Siyasal islam'ın entelektüel karşılığı: 'Bilgi ve Hikmet' örneği
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez, İslamcılıgın güçlü entelektüel figürlerinden Ali Bulaç'ın öncülügünde, 1993-1995 yılları arasında on iki sayı halinde çıkarılmıs Bilgi ve Hikmet dergisini konu edinmektedir. Türkiye'de majör bir tehdit olarak algılanan slamcılar, günümüzde ülke politikasının belirleyici aktörleri olmuslardır. Bu aktörler arasında, zamanında Bilgi ve Hikmet dergisinde entelektüel tartısmalar yürütmüs isimler de bulunmaktadır. Dergiler ise, özellikle islamî çevrede önemli kültür tasıyıcılarıdır. Bu dogrultuda, birinci bölümde İslamcı entelektüellerin düsünce parametreleri tartısılmıstır. Modernite ile hesaplasarak yeni bir kavramsallastırma yapmak amacında olan Bilgi ve Hikmet dergisi yazarlarının moderniteye yaklasımları genel anlamda sorgulanmıstır. Çalısmanın merkezine üç belirleyici yazar alınmıstır: Ali Bulaç, Abdurrahman Arslan ve Ömer Çelik. Bu yazarların sırasıyla çözümleyici, gelenekçi ve entelektüelist yaklasımları temsil ettikleri ortaya konmustur. İkinci bölümde ise, yazarların kendilerine belirledigi eksenler tespit edilerek, moderniteyle yüzlesme biçimleri mercek altına alınmıstır. Bu yüzlesmeler altı ayrı eksende meydana gelmistir: Din, devlet, birey, toplum, tarih ve siyaset. Çalısmada varılan sonuçlar söyledir: Moderniteyle yüzlesen Bilgi ve Hikmet yazarları, tek boyutlu ve Batı Aydınlanması döneminde kalmıs bir modernite algısıyla hesaplasmaktadır. Batı metafiziginden gücünü alan Modernite versus İslam karsıtlıgında yürütülen kavramsallastırma çabası pek olumlu sonuçlar vermemistir. Modernite ile islam arasında tek yönlü ve modernitenin kötücül oldugu bir iliski biçimi üzerinden tartısma yürüten yazarlar, bu geç kalmıs hesaplasmayı modernitenin karsısına retrospektif bir okumayla yeniden kurdukları toplumsal karsılıgı tartısmalı olan bir gelenegi koyarak yürütmektedirler.
This thesis focuses on the periodical Bilgi ve Hikmet (Knowledge and Wisdom), published in twelve volumes between the years of 1993-1995, which was pioneered by one of the most prominent intellectuals of Islamism in Turkey, Ali Bulaç. The Islamists who have been regarded as a major threat are today the determining actors of the Turkish political arena. Among these actors are some writers from Bilgi ve Hikmet. Periodicals have been significant conveyors of culture in-between Muslims. In this respect, the first chapter is devoted to the discussion of the parameters of Islamic intellectual thought. The writers of Bilgi ve Hikmet who are examined with respect to their attitudes towards modernity, give an account of modernity in order to offer a new conceptualization. Three writers are in the center of this work: Ali Bulaç, Abdurrahman Arslan and Ömer Çelik. They are displayed as the representatives of analytical, traditional and intellectualist wings respectively. In the second chapter, the forms of encountering modernity are studied closely by establishing several axes offered by the writers. The encounter occurs in six different terms: religion, state, individual, society, history and politics. The thesis concludes as such: The writers of Bilgi ve Hikmet give an account of such a modernity which is a uni-dimensional one stuck within the enlightenment period. The attempt to conceptualize new forms was not very successful, because it was taking its power from Western metaphysics embedded in the Modernity versus Islam duality. Moreover, their discussion is carried out in a uni-directional relation between modernity and Islam, where modernity is considered evil. So, the writers have forced the debate into their problematic view of tradition, which they reconstruct through a retrospective reading, without any significant social counterparts.
This thesis focuses on the periodical Bilgi ve Hikmet (Knowledge and Wisdom), published in twelve volumes between the years of 1993-1995, which was pioneered by one of the most prominent intellectuals of Islamism in Turkey, Ali Bulaç. The Islamists who have been regarded as a major threat are today the determining actors of the Turkish political arena. Among these actors are some writers from Bilgi ve Hikmet. Periodicals have been significant conveyors of culture in-between Muslims. In this respect, the first chapter is devoted to the discussion of the parameters of Islamic intellectual thought. The writers of Bilgi ve Hikmet who are examined with respect to their attitudes towards modernity, give an account of modernity in order to offer a new conceptualization. Three writers are in the center of this work: Ali Bulaç, Abdurrahman Arslan and Ömer Çelik. They are displayed as the representatives of analytical, traditional and intellectualist wings respectively. In the second chapter, the forms of encountering modernity are studied closely by establishing several axes offered by the writers. The encounter occurs in six different terms: religion, state, individual, society, history and politics. The thesis concludes as such: The writers of Bilgi ve Hikmet give an account of such a modernity which is a uni-dimensional one stuck within the enlightenment period. The attempt to conceptualize new forms was not very successful, because it was taking its power from Western metaphysics embedded in the Modernity versus Islam duality. Moreover, their discussion is carried out in a uni-directional relation between modernity and Islam, where modernity is considered evil. So, the writers have forced the debate into their problematic view of tradition, which they reconstruct through a retrospective reading, without any significant social counterparts.