çalışmada Türkiye’de bir oyun milletinin var olup olmadığı incelenirken, bu soruya yanıt bulmak için hangi oyunların neden oynandığı ele alınmaktadır. Bu süre zarfında ise Huizinga tarafından ortaya konan “Homo Ludens (Oyun oynayan insan)”kavramı göz önünde tutulmakta ve oyun kitlesinin kendilerini temsil süreci ise Barthes’ın bakış açısından incelenmektedir.
The proposed research is a mediated political study of to find out the new formations of nations on virtual reality. My study mainly focuses on the process of producing rituals of online game communities. More specifically, my research has two objectives: (1) to find the answer “Is there a game nation in Turkey?” (2) to examine which games are being played mostly in the last one year by whom. Moreover this I am going to examine the social gamers and their addictions to social games.In my research, I will determine which games are played in Turkey mostly which will then make possible to examine the players and new nations. During this period I will keep in mind the term “Homo Ludens” (Huizinga).From this I develop methods for a critical method wherein games are considered to be metaphors. I conclude with a discussion of this method’s implications for game communities and game design from the view of Roland Barthes.
The proposed research is a mediated political study of to find out the new formations of nations on virtual reality. My study mainly focuses on the process of producing rituals of online game communities. More specifically, my research has two objectives: (1) to find the answer “Is there a game nation in Turkey?” (2) to examine which games are being played mostly in the last one year by whom. Moreover this I am going to examine the social gamers and their addictions to social games.In my research, I will determine which games are played in Turkey mostly which will then make possible to examine the players and new nations. During this period I will keep in mind the term “Homo Ludens” (Huizinga).From this I develop methods for a critical method wherein games are considered to be metaphors. I conclude with a discussion of this method’s implications for game communities and game design from the view of Roland Barthes.