Mültecilerde psikososyal destek hizmeti kullanımı ve TSSB ve depresyon düzeylerinin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Amac?: Savas?lara bag?lı olarak ortaya çıkan zorunlu go?c?, mültecilerde hem maddi hem manevi kayıpları beraberinde getiren travmatik bir yas?antıdır. Ülkelerini kendi istekleri dıs?ında terk etmek zorunda kalan mu?ltecilerin hayatta kalma adına pek c?ok travmatik olayı deneyimlediği bilinmektedir (Demirbas? ve Bekarog?lu, 2013). Mültecilerde ruh sağlığı sorunları görülme oranının yüksek olmasına rağmen ruh sağlığına yönelik hizmet alma oranlarının düşük olduğu görülmektedir. Bu bag?lamda, bu c?alışmanın amacı mültecilerin hizmet kullanımı ve TSSB ve Depresyon düzeylerinin incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Yo?ntem: Araştırma Mart 2020 tarihinde Suriyeli göçmenlerin yoğun olarak yaşadıkları İstanbul’un Sultanbeyli ilçesinde mültecilere psikososyal destek hizmeti veren İstanbul Sultanbeyli Mülteciler Derneği’ne başvuran mültecilerden oluşan kesitsel bir araştırmadır. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan mültecilerin %16,5’inin depresyon, %10,9’unun ise TSSB tanısı aldıkları görülmüştür. Olası depresyon ve TSSB eş tanısı değerlendirildiğinde, katılımcıların %12,5’inde hem olası depresyon hem de olası TSSB tanısı birlikte görülmektedir. TSSB belirti şiddeti incelendiğinde, katılımcıların %18,7’sinde olası TSSB’nin görüldüğü saptanmıştır. Katılımcıların Mülteciler Derneği’nden aldıkları hizmetler ele alındığında, katılımcıların %68,4’ü sağlık, %61,6’sı tercüman desteği, %35’i hukuki danışmanlık, %30’u koruma birimi, %16,7’si mesleki eğitim, %13,3’ü psikolojik danışmanlık ve rehberlik birimi (PDR) alanında hizmet aldıkları görülmektedir. Sonuc?: Mültecilerin maruz kaldıkları travmatik olaylar nedeniyle ruh sağlığı sorunları geliştirme açısından risk taşımaktadır. Mültecilere yo?nelik ruh sag?lıg?ı hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesi ve psikososyal ve ruh sağlığı hizmetlerine erişimlerinin artırılması için hem mültecilerin bilgilendirilmesi hem de ruh sağlığı çalışanlarının kapasitelerini artırmaya yönelik c?alışmaların yapılması önemli olacaktır.
ABSTRACT: Objective: Forced migration due to wars is defined as a traumatic experience that brings both material and moral losses to refugees. It is known that refugees have experienced many traumatic events related to survival (Demirbaş & Bekaroğlu, 2013). It is observed that the rate of mental health problems in refugees is high, although the rate of receiving services for health care is low. In this context, the purpose of our study is to examine refugees' service use and PTSD and Depression levels. Method: This research is a cross-sectional study consisting of refugees who applied to the Istanbul Sultanbeyli Refugees Association, which provides psychosocial support services to the refugees in the Sultanbeyli district of Istanbul, where Syrian immigrants were densely populated in March 2020. Results: In the study, 210 refugees participated. It was observed that 16.5% of the participants were diagnosed with depression and 10.9% with PTSD. When the comorbidity of depression and PTSD diagnosis was evaluated, it was found that 12.5% of refugees were diagnosed with both psychological disorders. The examination of the severity of PTSD symptoms using the PCL-5 scale showed that 18.7% of the participants had possible PTSD. Considering the services that the participants receive from the Refugees Association, 68.4% of the participants are healthcare, 61.6% interpreter support, 35% legal counseling, 30% protection unit, 16.7% vocational training, 13.3% psychological It is seen that they receive service in the field of counseling and guidance unit (PDR). Conclusion: Refugees are among the risk group in developing mental health problems due to traumatic events. To improve mental health services for refugees and increase refugees' access to psychosocial and mental health services, it is critical to work on informing refugees and increasing the capacities of mental health professionals.
ABSTRACT: Objective: Forced migration due to wars is defined as a traumatic experience that brings both material and moral losses to refugees. It is known that refugees have experienced many traumatic events related to survival (Demirbaş & Bekaroğlu, 2013). It is observed that the rate of mental health problems in refugees is high, although the rate of receiving services for health care is low. In this context, the purpose of our study is to examine refugees' service use and PTSD and Depression levels. Method: This research is a cross-sectional study consisting of refugees who applied to the Istanbul Sultanbeyli Refugees Association, which provides psychosocial support services to the refugees in the Sultanbeyli district of Istanbul, where Syrian immigrants were densely populated in March 2020. Results: In the study, 210 refugees participated. It was observed that 16.5% of the participants were diagnosed with depression and 10.9% with PTSD. When the comorbidity of depression and PTSD diagnosis was evaluated, it was found that 12.5% of refugees were diagnosed with both psychological disorders. The examination of the severity of PTSD symptoms using the PCL-5 scale showed that 18.7% of the participants had possible PTSD. Considering the services that the participants receive from the Refugees Association, 68.4% of the participants are healthcare, 61.6% interpreter support, 35% legal counseling, 30% protection unit, 16.7% vocational training, 13.3% psychological It is seen that they receive service in the field of counseling and guidance unit (PDR). Conclusion: Refugees are among the risk group in developing mental health problems due to traumatic events. To improve mental health services for refugees and increase refugees' access to psychosocial and mental health services, it is critical to work on informing refugees and increasing the capacities of mental health professionals.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Refugee, Mental Health Service Use, Psychosocial Support Service Use, PTSD, Depression, Mülteci, Ruh Sağlığı Hizmeti Kullanımı, Psikososyal Destek Hizmeti kullanımı, TSSB, Depresyon