Meanings beyond words How Turkish media reflect the Greek media a study of news reports
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bu çalısma, 1950'lerden itibaren, önemli kriz ve yakınlasma dönemlerinde, Türk medyasının Yunan medyasını nasıl yansıttıgını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Türk medyasının tipik bir temsilcisi kabul edilebilecek olan Hürriyet Gazetesi'nin arsivlerinde Türk-Yunan iliskilerinin kritik dönemlerini kapsayan bir arastırma yürüterek, çalısma aynı zamanda Yunan medyasının Türk medyası tarafından temsilinin iki ülke iliskilerinin niteliginden etkilenip etkilenmedigini de göstermeye çalısmaktadır. Çalısma ayrıca Hürriyet'in ve Yunan medyasının genelinin Türk-Yunan iliskilerinde kendilerini nasıl konumlandırdıklarını görme gayretinde bulunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, çalısma Türk-Yunan iliskilerinde, Türk ve Yunan medyasının agırlıgını ve her birinin kendi hükümetleri ve devletleriyle olan baglarının düzeyini de sorgulamaktadır.
The present study aims to find out how the Greek media was reflected in the Turkish media during times of political crisis and rapprochement beginning from 1950s. By conducting a research in the archives of Turkish daily Hürriyet, which may be assumed to be a typical representative of Turkish media, the study tries to clarify whether Greek media?s representation by the Turkish media was ever affected by the tone of bilateral state relations between Turkey and Greece. Moreover, the study attempts to reveal how Hürriyet and the Greek media in general have positioned themselves in Turkish-Greek relations. Thus, it also questions the strength of the Turkish and Greek media in mutual inter-state relations and the level of their ties with their respective governments and states
The present study aims to find out how the Greek media was reflected in the Turkish media during times of political crisis and rapprochement beginning from 1950s. By conducting a research in the archives of Turkish daily Hürriyet, which may be assumed to be a typical representative of Turkish media, the study tries to clarify whether Greek media?s representation by the Turkish media was ever affected by the tone of bilateral state relations between Turkey and Greece. Moreover, the study attempts to reveal how Hürriyet and the Greek media in general have positioned themselves in Turkish-Greek relations. Thus, it also questions the strength of the Turkish and Greek media in mutual inter-state relations and the level of their ties with their respective governments and states