February 2001 crisis in Turkey
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bu çalışmada Türkiye'nin yaşadığı en zorlu finansal kriz olan Şubat 2001 krizi incelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda; finansal kriz çeşitlerinden ve modellerinden yola çıkarak Şubat 2001 krizine neden olan faktörler çıkarılmıştır. Yaşanan finansal kriz sonucu ortaya konan yeni program da ele alınmıştır. Şubat 2001 krizine neden olan küreselleşme, finansal liberasyon, bankacılık sektörü kırılganlığı, borç yükü, ve Türkiye Kasım 2000 krizi faktörleri öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye 2001 krizinin neden ve sonuçları, finansal krizlerin genel çıkarımlarından yola çıkarak edinilmiştir. ?Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı? kriz tedavisi için uygulamaya konulan yeni ekonomik program olarak incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma ile; iyi yönetim ve şeffaflığın, yasal sistem düzenlemelerinin, sağlıklı ve sağlam bankacılık sektörünün, hükumete karşı güvenin, ve düzeltici politika uygulamalarının önemi ortaya konulmuştur.
In this study, February 2001 crisis in Turkey is analyzed as the severest crises that Turkey had been suffered. In this context, the financial crises types and models are considered, then the factors of the 2001 crisis are derived. The new program after the crisis is also examined. The conspicuous factors of the February 2001 crisis are globalization, financial liberalization, banking sector fragility, debt stock and November 2000 crisis in Turkey. In this study, Turkey 2001 crisis causes and consequences are breed, from the general issues about financial crises. As a remedy of the crisis the new program ?Transition Program for Strengthening the Turkish Economy? is also taken into consideration. This dissertation brings up the importance of good governance and, transparency; legal system arrangement; healthy and soundness banking sector; trust to government; and the application of reformatory politics. Key words: Financial Crisis, Debt Stock, Banking Sector, Financial Liberalization
In this study, February 2001 crisis in Turkey is analyzed as the severest crises that Turkey had been suffered. In this context, the financial crises types and models are considered, then the factors of the 2001 crisis are derived. The new program after the crisis is also examined. The conspicuous factors of the February 2001 crisis are globalization, financial liberalization, banking sector fragility, debt stock and November 2000 crisis in Turkey. In this study, Turkey 2001 crisis causes and consequences are breed, from the general issues about financial crises. As a remedy of the crisis the new program ?Transition Program for Strengthening the Turkish Economy? is also taken into consideration. This dissertation brings up the importance of good governance and, transparency; legal system arrangement; healthy and soundness banking sector; trust to government; and the application of reformatory politics. Key words: Financial Crisis, Debt Stock, Banking Sector, Financial Liberalization