Feminist felsefe ve deleuze
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Feminist teorisyenler için felsefe, kendini bilimler-üstü ve tarih-ötesi bir disiplin olarak tanımlayışıyla, içine karışması zor ve zorunlu bir inceleme alanıdır. Feminist felsefe literatürü, feministlerin felsefeyi eleştirel ve yeniden-inşacı yaklaşımlarla elden geçirdikleri, sarstıkları ve dönüştürdükleri çalışmaların birikimidir. Feminizmin 2. Dalgası ile postyapısalcılığın tarihsel ve kavramsal kesişimleri, bu literatürün gelişimini başından bu yana dikkate değer biçimde etkilemiştir. Feminist felsefeyi son 30 yıldır besleyen felsefecilerden biri de, çağdaşlarının aksine felsefenin ölümünden dem vurmayı reddeden, felsefenin itibarını felsefe tarihini sapkınca okuyarak iade eden Gilles Deleuze’dür. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, feminist felsefenin Deleuze’ün felsefesiyle karşılaşma anı olan ‘kadın-oluş’ kavramının alevlendirdiği feminist tartışmalara mercek tutmak ve bu tartışmalarda feminist felsefe adına kimi oluş olasılıklarını aramaktır. Tezin sonuçları, Deleuzyen bir feminizmin ve feminist bir Deleuzyenliğin olasılıklarına dair çıkarsamalardır. Feminist teorisyenlerin felsefeyle ilişkilenme tarzlarında süregiden tereddüdün bir benzeri, feminist felsefecilerin Deleuze’e gösterdikleri ilgide de görülür. Deleuze’ün içkinlik felsefesi ile feminist felsefenin tutunduğu aşkınsalcılık arasındaki gerilimde billurlaşan tereddüt anı; bir duraksama ve edilginleşme değil, aksine feminist felsefe ve feminist düşünce için yeni akış çizgileri, yeni oluş olanakları olarak okunmuştur.
Philosophy for feminists, regarding its self-definition as a discipline above sciences and beyond history, is a challenging and necessary field of inquiry. Feminist philosophy literature is a collection of studies that consists of reviews, deconstructions and transformations of the canon with feminist critical and reconstructivist approaches. The historical and cultural juxtaposition of second wave feminism and poststructuralism had a significant effect on this literature. Gilles Deleuze is one of the philosophers whose works have been interested and inspired feminist philosophy for the last 30 years. He, contrary to many of his contemporaries, rejects the death of philosophy and gives back its reputation by redefining it perversely. The purpose of this thesis is to focus on the feminist discussions inspired by the concept of ‘becoming-woman’ -the moment of encounter between feminist philosophy and Deleuze’s philosophy- and to search for the possibilities of becoming for feminist philosophy. This thesis presents inferences on the possibilities of a Deleuzian feminism and a feminist Deleuzianness. A hesitation observed in feminists’ relationship with philosophy is similar to that observed in their inclinations towards Deleuze. The moment of hesitation crystallized within the tension between Deleuze’s philosophy of immanence and feminist philosophy, is interpreted as an active thinking with new lines of flow, new potentials of becoming for feminist philosophy and feminist thought, rather than stagnation and passivity.
Philosophy for feminists, regarding its self-definition as a discipline above sciences and beyond history, is a challenging and necessary field of inquiry. Feminist philosophy literature is a collection of studies that consists of reviews, deconstructions and transformations of the canon with feminist critical and reconstructivist approaches. The historical and cultural juxtaposition of second wave feminism and poststructuralism had a significant effect on this literature. Gilles Deleuze is one of the philosophers whose works have been interested and inspired feminist philosophy for the last 30 years. He, contrary to many of his contemporaries, rejects the death of philosophy and gives back its reputation by redefining it perversely. The purpose of this thesis is to focus on the feminist discussions inspired by the concept of ‘becoming-woman’ -the moment of encounter between feminist philosophy and Deleuze’s philosophy- and to search for the possibilities of becoming for feminist philosophy. This thesis presents inferences on the possibilities of a Deleuzian feminism and a feminist Deleuzianness. A hesitation observed in feminists’ relationship with philosophy is similar to that observed in their inclinations towards Deleuze. The moment of hesitation crystallized within the tension between Deleuze’s philosophy of immanence and feminist philosophy, is interpreted as an active thinking with new lines of flow, new potentials of becoming for feminist philosophy and feminist thought, rather than stagnation and passivity.