Sivil itaatsizliğin ilkesel özellikleri ve meşru dayanakları bağlamında hevsel vakası incelemesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Toplumdaki diğer bireylerle ve kendisini temsil etmesine, yönetmesine rıza gösterdiği yönetim mekanizmasıyla olan ilişkileri açısından birey, siyasetin öznesi konumundadır. Bireyin, kendisiyle, toplumla ve yönetim mekanizmasıyla, demokrasi ve haklar temelinde çatışmalar yaşaması ve itiraz etmesi, düşünen bireyin eyleyen bireye dönüşerek siyasallaşmasının en belirgin özelliğidir. Tarih boyunca yönetenlerin elindeki gücü ve zor aygıtını toplumun aleyhine kullanması sıklıkla karşılaşılan bir sorun olmuştur. Demokrasi ve hukuk ilkelerine bağlı olarak yönetilmeyi arzu eden bir toplumda bu sorunla mücadele etmek de ahlaki bir anlam taşır. Toplum açısından böylesi kolektif bir mücadele, yönetim mekanizmasına aslında nasıl yönetilmek istendiğini ifade etme çabasıdır. Sivil itaatsizlik de bu mücadele biçimlerinden biridir. Toplumsal sözleşmenin adalete atfettiği değer üzerinden, söz konusu haksızlığa karşı ortak bir çağrı niteliğindeki sivil itaatsizlik, tercih ettiği şiddetsiz direniş yöntemi, aleniliği ve gerçekleştirilen eylemin hukuki ve politik sonuçlarına katlanma eğilimi açısından diğer mücadele biçimlerinden ayrılmaktadır. Siyasi ve ahlaki motivasyonu ile sözleşmenin kuruluş değerlerinden uzaklaşan yönetim mekanizmasına yaklaşımları ve uygulamaları açısından yeniden düşünme ve değerlerine dönme çağrısı yapmaktadır. Bu anlamda hem toplumdaki diğer bireylerde hem de yönetim mekanizmasında demokratik farkındalık ve gelişme yaratabilme gücü taşır. Hevsel Bahçeleri’ndeki ağaç kesimini durdurmak için başlayan ve yirmi gün boyunca devam eden Hevsel vakası, Kürt toplumu açısından oldukça yeni bir deneyimdir. Bu yenilik, hem Kürt toplumunun ekolojik yaşam talebini gündemine alması hem de sivil itaatsizliğin bir mücadele yöntemi olarak tercih edilmesi açısından önem taşır. Sivil ve istikrarlı bir şekilde devam etmiş olması nihayetinde de somut talebi olan ağaç kesiminin durdurulmasını sağlaması, sözleşmenin ahlaki değerlerinden taviz vermeksizin direnmenin mümkün olduğunu gösteren nadir bir örnektir.
The individuals are the subject of politics in terms of their relations with other individuals in the society and with the managerial mechanism as their consented representative and administer. The most distinctive feature of the individual's politicization through transforming thinking individual into acting individual is individual’s conflicts with themselves, society and administration mechanism on the basis of the democracy and rights. Throughout history, states’ use of power and its coercive instruments against society has been a common problem. It also has a moral meaning to struggle with this matter in a society that desires to be governed by the principles of democracy and law. Such a collective struggle in terms of society actually an effort to express how individuals want to be governed. Civil disobedience is one of these forms of struggle. Civil disobedience, which has the characteristic of common call against the injustice on the basis of value attributed to justice by social contract, is distinguished from other forms of struggle in terms of its non-violent resistance method, publicity and tendency of endurance for political and legal consequences of the action taken. It calls for rethinking and returning to the values, for approaches and applications of administrative mechanism that have distanced from the values of the contract by means of social and political motivation. In this sense, it has the power to create democratic awareness and development on governance mechanism as well as other individuals in the society. Hevsel affair, which started to stop cutting down trees in the Hevsel Gardens and lasted for twenty days, is a fairly new experience for the Kurdish society. This innovation has a great importance both for the Kurdish society to take the demand for ecological life on the agenda and civil disobedience as a method of struggle. The fact that the civilian, nonviolent and steady state has continued, and the cutting of the tree sector, which has concrete demand, it is a rare example of showing that it is possible to resist without compromising moral values of the contract.
The individuals are the subject of politics in terms of their relations with other individuals in the society and with the managerial mechanism as their consented representative and administer. The most distinctive feature of the individual's politicization through transforming thinking individual into acting individual is individual’s conflicts with themselves, society and administration mechanism on the basis of the democracy and rights. Throughout history, states’ use of power and its coercive instruments against society has been a common problem. It also has a moral meaning to struggle with this matter in a society that desires to be governed by the principles of democracy and law. Such a collective struggle in terms of society actually an effort to express how individuals want to be governed. Civil disobedience is one of these forms of struggle. Civil disobedience, which has the characteristic of common call against the injustice on the basis of value attributed to justice by social contract, is distinguished from other forms of struggle in terms of its non-violent resistance method, publicity and tendency of endurance for political and legal consequences of the action taken. It calls for rethinking and returning to the values, for approaches and applications of administrative mechanism that have distanced from the values of the contract by means of social and political motivation. In this sense, it has the power to create democratic awareness and development on governance mechanism as well as other individuals in the society. Hevsel affair, which started to stop cutting down trees in the Hevsel Gardens and lasted for twenty days, is a fairly new experience for the Kurdish society. This innovation has a great importance both for the Kurdish society to take the demand for ecological life on the agenda and civil disobedience as a method of struggle. The fact that the civilian, nonviolent and steady state has continued, and the cutting of the tree sector, which has concrete demand, it is a rare example of showing that it is possible to resist without compromising moral values of the contract.