Shadow banking system and its role in 2008 Financial Crisis
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma gölge bankacılık sisteminin 2008 finansal krizindeki rolünü araştırmaktadır. Bu amaçla gölge bankacılık sistemi ve 2008 finansal krizinin nedenleri detaylı şekilde açıklanmıştır. Her ne kadar literatürde sistemin kesin bir tanımlaması olmasa ve sistemin büyüklüğü tanıma göre değişse de, gölge bankacılık sistemi bütün finansal sistemin önemli bir parçasını oluşturur ve gölge bankacılık krizden sonraki dönemde literatürde önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada 2008 finansal krizi ve gölge bankacılık arasındaki ilişki öncelikle literatürde geçmiş dönemde yapılan çalışmalar ile değerlendirilir sonra ise gölge bankacılığın krizde Amerikan ekonomisinde etkileri ampirik çalışma değerlendirilir. Söz konusu amprik çalışmada vektör otoregresif model (VAR) uygulanmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: gölge bankacılık, konvansiyonel (geleneksel) bankacılık, 2008 finansal kriz
This study investigates the role of the shadow banking system in the 2008 global financial crisis. To this end, shadow banking system and the reasons of the 2008 financial crisis are explained in detail. Although there isn't an exact definition for the shadow banking system in literature and the size of the system changes according to the definition, the shadow banking system constitutes an important part of the total financial system and it has gained importance in literature since the 2008 crisis. In this paper, firstly, the relationship between the 2008 financial crisis and shadow banking is presented via the results of previous studies in literature and then the results of an empirical study discussing the effects of shadow banking in US economy in 2008 crisis is evaluated. In this study vector autoregressive analysis (VAR) is employed. Keywords: shadow banking, conventional (traditional) banking, 2008 financial crisis
This study investigates the role of the shadow banking system in the 2008 global financial crisis. To this end, shadow banking system and the reasons of the 2008 financial crisis are explained in detail. Although there isn't an exact definition for the shadow banking system in literature and the size of the system changes according to the definition, the shadow banking system constitutes an important part of the total financial system and it has gained importance in literature since the 2008 crisis. In this paper, firstly, the relationship between the 2008 financial crisis and shadow banking is presented via the results of previous studies in literature and then the results of an empirical study discussing the effects of shadow banking in US economy in 2008 crisis is evaluated. In this study vector autoregressive analysis (VAR) is employed. Keywords: shadow banking, conventional (traditional) banking, 2008 financial crisis