Ölümün ve yaşamın apaçıklığı: Sadık Hidayet"in eserlerinde uyumsuzun izini sürmek
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışması, İranlı yazar Sadık Hidayet’in yaşamı ve yapıtları üzerine odaklanır. Modern İran öykücülüğünün kurucularından bir olan Hidayet, yarattığı eserlerle 20. yüzyıl İran edebiyatına yeni bir soluk getirmiştir. Hidayet, öncüllerinin ve çağdaşlarının aksine, bireyi merkeze alarak “saçma” evrendeki sancılı varoluş serüvenimize ayna tutar. Eserlerinden hareketle; varoluş sorunu, uyumsuzun başkaldırısı, yabancılaşma, intihar ve ölüm gibi izlekleri açığa çıkarmaya çalıştım. Bu noktada Albert Camus’nün Sisifos Söyleni adlı denemesi tezimin anlam dünyasını zenginleştirmiş ve yol haritası olmuştur. Ayrıca Furuğ Ferruhzad başta olmak üzere, aralarında yazgı birliği olduğunu düşündüğüm çeşitli şairlerin şiirlerine de yer verdim. Şiirin sözcükleri ve anlamları aşan gücü, Hidayet’in eserlerinde açığa çıkarmaya çalıştığım aşkın duyguya katkı sağladı. Çalışma dört bölümden oluşur: Birinci bölümde; Kierkegaard, Heidegger ve Sartre gibi filozofların varoluşçuluk anlayışları hakkında özet bilgiler sundum. Ardından, çalışmanın zeminini oluşturan Sisifos Söyleni adlı yapıttaki uyumsuz kavramını açıklayarak, tezimin ana konusuyla ilişkilendirmeye çalıştım. İkinci bölümde; Hidayet’in yaşam öyküsü ve edebi kişiliği anlatılır. Kısa bir biyografik anlatımdan kurtulması ve sonraki bölüme uygun, geçişli bir zemin hazırlaması için, sırasıyla eserlerinden bölümler sunarak ve yer yer irdeleyerek anlatmayı denedim. Üçüncü Bölümde; tez okurunun anlatıya dahil olabilmesi için, metin boyunca daha çok değindiğim, alıntılar yaptığım eserlerin özetlerini sundum. Dördüncü bölümde ise; “uyumsuzluğun bilincine uyanış”, “yabancılaşma ve yalnızlık”, “yaşamın anlamsızlığı, intihar ve ölüm” gibi alt başlıklar oluşturarak uyumsuzun izinde, bütüncül bir Hidayet okuması yapmaya çalıştım.
This thesis study focuses on the life and works of Iranian writer Sadegh Hedayat. Hedayat, one of the founders of modern Iranian storytelling, has given a new impulse to 20th century Iranian literature with his works. Unlike its predecessors and contemporaries, Hedayat mirrors our adventure of painful existence in the “absurd” universe by centering the individual. With reference to his works, I tried to expose paths such as the problem of existence, rebellion of the misfit, alienation, suicide and death. At this point, Albert Camus' essay called “The Myth of Sisyphus” enriched the semantic world of my thesis and became a road map. I also included the poems of various poets, who I thought shared the common fate, notably Forough Farrokhzad. The power of poetry that transcends words and meanings contributed to the transcendental feeling I tried to reveal in Hedayat's works. The study consists of four sections: In the first section; I have provided brief information about the philosophers' understanding of existentialism such as Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Sartre. Then, by explaining the concept of incompatibility in the work called The Myth of Sisyphus, which is the basis of the study, I tried to relate it to the main subject of my thesis. In the second part, Hedayat's life story and literary personality are mentioned. In order to avoid a short biographical narrative and to set a suitable, transitive ground for the next chapter, I tried to narrate his works by presenting chapters from them and by examining them from time to time. In the third part, in order for the thesis reader to be included in the narrative, I presented the summaries of the works I have mentioned and quoted more throughout the text. In the fourth section; I tried to make a holistic Hedayat reading in the footsteps of the incompatibility by creating sub-headings such as “awakening to the iii consciousness of incompatibility”, “alienation and solitude”, “meaningless of the life, suicide and death”.
This thesis study focuses on the life and works of Iranian writer Sadegh Hedayat. Hedayat, one of the founders of modern Iranian storytelling, has given a new impulse to 20th century Iranian literature with his works. Unlike its predecessors and contemporaries, Hedayat mirrors our adventure of painful existence in the “absurd” universe by centering the individual. With reference to his works, I tried to expose paths such as the problem of existence, rebellion of the misfit, alienation, suicide and death. At this point, Albert Camus' essay called “The Myth of Sisyphus” enriched the semantic world of my thesis and became a road map. I also included the poems of various poets, who I thought shared the common fate, notably Forough Farrokhzad. The power of poetry that transcends words and meanings contributed to the transcendental feeling I tried to reveal in Hedayat's works. The study consists of four sections: In the first section; I have provided brief information about the philosophers' understanding of existentialism such as Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Sartre. Then, by explaining the concept of incompatibility in the work called The Myth of Sisyphus, which is the basis of the study, I tried to relate it to the main subject of my thesis. In the second part, Hedayat's life story and literary personality are mentioned. In order to avoid a short biographical narrative and to set a suitable, transitive ground for the next chapter, I tried to narrate his works by presenting chapters from them and by examining them from time to time. In the third part, in order for the thesis reader to be included in the narrative, I presented the summaries of the works I have mentioned and quoted more throughout the text. In the fourth section; I tried to make a holistic Hedayat reading in the footsteps of the incompatibility by creating sub-headings such as “awakening to the iii consciousness of incompatibility”, “alienation and solitude”, “meaningless of the life, suicide and death”.