Arkiteksonik: Mekan-zamanın ses aracılıgıyla genislemis alanının tektoniği
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu çalışma, müzik ve/ya mimarlık eğitimi almış, sesi malzeme olarak kullanan, mekanı ses aracılığıyla sorunsallaştıran çağdaş sanatçıların yapıtları üzerine bir incelemedir. Çalışma, sanat üretimini ses ile mekan-zaman arasındaki etkileşim üzerinde temellendiren sanatçıların yapıtlarını mimarideki tektonik kavramı ile analiz eder. Çalışmada, söz konusu etkileşimi ses sanatı, ses enstalasyonları, ses peyzajı, vb. kavramlardan daha kapsamlı ifade eden —arkitektonik ve sonik kelimelerinden türetilmiş— arkiteksonik kavramı önerilmiştir. Çalışma, arkiteksoniğin birleştirici doğasını Rosalind E. Krauss’un “genişlemiş alan” kuramından hareketle bağlam ve deneyim kavramları üzerinden analiz ederek diyagramlaştırır. Ortaya koyduğu analitik eksenlerin gerçekleştirilemez idealleştirmeler olduğunun farkında olan çalışma sonuçta, tüm arkiteksonik yapıtların son diyagramda görselleştirilen bu eksenlerin aralarında konumlanan melez, karmaşık, heterojen üretimler olduğunu belirtir.
ABSTRACT: This study is a research on the works of contemporary artists that received musical and/or architectural education, use sound as a material, and problematize the space via sound. The study analyzes the works of the artists whose artistic productions are based on the interaction between sound and space-time via the concept of tectonics borrowed from architecture. In the study, architecsonics —derived from “architectonics” and “sonic”— is coined as a new concept which identifies this interaction more comprehensively than the concepts like sound art, sound installation, soundscape, etc. The study diagrams the integrative nature of architecsonics analyzing via the concepts of context and experience with reference to Rosalind E. Krauss’s theory of “expanded field”. Consequently, the study indicates that all works of architecsonics are hybrid, complex and heterogenous productions which are posited between the axialities presented in the final diagram, recognizing that these analytical axialities are unrealizable idealisations.
ABSTRACT: This study is a research on the works of contemporary artists that received musical and/or architectural education, use sound as a material, and problematize the space via sound. The study analyzes the works of the artists whose artistic productions are based on the interaction between sound and space-time via the concept of tectonics borrowed from architecture. In the study, architecsonics —derived from “architectonics” and “sonic”— is coined as a new concept which identifies this interaction more comprehensively than the concepts like sound art, sound installation, soundscape, etc. The study diagrams the integrative nature of architecsonics analyzing via the concepts of context and experience with reference to Rosalind E. Krauss’s theory of “expanded field”. Consequently, the study indicates that all works of architecsonics are hybrid, complex and heterogenous productions which are posited between the axialities presented in the final diagram, recognizing that these analytical axialities are unrealizable idealisations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ses sanatı, Mekan-Zaman, Genişlemiş Alan, Tektonik, Yersiz yurtsuzlaşma, Sound art, Time-Space, Expanded Field, Tectonics, Deterritorialization