Mekanın diyalojisi Kent mekanı-Kent öznesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Sosyolojiden mimarlığa, felsefeden sinemaya kadar çeşitli akademik disiplin ve alanlarda mekan, her disiplinin kendi kavramsal çerçevesi bağlamında farklı açılardan ve biçimlerde tartışılmıştır. Uzun zaman boyunca Kartezyen felsefenin ve Öklid geometrisinin sınırları içinde mutlak ve apriori bir kavram olarak ele alınan mekan, özellikle postyapısalcılıkla başlayan ve mekansal dönem olarak adlandırılan süreçten günümüze değin tasarlanan, kurgulanan, kontrol edilen özellikleri ile birlikte toplumsal ve kültürel süreçlerle ilişkisi kapsamında da tartışılmaktadır. Mekan çalışmaları, mekanda gerçekleşen toplumsal ve kültürel süreçleri anlamak/anlamlandırmak ve hangi yöne seyredeceğine ilişkin bir bilgi ve yorum devşirmek için gerekli bir girişim olarak görülebilir. Kent mekanı ve kent öznesi arasındaki ilişkiyi açımlamaya odaklanan bu çalışma, özellikle mekan dönemi olarak adlandırılan, mekanın çeşitli akademik disiplinlere, postmodern ve postyapısalcılık tartışmalarına kaynaklık eden mekanın öznelliği çerçevesindeki kuramsal izlekler üzerinden temellendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, kent mekanı ile kent öznesinin karşılıklılık içerisinde birbirini kurduğu düşüncesinden hareket edilmektedir. Bir iktidar aracı ve alanı olarak işleyen kent mekanı öznel deneyim ve pratiklerle yeniden tanımlanmakta ve üretilmektedir. Mekan ve özne arasındaki ilişkinin çeşitli düzeydeki boyutları temelde mekan döneminin üç önemli kuramcısı olan Michel Foucault, Henri Lefebvre ve Michel de Certeaunun çalışmaları üzerinden Mikhail Bakhtinin diyaloji kavramsallaştırması çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır.
Space has been discussed from sociology to architecture, from philosophy to cinema and a variety of academic disciplines and areas; each from different perspectives and forms in the context of their own conceptual framework. For a long time, dealt within the limits of Euclidean geometry and Cartesian philosophy, space has been considered as an absolute and a priori concept. This established understanding of space has been questioned thanks to a new thinking encouraged by poststructuralism and referred to as `the spatial turn?. From then onwards, space has been discussed with its designed, constructed, controlled features, as well as in relation to social and cultural processes. Studies about space can be seen as a necessary initiative in order to understand the meaning/making sense of social and cultural processes realized in space and to interpret their future direction. Focusing on the relationship between urban space and urban subject, this study is grounded in the subjectivation of space framework which has led to the introduction of space to a variety of academic disciplines as well as to postmodern and poststructural debates, or the spatial turn. This study departs from the idea that urban space and urban subject reciprocally construct each other. Operating as an instrument and a field of power, urban space redefines and reproduces subjective experiences and practices. The dimensions at various levels of the relationship between space and subject have been discussed basically through the studies of the three important theorists of the spatial turn, Michel Foucault, Henri Lefebvre and Michel de Certeau and in the framework of the dialogic concept of Mikhail Bakhtin
Space has been discussed from sociology to architecture, from philosophy to cinema and a variety of academic disciplines and areas; each from different perspectives and forms in the context of their own conceptual framework. For a long time, dealt within the limits of Euclidean geometry and Cartesian philosophy, space has been considered as an absolute and a priori concept. This established understanding of space has been questioned thanks to a new thinking encouraged by poststructuralism and referred to as `the spatial turn?. From then onwards, space has been discussed with its designed, constructed, controlled features, as well as in relation to social and cultural processes. Studies about space can be seen as a necessary initiative in order to understand the meaning/making sense of social and cultural processes realized in space and to interpret their future direction. Focusing on the relationship between urban space and urban subject, this study is grounded in the subjectivation of space framework which has led to the introduction of space to a variety of academic disciplines as well as to postmodern and poststructural debates, or the spatial turn. This study departs from the idea that urban space and urban subject reciprocally construct each other. Operating as an instrument and a field of power, urban space redefines and reproduces subjective experiences and practices. The dimensions at various levels of the relationship between space and subject have been discussed basically through the studies of the three important theorists of the spatial turn, Michel Foucault, Henri Lefebvre and Michel de Certeau and in the framework of the dialogic concept of Mikhail Bakhtin