COVID-19 pandemisinde 18-24 yaşları arasındaki gençlerde ruhsal belirtiler ve ilişkili faktörler
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu araştırmada COVID-19 salgın sürecinde 18-24 yaşları arasındaki gençlerde ruhsal belirtiler ve ilişkili faktörleri incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Kesitsel tipteki bu araştırmada %95 güven aralığı, %5 hata payı esas alınarak optimum örneklem büyüklüğü 353 kişi olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çevrimiçi yöntemle 283 kişiye ulaşılmıştır (yanıtlama hızı %80.16). İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Etik Kurul’undan onay alındıktan sonra araştırmaya başlanılmıştır. Veri toplamada COVID-19 Algısı Ölçeği, Sosyo-demografik bilgi formu, Genel Sağlık Anketi (GSA-12), Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu Kontrol Listesi (PCL-5) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın veri girişi ve analizlerinde SPSS 22.00 programı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan 18- 24 yaş aralığındaki gençlerden %32.`si erkek, %67.5`i kadındır. İki ve üzerinde (GSA-12) semptom prevalansı %77.3`dür. Lojistik regresyon analizi sonucuna göre; sırasıyla içedönük kişilik özelliği 6.3 kat (%95 GA 3.5-11.5), sosyal destek yokluğu 3.4 kat (%95 GA 1.8-6), herhangi bir sağlık sorununa sahip olma 3.3 kat (%95 GA 1.5-7.2), eğitime erişim sorunu yaşama 2.1 kat (%95 GA 1.2-3.7) ve gelirin ihtiyaçları karşılamaması 1.7 kat (%95 GA 1.04-2.9) semptom sıklığını artırmıştır. Cinsiyet, yaş, çalışma durumu, eğitim, birlikte yaşanılan kişiler, aşılanma durumu, psikiyatrik ilaç kullanımı ve ailede psikiyatrik tedavi geçmişine göre ruhsal belirti sıklığı anlamlı farklılık göstermemiştir (p>0.05). Katılımcıların %59.7’si pandemi döneminde başta COVID nedeniyle yakınlarını kaybetme (%16.7) olmak üzere en az bir travmatik olay deneyimlediğini bildirmiştir. TSSB Kontrol Listesi’nden 47 ve üzerinde puan alma sıklığı %52.7’dir. GSA-12’den 2 ve üzerinde semptom bildirenlerin %58.1’i TSSB Kontrol listesinden 47 ve üzerinde puan almışlardır. Katılımcıların %44.2`si pandemi döneminde ruh sağlığı hizmetine ihtiyaç duyduğunu, ancak yaklaşık %25’i ruh sağlığı hizmetine erişebildiğini bildirmiştir. Bulgulara dayalı olarak, pandemilere hazırlık kapsamında sosyal destek sistemlerini güçlendirici çalışmalar ile yoksulluğu önlemeye yönelik sosyal hizmet programlarının ve toplumsal travmalara yönelik erişilebilir, kapsayıcı ve karşılanabilir ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinin yapılandırılmasının önemli olacağı düşünülmektedir.
ABSTRACT: In this research, it was aimed to examine mental symptoms and related factors in young people between the ages of 18 and 24 during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this cross-sectional study, the optimum sample size was calculated as 353 people based on 95% confidence interval and 5% standard error. 283 people were reached online (response rate was 80.16%). After approval from the Ethics Committee of Istanbul Bilgi University, the research was started. COVID-19 Perception Scale, Socio-demographic information form, General Health Questionnaire (GSA-12), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Control List (PCL-5) were used in data collection. SPSS 22.00 program was used in the data entry and analysis of the research. 18-24 year olds who participated in the study, 32% were male and 67.5% were female. Symptom prevalence of two or more (GSA-12) is 77.3%. According to the results of logistical regression analysis; internal personality trait 6.3 times (95% GA 3.5-11.5), lack of social support 3.4 times (95% GA 1.8-6), having any health problems 3.3 times (95% GA 1.5-7.2), having problems accessing education 2.1 times (95 GA 1.2-3.7%) and sufficient income 1.7 times (95% GA 1.04-2.9%) increased symptom frequency. The frequency of mental symptoms did not differ significantly according to gender, age, working status, education, cohabited persons, vaccination status, using psychiatric drug and family history of psychiatric treatment (p>0.05). 59.7% of respondents reported experiencing at least one traumatic event during the pandemic, mainly the loss of relatives due to COVID (16.7%). The frequency of scoring 47 or above from the PTSD Checklist is 52.7%. Of those who reported symptoms 2 or more from GSA-12, 58.1% scored 47 or above on the PTSD Checklist. 44.2% of respondents reported that they needed mental health services during the pandemic period, but about 25% had access to mental health services. Based on the findings, it is thought that it will be important to structure social support systems strengthening efforts and social services to prevent poverty and accessible, inclusive and affordable mental health services within the scope of preparation for pandemics.
ABSTRACT: In this research, it was aimed to examine mental symptoms and related factors in young people between the ages of 18 and 24 during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this cross-sectional study, the optimum sample size was calculated as 353 people based on 95% confidence interval and 5% standard error. 283 people were reached online (response rate was 80.16%). After approval from the Ethics Committee of Istanbul Bilgi University, the research was started. COVID-19 Perception Scale, Socio-demographic information form, General Health Questionnaire (GSA-12), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Control List (PCL-5) were used in data collection. SPSS 22.00 program was used in the data entry and analysis of the research. 18-24 year olds who participated in the study, 32% were male and 67.5% were female. Symptom prevalence of two or more (GSA-12) is 77.3%. According to the results of logistical regression analysis; internal personality trait 6.3 times (95% GA 3.5-11.5), lack of social support 3.4 times (95% GA 1.8-6), having any health problems 3.3 times (95% GA 1.5-7.2), having problems accessing education 2.1 times (95 GA 1.2-3.7%) and sufficient income 1.7 times (95% GA 1.04-2.9%) increased symptom frequency. The frequency of mental symptoms did not differ significantly according to gender, age, working status, education, cohabited persons, vaccination status, using psychiatric drug and family history of psychiatric treatment (p>0.05). 59.7% of respondents reported experiencing at least one traumatic event during the pandemic, mainly the loss of relatives due to COVID (16.7%). The frequency of scoring 47 or above from the PTSD Checklist is 52.7%. Of those who reported symptoms 2 or more from GSA-12, 58.1% scored 47 or above on the PTSD Checklist. 44.2% of respondents reported that they needed mental health services during the pandemic period, but about 25% had access to mental health services. Based on the findings, it is thought that it will be important to structure social support systems strengthening efforts and social services to prevent poverty and accessible, inclusive and affordable mental health services within the scope of preparation for pandemics.
Anahtar Kelimeler
COVID-19 pandemisi, Genç yetişkinlik, Travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, Ruh sağlığı yordayıcıları, COVID algısı, COVID-19 pandemic, Young adults, Post traumatic stress disorder, Mental health, Perception of COVID