Helîm Yûsiv'ın edebi dünyasında beden ve iktidar
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Helîm Yûsiv'ın edebi dünyasında büyülü gerçeklik gerek bireyin gerekse Kürt halkının modernite karşısındaki ötekileştirilmesini anlatan başat tür olarak karşımıza çıkar. Yazar büyülü gerçekliği edebi eserlerine uygularken de kurgusunun merkezine bedeni alır. Bedeni ele alırken de bedenin dıştan gördüğümüz göz, burun, kulak, bacak, el, kol gibi parçalarını alıp grotesk olarak kullanır. Bu bağlamda bedenin biçimsizleşerek ucubeleştiğini görürüz. Bu grotesk beden kurgusunu her eserinde farklı bir şekilde kullanan yazar özellikle Ölüler Uyumaz adlı öyküsünde, Sobarto ve Dişsiz Korku adlı romanlarında bel imgesini kullanıp bu imgeyi bedenin diğer parçalarının üzerine taşıyarak kurgunun belkemiği haline getirir. Ağrı bel imgesini tanımamızı sağlayan tamamlayıcı imge olarak belirir. Bu ağrı salgın, kalıtsal nitelikte olup alegorik anlamlar da taşır. Ancak belin ağrımasının asıl nedeni özünde bireyin, temsili olarak da toplumun bedeninde öteki olmanın kaldırılamaz ağırlığıdır. Bedenin bel bölgesine baktığımızda, bel hem iktidarı hem de iktidar düzeneği olan cinselliği sembolize eder. Metinde kullanılan iktidar ve cinsellik metaforları bel ile ilgili dildeki deyimler ve folklorik söylemlerle uyum içindedir. İktidara ait her düzenek eserlerdeki kahramanların belinde ağrı olarak kendini dışavurur, o ağrının ardından cinselliğin dillendirildiği görülür. Yaşayan ölü teması, delilik mefhumu ve başkalaşım motifi iktidara karşı üç farklı strateji olarak ortaya çıkar. Yaşayan ölü iktidarın yaşam ve ölüm hakkını elinden alırken, delilik mefhumu iktidarın mekanizmalarından sıyrılarak hakikati dillendirirken, başkalaşım motifiyle de iktidarın maskesi düşürülür. Bu üç stratejiye karşın metinlerdeki kadınların bedeninin beyaz renk ile nitelendirilmesi, beyaz-siyah ayrımını hatırlatıp ötekinin kollektif bilinçdışında iktidar olma arzusunu gösterir. Böylece bir yanıyla iktidara karşı dururken diğer yanıyla da iktidarın yanından duran yapı iktidarın ezen-ezilen ikileminden çok iktidarın bedene nüfuz ettiğini, bedene içkin olduğunu gösterir. Anahtar sözcükler: Kürt edebiyatı, grotesk beden, bel imgesi, biyoiktidar
agical realism in Helim Yûsivs works appears as a literary device narrating both the individual and Kurdish societys becoming other in front of modernity. The author, applying magical realism in his works, takes the body into the heart of his fiction. By taking the body into consideration, he uses grotesquely the outer body organs, like the eyes, nose, ears, legs, hands and arms. In this context, we witness how the body becomes freaky through deformation. The author, who always takes this grotesque body fiction in a different way, particularly in his story The Dead Don?t Sleep, and his novels, Sobarto and Fear Without Teeth uses mostly the image of ?the back?, putting it onto the other body parts and thus turning it into the backbone of his narration. Moreover, pain appears as a complementary image which helps us recognize the image of back. This epidemic and genetic pain has allegorical meanings, as well. However the main reason for the back pain is the heaviness of being other, essentially in the body of individual, which in this case is representative of the society. While looking at the position of the back on the body, we can say that it apparently symbolizes power and also sexuality as a power disposition. Power and sexuality metaphors used in his works are relevant to the idioms and folkloric speeches uttered in the language about the back. Every disposition belonging to power becomes manifest as a pain on characters backs. Moreover, we see ,after this pain, what comes next is always sexuality. The theme of the living dead, the notion of madness and the motif of metamorphosis appear as three different strategies against power. While the living dead takes away the right of death and life, the notion of madness narrates the truth escaping through the mechanisms of power, and with the metamorphosis motif the author unmasks power and makes everything more apparent. Besides these three strategies, qualifying womens body with white color reminding us of the distinction made between black-white also shows us how the others desire to sieze power settles in the collective unconscious. Consequently, the structure which on the one hand struggles against power on the other hand collaborates with power, thus revealing that rather than the dichotomy of oppressor-oppressed, it is much more about its influences on the body, in other words, it is mainly related to the body. Key words: Kurdish literature, grotesque body, the image of back, bio-power
agical realism in Helim Yûsivs works appears as a literary device narrating both the individual and Kurdish societys becoming other in front of modernity. The author, applying magical realism in his works, takes the body into the heart of his fiction. By taking the body into consideration, he uses grotesquely the outer body organs, like the eyes, nose, ears, legs, hands and arms. In this context, we witness how the body becomes freaky through deformation. The author, who always takes this grotesque body fiction in a different way, particularly in his story The Dead Don?t Sleep, and his novels, Sobarto and Fear Without Teeth uses mostly the image of ?the back?, putting it onto the other body parts and thus turning it into the backbone of his narration. Moreover, pain appears as a complementary image which helps us recognize the image of back. This epidemic and genetic pain has allegorical meanings, as well. However the main reason for the back pain is the heaviness of being other, essentially in the body of individual, which in this case is representative of the society. While looking at the position of the back on the body, we can say that it apparently symbolizes power and also sexuality as a power disposition. Power and sexuality metaphors used in his works are relevant to the idioms and folkloric speeches uttered in the language about the back. Every disposition belonging to power becomes manifest as a pain on characters backs. Moreover, we see ,after this pain, what comes next is always sexuality. The theme of the living dead, the notion of madness and the motif of metamorphosis appear as three different strategies against power. While the living dead takes away the right of death and life, the notion of madness narrates the truth escaping through the mechanisms of power, and with the metamorphosis motif the author unmasks power and makes everything more apparent. Besides these three strategies, qualifying womens body with white color reminding us of the distinction made between black-white also shows us how the others desire to sieze power settles in the collective unconscious. Consequently, the structure which on the one hand struggles against power on the other hand collaborates with power, thus revealing that rather than the dichotomy of oppressor-oppressed, it is much more about its influences on the body, in other words, it is mainly related to the body. Key words: Kurdish literature, grotesque body, the image of back, bio-power