Otorite krizi döneminde Osmanlı-Türk romanları (1850-1900)
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bu yüksek lisans tez çalışması, otorite krizi dönemindeki Osmanlı-Türk romanlarının (1850-1900) politik düzlemde yeniden yapılandırılmasını hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışma, temelde Lucien Goldmann ile Georg Lukács'ın roman teorilerine ve aynı zamanda Fredric Jameson'ın ulusal alegori ile Nurdan Gürbilek'in cinsel alegori meselesine yaslanmaktadır. Buradan hareketle önerilen, Osmanlı-Türk romanlarının, Goldmann ve Lukács'ın roman teorisi ile ulusal alegori ve cinsel alegori meselesi üzerinden okunmasıdır. Böylelikle, Osmanlı-Türk romanlarının Batı tarzı aşk anlatılarının taklidi mi yoksa politik bir meseleyi edebiyat kanalıyla deneyimleyen tezli anlatılar mı olduğu irdelenmektedir. Ana fikir olarak, Osmanlı-Türk romanlarının politik bir meseleyi edebiyat kanalıyla deneyimleme çabası ekseninde odaklanması savunulmaktadır. Bu sebepten ötürü, Osmanlı-Türk romanlarının politik düzlemde de okuma alanlarının mümkün olabileceği görülmektedir.
This Masters thesis aims to restructure the political platform of the Ottoman-Turkish novels (1850-1900) during the authority crisis period. This study fundamentally leans on Lucien Goldmann and Georg Lukácss novel theories as well as Frederic Jamesons national allegory and Nurdan Gurbileks sexual allegory issues. With this in mind, it is recommended that the Ottoman- Turkish novels be read according to Goldmann and Lukácss roman theories as well as national allegory and sexual allegory issues. This way, the Ottoman-Turkish novels western style love expressions can be scrutinized as to whether they are discourse replicas or political issues experienced via literary channels. As the main idea, it is defended that the Ottoman-Turkish novels focused their efforts of experiencing a political issue through literary channels. For this reason, it is possible to see that the Ottoman-Turkish novels reading areas were in the political platform.
This Masters thesis aims to restructure the political platform of the Ottoman-Turkish novels (1850-1900) during the authority crisis period. This study fundamentally leans on Lucien Goldmann and Georg Lukácss novel theories as well as Frederic Jamesons national allegory and Nurdan Gurbileks sexual allegory issues. With this in mind, it is recommended that the Ottoman- Turkish novels be read according to Goldmann and Lukácss roman theories as well as national allegory and sexual allegory issues. This way, the Ottoman-Turkish novels western style love expressions can be scrutinized as to whether they are discourse replicas or political issues experienced via literary channels. As the main idea, it is defended that the Ottoman-Turkish novels focused their efforts of experiencing a political issue through literary channels. For this reason, it is possible to see that the Ottoman-Turkish novels reading areas were in the political platform.