The modern and the types of gothic ambivalence The theory of the gothic from the modern to the postmodern
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma, modernlik ile on sekizinci ve on dokuzuncu yüzyıl İngiliz gotik romanının karşılıklı ilişkisi üzerinde durmaktadır. Konuyla ilgili kısa romanlar ile öyküler de içeriğe dahil edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, modernliğin doğasını, gotik roman içerisinde yansıtıldığı hâliyle sosyolojik ve psikanalitik bakış açıları üzerinden açıklamaktır. Burada üzerinde önemle durulan kavram, Gotiğin içkin özelliği olduğu iddia edilmiş olan müphemliktir. `Gotik' terimiyle anlatılmak istenen, Gotlar, gotik mekan, gotik mimari ve gotik karakterler gibi, gotik olduğu için müphem bir doğası olan unsurlardır. Bu çerçevede müphemlik, modern ya o/ya bu koşullarıyla temsil edilen kesinliğe karşılık, ne o/ne bu koşullarıyla temsil edilen belirsizliğin alanıdır. İngiliz gotik romanının ortaya çıkışı ile modernliğin yükselişi eşzamanlıdır. Bu çalışma da buna bağlı olarak, modernliğin yükselişi ile gotik romanın yükselişi arasındaki paralelliği yorumlamayı amaçlar. Fransız Devrimi ve Terör Dönemi de modernliğin doğasını gösterdiklerinden, Gotik ile ilişkili olarak ele alınmışlardır. Gotik, ölüm, ölümsüzlük ve modernlik arasındaki ilişki, korku kavramını açıklamakta önemli bir rol üstlenmiştir. Gotik romanlardaki farklı unsurlar, uygarlık ve barbarlık, kültür ve doğa, akıl ve inanç gibi modern paradoksların yansımaları olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
This study focuses on the correlation between modernity and the British gothic novel of the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. Novellas, novelettes and short stories concerning the subject are also included. The study aims to explain the nature of modernity as reflected in the gothic novel, through sociological and psychoanalytical perspectives. The main emphasis is on the notion of ambivalence which is claimed here to be the immanent characteristic of the Gothic. What is meant by the term `the Gothic? comprises of every element that has a gothic and therefore an ambivalent nature, like the Goths, the gothic space, gothic architecture and gothic characters. Ambivalence within this framework is considered to be the realm of uncertainty that is represented by neither/nor conditions as opposed to the realm of certainty represented by modern either/or conditions. The emergence of the British gothic novel is synchronized with the rise of modernity. Accordingly, the study seeks to interpret the parallelism between the rise of modernity and the rise of the gothic novel in the eighteenth century. The French Revolution and the Reign of Terror are considered to be connected with the Gothic, for they represent the nature of modernity. The relation between the Gothic, death, immortality and modernity occupies an important role in this study in order to explain the notion of fear. Various elements in gothic novels are evaluated as reflections of the modern paradoxes of civilization and barbarism, culture and nature, and reason and belief.
This study focuses on the correlation between modernity and the British gothic novel of the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. Novellas, novelettes and short stories concerning the subject are also included. The study aims to explain the nature of modernity as reflected in the gothic novel, through sociological and psychoanalytical perspectives. The main emphasis is on the notion of ambivalence which is claimed here to be the immanent characteristic of the Gothic. What is meant by the term `the Gothic? comprises of every element that has a gothic and therefore an ambivalent nature, like the Goths, the gothic space, gothic architecture and gothic characters. Ambivalence within this framework is considered to be the realm of uncertainty that is represented by neither/nor conditions as opposed to the realm of certainty represented by modern either/or conditions. The emergence of the British gothic novel is synchronized with the rise of modernity. Accordingly, the study seeks to interpret the parallelism between the rise of modernity and the rise of the gothic novel in the eighteenth century. The French Revolution and the Reign of Terror are considered to be connected with the Gothic, for they represent the nature of modernity. The relation between the Gothic, death, immortality and modernity occupies an important role in this study in order to explain the notion of fear. Various elements in gothic novels are evaluated as reflections of the modern paradoxes of civilization and barbarism, culture and nature, and reason and belief.