Gösterge faiz oranı reformlarının finansal araçların UFRS 9 kapsamında raporlanmasına olası etkileri
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Genel anlamı ile, para alacağının getirisi olarak tanımlanabilecek olan faiz kavramı, tarihsel süreç içerisinde farklı düzenlemelere tabi tutulmuştur. Bu düzenlemeler, alacaklı ile borçlu arasındaki ikili ilişkinin yanı sıra, genel anlamı ile toplumsal ilişkileri de düzenlemektedir. Yakın dönemde, finansal piyasaların ve finansal araçların giderek karmaşıklaşması ile birlikte, özellikle değişken faize dayalı işlemler ve buna bağlı olarak ihraç ve tedavül edilen finansal araçların da düzenlemeye tabi tutulması ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Finansal piyasaların ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda ortaya çıkan, LIBOR ve benzeri gösterge faiz oranları gerek kredi ilişkilerinde gerekse türev araçlara dayalı işlemlerde yaygın olarak kullanım alanı bulmuştur. Öte yandan, LIBOR ve benzeri gösterge faiz oranlarına ilişkin yapısal hile riskleri, Küresel Finansal Kriz ve sonrasında bankalar arası piyasada likiditenin daralması ve LIBOR Skandalı kaynaklı olarak ortaya çıkan sorunlar, gösterge faiz oranlarına ilişkin düzenleyici reformlar gerçekleştirilmesini zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu reform çalışması sonucunda SOFR ve benzeri risksiz faiz oranları hazırlanmış olup, ayrıca Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartları Kurulu (UMSK) tarafından UFRS/IFRS 9, UMS/TMS 39 ve UMS/TMS 7 kapsamında bir dizi değişiklik yapılmıştır. Yapılan değişiklikler ile, mevcut gösterge faiz oranlarından, yeni ihdas edilmiş risksiz faiz oranlarına geçiş sürecinde ortaya çıkabilecek belirsizliklerin giderilmesi ve geçiş sürecinin düzenli ve öngörülebilir olması amaçlanmıştır.
ABSTRACT: In the general sense, “interest” can be defined as the yield of a monetary receivable. Historically, interest has been regulated in its various aspects. These regulations not only covered the bilateral relationship between the borrower and the lender but also regulated the social order. Recently, with the increasing complexity of the financial markets and financial instruments, the need for regulating transactions based on interest rates or financial instruments that are issued and circulated based on floating interest rates has increased. LIBOR and other similar reference interest rates that have been utilized as a result of the needs in the financial markets have been widely used in loan agreements and transactions based on derivative instruments. On the other hand, structural fraud risks relating to LIBOR and other similar reference interest rates, shrinking liquidity in the interbank markets following the Global Financial Crisis, and issues arising from the LIBOR Scandal have increased the pressing need for regulatory reforms relating to reference interest rates. As a result of these reforms, SOFR and other similar risk-free rates were introduced. In contrast, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has submitted several revisions to the IFRS/TFRS 9, IAS/TAS 39, and IAS/TAS 7. With these revisions, a more orderly transition from the current reference interest rates to the newly introduced risk-free rates with minimum uncertainty is aimed.
ABSTRACT: In the general sense, “interest” can be defined as the yield of a monetary receivable. Historically, interest has been regulated in its various aspects. These regulations not only covered the bilateral relationship between the borrower and the lender but also regulated the social order. Recently, with the increasing complexity of the financial markets and financial instruments, the need for regulating transactions based on interest rates or financial instruments that are issued and circulated based on floating interest rates has increased. LIBOR and other similar reference interest rates that have been utilized as a result of the needs in the financial markets have been widely used in loan agreements and transactions based on derivative instruments. On the other hand, structural fraud risks relating to LIBOR and other similar reference interest rates, shrinking liquidity in the interbank markets following the Global Financial Crisis, and issues arising from the LIBOR Scandal have increased the pressing need for regulatory reforms relating to reference interest rates. As a result of these reforms, SOFR and other similar risk-free rates were introduced. In contrast, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has submitted several revisions to the IFRS/TFRS 9, IAS/TAS 39, and IAS/TAS 7. With these revisions, a more orderly transition from the current reference interest rates to the newly introduced risk-free rates with minimum uncertainty is aimed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gösterge Faiz Oranları, UFRS 9, Finansal Araçlar, LIBOR, SOFR, Benchmark Interest Rates, IFRS 9, Financial Instruments