TFRS 16 kiralamalar standardının şirketlerinin finansal göstergelerine ve oranlarına etkisinin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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ÖZET: “TMS 17 Kiralama İşlemleri” standardı yerine yürürlüğe giren “TFRS 16 Kiralamalar” standardı 31 Aralık 2018 tarihinden sonra başlayan hesap dönemlerinden uygulanmak üzere devreye alınmış ve kiracılar açısından oluşan iki farklı muhasebe modelini ortadan kaldırarak kiracı şirketlerin faaliyet kiralamalarına konu varlıklar ve bu varlıklardan kaynaklanan borçlarını, finansal durum tablolarına dahil etmesini sağlamıştır. Faaliyet kiralamalarının artık finansal durum tablolarına dahil edilmesi ile birlikte şirketlerin varlık ve yükümlülüklerinde artışlar meydana gelecek, bu artışlar da finansal tablo göstergeleri ve finansal oranları etkileyecektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, TFRS 16 standardının kiralama işlemlerinin ölçümüne, muhasebeleştirilmesine ve sunumuna ilişkin etkilerini incelemek ve yeni standardın Borsa İstanbul’da (BIST) yer alan işletmelere ve sektörlere etkisini ve bu etkinin istatistiki olarak anlamlı olup olmadığını, belirlenen finansal göstergeler ve oranlar aracılığı ile ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda, BIST TÜM-100 endeksinde yer alan şirketlerin 2019 hesap dönemine ilişkin yayımladıkları finansal tablo ve dipnotları incelenmiş ve TFRS 16 hariç ve dahil etki gösteren şirketler için standart değişiminin yarattığı etkiler genel ve sektörel bazda hesaplanmıştır. Daha sonra, elde edilen bu değişim sonuçları, oluşturulan araştırma sorularına cevap bulabilmek adına IBM SPSS programı vasıtasıyla bazı istatistiki analiz ve testlere tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda, TFRS 16 standardı sonrası incelenen kiracı şirketler özelinde toplam varlıklarda, toplam yükümlülüklerde, EBIT değerinde, borç/özkaynak oranında, aktif kârlılığında anlamlı bir artış; sermaye kârlılığında ise istatistiki olarak anlamlı olmasa da nominal bir artış; özkaynaklarda, cari oranda ve aktif devir hızında, dönem net kârında, faiz karşılama oranında ve özkaynak karlılığında anlamlı bir azalış gözlemlenmiştir. Sektörel olarak bakıldığında ise, tüm göstergeler dikkate alındığında, standart değişiminden en çok etkilenen sektörlerin, “Gıda Perakendeciliği”, “Sağlık Hizmetleri”, “Ulaşım” ile “Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları ve Giyim” olduğu görülürken, buna karşılık en az etkilenen sektörlerin ise “Gayrimenkul”, “Hizmet”, “Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayi” ile “Sermaye Malları” olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Sektörel inceleme kapsamında, ayrıca toplam varlıklar ve toplam yükümlülükler göstergeleri ile cari oran ve varlık devir hızı oranları için sektörler arasında anlamlı bir farklılaşma oluştuğu, buna karşılık özkaynaklar, EBIT ve dönem net kârı göstergeleri ile borç/özkaynak oranı, faiz karşılama oranı, aktif kârlılığı, özsermaye kârlılığı ve sermaye kârlılığı oranlarındaki değişimlerde sektörler arasında anlamlı bir farklılaşma oluşmadığı tespit edilmiştir.
ABSTRACT: "TFRS 16 Leases" standard, which replaced "TMS 17 Leases" standard, has been put into effect for the accounting periods starting after December 31, 2018. The standard has enabled lessee companies to include assets and liabilities subject to operating leases in their statements of financial position by eliminating the use of two separate accounting models for the application of leases. Upon inclusion of operating leases in the statements of financial position, there will be an increase in the assets and liabilities of the companies, and these increases will affect the financial statement indicators and financial ratios. The aim of this study is to show the impact of the TFRS 16 standard on the measurement, accounting and presentation of lease transactions as well as on the companies and sectors in Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) via pre-determined financial indicators and ratios and to test whether this effect is statistically significant, . Accordingly, the financial statements and footnotes published by the companies in the BIST TUM-100 index for the 2019 accounting period were examined and the effects of the standard change for companies, which show ex ante and post TFRS 16 impact, have been calculated on a general and sectoral basis. Then, the results of these changes were tested by statistical analysis by IBM SPSS program in order to find answers to the research questions (hypotheses). As a result of the study, by the application of the TFRS 16 standard, statistically significant increase was observed in total assets, total liabilities, EBIT, debt/equity ratio, return on assets (ROA). An increase was also observed in return on capital employed (ROCE), although that increase was not statistically significant. Statistically significant decrease was observed in equity, current ratio and asset turnover ratio, net profit, interest coverage ratio and return on equity (ROE). From the sectoral point of view, when all indicators are taken into account, it has been observed that the sectors most affected by the standard change are "Food & Staples Retailing", "Health Care Equipment & Services", "Transportation" and "Consumer Durables and Apparel", whereas; the least affected sectors are "Real Estate", "Consumer Services", "Automobiles & Components" and "Capital Goods". Within the scope of the sectoral analysis, it has also been observed that there was a significant difference among sectors in terms of total assets and total liabilities indicators, current ratio and asset turnover ratios, yet no significant difference in terms of equity, EBIT and net profit indicators, debt/equity ratio, interest coverage ratio, return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on capital employed (ROCE).
ABSTRACT: "TFRS 16 Leases" standard, which replaced "TMS 17 Leases" standard, has been put into effect for the accounting periods starting after December 31, 2018. The standard has enabled lessee companies to include assets and liabilities subject to operating leases in their statements of financial position by eliminating the use of two separate accounting models for the application of leases. Upon inclusion of operating leases in the statements of financial position, there will be an increase in the assets and liabilities of the companies, and these increases will affect the financial statement indicators and financial ratios. The aim of this study is to show the impact of the TFRS 16 standard on the measurement, accounting and presentation of lease transactions as well as on the companies and sectors in Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) via pre-determined financial indicators and ratios and to test whether this effect is statistically significant, . Accordingly, the financial statements and footnotes published by the companies in the BIST TUM-100 index for the 2019 accounting period were examined and the effects of the standard change for companies, which show ex ante and post TFRS 16 impact, have been calculated on a general and sectoral basis. Then, the results of these changes were tested by statistical analysis by IBM SPSS program in order to find answers to the research questions (hypotheses). As a result of the study, by the application of the TFRS 16 standard, statistically significant increase was observed in total assets, total liabilities, EBIT, debt/equity ratio, return on assets (ROA). An increase was also observed in return on capital employed (ROCE), although that increase was not statistically significant. Statistically significant decrease was observed in equity, current ratio and asset turnover ratio, net profit, interest coverage ratio and return on equity (ROE). From the sectoral point of view, when all indicators are taken into account, it has been observed that the sectors most affected by the standard change are "Food & Staples Retailing", "Health Care Equipment & Services", "Transportation" and "Consumer Durables and Apparel", whereas; the least affected sectors are "Real Estate", "Consumer Services", "Automobiles & Components" and "Capital Goods". Within the scope of the sectoral analysis, it has also been observed that there was a significant difference among sectors in terms of total assets and total liabilities indicators, current ratio and asset turnover ratios, yet no significant difference in terms of equity, EBIT and net profit indicators, debt/equity ratio, interest coverage ratio, return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on capital employed (ROCE).
Anahtar Kelimeler
TFRS 16, UFRS 16, Kiralama İşlemleri, Faaliyet Kiralaması, BIST, TFRS 16, IFRS 16, Lease Transactions, Operating Lease, BIST