Otizm Riski Görülen Bir Olgu ile Erken Dönem Gelişimsel Destek Çalışması
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Nesne Psikoloji Dergis
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Özet: Otizm yaygın olarak sosyal etkileşim ve iletişimde eksiklik ile tekrarlayıcı, tuhaf hareketlerin varlığı ile tarif edilmektedir. Özellikle sosyo-duygusal gelişimde belirgin bir aksama görülmektedir. Sosyo-duygusal gelişimin uyarılmasında (ilişki arzusunu uyandırmak ve geliştirmek, benlik algısını oluşturmak ve geliştirmek, sözel iletişimi uyarmak) oyun ve sanat temelli psikoterapinin işlevsel olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu makale, otistik gelişimi düşündüren belirtilerin saptanması ile başlanan gelişimsel değerlendirme ve destek çalışmalarını içermektedir. Gelişimsel destek çalışması kapsamında 19 aylık erkek çocuğu olan olgu ile gerçekleştirilen 60 seanslık (19.-39. aylar arasında) süreçte, gelişimin oyun/sanat terapisi yöntemleriyle desteklendiği psikoterapi seanslarının yanı sıra, annesi ile eşzamanlı olarak seanslar sürdürülmüştür. Çalışma; kuramsal yaklaşım, formülasyon ve uygulama teknikleri açısından psikodinamik temelde tanımlanmıştır. Ailenin gözlemleri ve özellikle annenin çocuğu tutabilme ve taşıyabilme gücünde sağlanan dönüşüm ve iyileşmeler de psikodinamik formülasyonla değerlendirilmiştir. 60 seans sonunda Y.K.’nın göz göze gelmekten çekinmediği, kendini ifade etmek için arzu duymaya başladığı, kelime dağarcığının geliştiği, oyunlarının çeşitlendiği, bağımsızlaşma yolunda ilerlediği ve öznenin gelişimi bağlamında önemli noktalardan biri olan, yaratıcılığını ortaya koyabildiği gözlenmiştir. Bu olgu sunumunun, otizmde erken belirtilerin tanınması, gelişimin ilişki yoluyla, oyun ve sanat aracılığıyla uyarılarak desteklenmesi ve ailenin çalışmada sistemli biçimde ele alınması yönünden önerici bir uygulama olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Abstract: Autism is generally defined in terms of a lack of social interaction and communication, as well as a presence of repetitive and bizarre behaviors. Developmental differences are commonly seen in the social-emotional domain. It is thought that play and art-based psychotherapy will be functional in stimulating social-emotional development; to awaken and enhance the desire for relationship, to form and improve the sense of self, and to stimulate social communication. This case study is about a 19-month-old boy with early autistic symptoms. 60- session developmental support included an evaluation that begins with the identification of signs of autistic development, and play and/or art therapy techniques. Also, psychotherapy sessions with his mother were conducted correspondingly. The therapeutic work was grounded on psychodynamic theory, formulation and techniques. The observations of the family, and especially transformation and improvement in the mother’s holding and handling capacity were evaluated through psychodynamic formulation. At the end of 60 sessions, it was observed that Y.K. was no longer hesitant to make eye contact, he felt a desire to express himself, his vocabulary was improved, his plays were elaborated, he made progress on his individuation, and he could express his creative potential which is important for the development of the self. This case study suggests a therapeutic practice, which involves identifying prodromal autistic symptoms, supporting development through socioemotional stimulation (via play and art, through child-therapist interaction) and addressing the family in a systematic way.
Abstract: Autism is generally defined in terms of a lack of social interaction and communication, as well as a presence of repetitive and bizarre behaviors. Developmental differences are commonly seen in the social-emotional domain. It is thought that play and art-based psychotherapy will be functional in stimulating social-emotional development; to awaken and enhance the desire for relationship, to form and improve the sense of self, and to stimulate social communication. This case study is about a 19-month-old boy with early autistic symptoms. 60- session developmental support included an evaluation that begins with the identification of signs of autistic development, and play and/or art therapy techniques. Also, psychotherapy sessions with his mother were conducted correspondingly. The therapeutic work was grounded on psychodynamic theory, formulation and techniques. The observations of the family, and especially transformation and improvement in the mother’s holding and handling capacity were evaluated through psychodynamic formulation. At the end of 60 sessions, it was observed that Y.K. was no longer hesitant to make eye contact, he felt a desire to express himself, his vocabulary was improved, his plays were elaborated, he made progress on his individuation, and he could express his creative potential which is important for the development of the self. This case study suggests a therapeutic practice, which involves identifying prodromal autistic symptoms, supporting development through socioemotional stimulation (via play and art, through child-therapist interaction) and addressing the family in a systematic way.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Otizm, erken belirtiler, sosyoduygusal gelişim, oyun terapisi, Autism, early symptoms, socialemotional development, play therapy
Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi