Prokopios'un yapıtlarında Perslerin temsili
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, klasik tarih yazımının son büyük temsilcisi Prokopios'un yapıtlarında Perslerin temsil edilişinin problemlerini tartışarak, geç antik tarih yazımının tarihi alanına bir katkı yapmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel sorunsallarından biri ise, Persleri temsil ediş şekliyle ve yarattığı (veya yeniden-ürettiği) öteki ile Prokopios'un antik tarihçilerden farkını sorgulamaktır. İlk önce, Prokopios'un çalışmalarındaki Perslerin bir halk ve bir toplum olarak ne şekilde temsil edildiğini tartıştım. Prokopios'un saikinin bir etnograf olmaktan ziyade, politik antropolojiye yakın olduğunu varsaydım çünkü sonuçta yazar Pers emperyal yapısını siyasi, askeri ve dinsel ritüeller ve gelenekler üzerinden anlamaya çalışılmıştır. Perslerin temsilleri, Prokopios'un metinlerindeki başka halklar ile de karşılaştırılmıştır. Savaşların Tarihi yapıtında, Pers imparatorları merkezi bir role sahiptirler. Kubad, Firuz ama özellikle kendi çağdaşı olduğu için Hüsrev gibi Pers imparatorlarının, temsilleri, daha geç dönem Bizans tarihçiliği (özellikle de Agathias), Süryani ve Arap tarihçileri ile birlikte, mukayeseler yapılarak tartışılmıştır. Bu tartışmalarda şu soruya cevap vermeye çalıştım: Prokopios ne oranda klasik tarihçiliğin Persleri temsil ederken kullandığı modelleri yeniden-üretmiştir Prokopios'un klasik yazarlardan ayıran konu despotizm konusundadur. Çünkü Perslerdeki hukuka bağlılığa ve özellikle Pers imparatorlarının saygısına güçlü bir vurgu yapar. Bu sebepten dolayı, Prokopios'un Persleri tasvirinde despotizm bir karakteristik olarak görünmez ancak saldırgan yayılmacı karakteristik gösterirler. Bir halkı tanımlarken bir yazar bir öteki yaratabileceği gibi; buna alternatif olarak yabancı halkın adetlerini kendi halkının adetleriyle karşılaştırabileceği ve modelleştirilen halkın adetlerini üstün bulacağı bir model de yaratabilir. Anlatısında, Prokopios kendi toplumu açısından ayna işlevi görecek modeller de yaratmıştır. (Theoderik'in adil karakteri, Pers hükümdarlarının yasaya sıkı bağlılığı gibi.) Bu hususlar karşılaştırmalı bir yöntemle antik literatürü ve daha geç Bizans ve Doğu literatürünü de içerecek şekilde tartışılmıştır.
This study aims to make a contribution to the field of the history of late antique historiography, by discussing the problems of the representation of Persians in the Works of Procopius who was one of the last major representatives of classical historiographic tradition. One of the main problematic of this study is, questioning the difference of Procopius from ancient historians, in representing the Persians and creating (or re-producing) another. In the first place, I tried to discuss the portrayal of Persians in Procopius Works as a people and as a society. I assumed that motives of Procopius was more of a political anthropologist than an ethnographer; because he tried to understand Persian imperial structre by its political, military and religious customs. The representation of the Persian people was compared with the other peoples representations in Procopius works. In his work De Bellis, Persian rulers played a major role. The representations of Persian emperors; such as Cabades, Perozes but especially Chosroes, who was also Procopius contemporary, are discussed in comparison with later Byzantine historians (especially Agathias) and with the Syrian and the Arabic historians. In this discussions, I tried to give an asnwer to the question: In what extend Procopius re-produced the models classical historians represented Persians The separation of Procopius from classical historians was mainly in the matter of despotism, because he strongly emphasized Persians loyalty to the law and especially Persian emperors respect for the law. Therefore his portrayal of Persians is not a despotism, however they show aggressive expansionist characteristics. In describing a foreign people, a writer can create another but can also create a model, by comparing their customs to his own and finds the customs of the modelized society’s superior. In his narrative, Procopius also creates models for functioning as a mirror for his own society. (Just like Theoderics just character, Persian rulers strict bounding by law.) These issues are discussed by a comparative method including both ancient literature and later Byzantine and Eastern literatures.
This study aims to make a contribution to the field of the history of late antique historiography, by discussing the problems of the representation of Persians in the Works of Procopius who was one of the last major representatives of classical historiographic tradition. One of the main problematic of this study is, questioning the difference of Procopius from ancient historians, in representing the Persians and creating (or re-producing) another. In the first place, I tried to discuss the portrayal of Persians in Procopius Works as a people and as a society. I assumed that motives of Procopius was more of a political anthropologist than an ethnographer; because he tried to understand Persian imperial structre by its political, military and religious customs. The representation of the Persian people was compared with the other peoples representations in Procopius works. In his work De Bellis, Persian rulers played a major role. The representations of Persian emperors; such as Cabades, Perozes but especially Chosroes, who was also Procopius contemporary, are discussed in comparison with later Byzantine historians (especially Agathias) and with the Syrian and the Arabic historians. In this discussions, I tried to give an asnwer to the question: In what extend Procopius re-produced the models classical historians represented Persians The separation of Procopius from classical historians was mainly in the matter of despotism, because he strongly emphasized Persians loyalty to the law and especially Persian emperors respect for the law. Therefore his portrayal of Persians is not a despotism, however they show aggressive expansionist characteristics. In describing a foreign people, a writer can create another but can also create a model, by comparing their customs to his own and finds the customs of the modelized society’s superior. In his narrative, Procopius also creates models for functioning as a mirror for his own society. (Just like Theoderics just character, Persian rulers strict bounding by law.) These issues are discussed by a comparative method including both ancient literature and later Byzantine and Eastern literatures.