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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Halit (16) yavaş öğrendiği gerekçesiyle okuldan alınmış ve mahalleli tarafından özürlü damgası yemiş aslında kendi çapında bir bilgisayar dehası olan içine kapanık bir gençtir. Oynadığı bilgisayar oyununun gerçekliğini bulunduğu gerçeklikle karıştırarak oyundaki `Arcadia' adlı diyara gerçekten gidip gelebildiğini zannetmektedir. Damla (14) ise kuaförde kalfalık yapan ama gemiyle dünyayı dolaşmanın hayalini kuran bir mahalle kızıdır. Bir gün Halit'e kıyısında gemilerin demir aldığı tropik bir sahile gitmek istediğini anlatır. Halit Damla'nın tarifinden sonra bu yerin Arcadia olduğuna emin olur. Artık Halit'in amacı Damla'nın hayallerini gerçekleştirerek onu Arcadia'ya götürebilmektir.
Halit (16) who was forced to leave school on grounds of poor learning skills and widely regarded as a retard by the neighborhood is actually an asocial computer genius. Confusing the virtual reality of the game he plays with the actual world, he believes he can travel to 'Arcadia' realm that only exists in the game he plays. Damla (14) on the other hand is an apprentice at a hairdresser's. She dreams of travelling the world on a ship. One day, she tells Halit how much she wants to travel to a tropical beach. Halit is sure that the place Damla would like to see is Arcadia indeed. His only aim now is to take Damla to Arcadia and fullfil her dreams.
Halit (16) who was forced to leave school on grounds of poor learning skills and widely regarded as a retard by the neighborhood is actually an asocial computer genius. Confusing the virtual reality of the game he plays with the actual world, he believes he can travel to 'Arcadia' realm that only exists in the game he plays. Damla (14) on the other hand is an apprentice at a hairdresser's. She dreams of travelling the world on a ship. One day, she tells Halit how much she wants to travel to a tropical beach. Halit is sure that the place Damla would like to see is Arcadia indeed. His only aim now is to take Damla to Arcadia and fullfil her dreams.