Representation of madness in film A foucauldian approach
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı psikiyatrinin öznesi olarak konumlandırılan psikiyatr ile nesnesi olarak konumlandırılan hasta arasındaki iletişimsizliğin olası neden ve sonuçlarını Foucault'un Düşünce Tarihi üzerine yaptığı çalışmalar ışığında ele almaktır. Çalışmanın bu bağlamdaki temel amacı bireyin toplumsal bir deneyime dönüşüm süreci ve öznenin düşünen, konuşan ve harekete geçen özne olarak kurulumunu görsel sanatların bir kolu olan sinema aracılığı ile tartışmaktır. Bu amaçla seçilen Gothika ve Twelve Monkeys isimli filmlerde bulunan özne ve nesne kurulumları analiz edilmiştir. Tartışılan konu psikiyatr ile akıl hastası arasındaki ilişkinin Hakikat Oyunları ile kurulduğu ve iki tarafın da toplumda kabul görmek için psikiyatrinin sınırları içinde hareket etme ve konuşma zorunluluğudur.
This study aims to investigate the reasons and consequences of the possible miscommunication between the psychiatrist as the subject and the patient as the object of psychiatry in the light of Foucaults studies on The History of Thought. The underlying effort of this study is, therefore, to think over the individuals transformation into a social experience and the constitution of subject as thinking, speaking and acting subject throughout the cinema as a visual and contextual tool. The formations of the object and the subject are examined in two films, Gothika and Twelve Monkeys. It is argued that the relationship between the psychiatrist and the patient is constituted by Games of Truth and both sides have to act and speak within the territories of psychiatry in order to be accepted by society.
This study aims to investigate the reasons and consequences of the possible miscommunication between the psychiatrist as the subject and the patient as the object of psychiatry in the light of Foucaults studies on The History of Thought. The underlying effort of this study is, therefore, to think over the individuals transformation into a social experience and the constitution of subject as thinking, speaking and acting subject throughout the cinema as a visual and contextual tool. The formations of the object and the subject are examined in two films, Gothika and Twelve Monkeys. It is argued that the relationship between the psychiatrist and the patient is constituted by Games of Truth and both sides have to act and speak within the territories of psychiatry in order to be accepted by society.