Boredom, its community and politics
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüm dünyayı kaplayan, belki de modern dünyanın her tarafına eşit oranda sirayet ettiği söylenebilecek az sayıdaki veçhesinden biri olan sıkıntı üzerine, birikerek artan bir kavramsal bagajla düşünce egzersizi yapmaktır. Sıkıntıyı tarifsel ve anlamsal imalarıyla ele alır. Dünyanın anlamsızlaşması ve sıkıcılaşması, dünyanın anlamı olduğu düşünülen modern tarih, ve bu tarih boyunca insanı üretmek üzere çalışan antropolojik makine ile bağlam kazanır. Makinanın operasyonu sonucunda birey sıkıcı bir 'totalite'nin parçası olarak ortaya çıkmakta. Kişinin kendi kendisine ulaşamadığı bir totaliter yapıya dair sıkıntı hali en nihayetinde bir etik problemi yönüyle ortaya çıkıyor. Bireysel parçalarını birbirine özdeş kılan totaliter bir yapı. Sıkıntının nihayetinde bir cemaat tahayyülü operatörü olduğu gözlemlenecek. Kendinden bile kopuk olarak derin sıkıntı içinde askıda kalmış olan bireyin kendini dünyadan ayıran duvarları aşarak bir tekillik olarak ortaya çıkışıyla aşıyor. Sıkıntı, isteksiz ve felç halindeki bireyden cemaati içinde ortaya çıkan ve benliğiyle ilgili olasılıkların peşine düşen bir tekillik olarak belirmesine giden süreci anlatıyor.
The aim of this study is to conduct a thinking exercise on boredom, that probably is one of modernity’s few aspects that can be said to affect the whole face of the world in equal rate, with the help of an accumulated theoretical baggage drawn from various thinkers. Boredom is taken into consideration both descriptively and both in meaning. It gains context with the world's boring meaninglessness, modern history thought to give meaning through which the anthropological machine produced man. Man is thus produced as an individua being hung up in a boring totality. Boredom, regarding man's state of inability to reach its own self as belonging to a totality, appears as a problem in its ethical aspect. The totality that has its individual parts consigned to being identical to each other. Boredom will be seen to be an operator for dreaming new ways of community in the last instance where it will be presented within the framework of practices of self. The emergence of a singularity within this community wears down the walls surrounding the individual rendering him inaccessible. Boredom finally tells the process of passage from an unwilling and paralyzed individual to a singularity appearing within the community, in pursuit of possibilities regarding the self.
The aim of this study is to conduct a thinking exercise on boredom, that probably is one of modernity’s few aspects that can be said to affect the whole face of the world in equal rate, with the help of an accumulated theoretical baggage drawn from various thinkers. Boredom is taken into consideration both descriptively and both in meaning. It gains context with the world's boring meaninglessness, modern history thought to give meaning through which the anthropological machine produced man. Man is thus produced as an individua being hung up in a boring totality. Boredom, regarding man's state of inability to reach its own self as belonging to a totality, appears as a problem in its ethical aspect. The totality that has its individual parts consigned to being identical to each other. Boredom will be seen to be an operator for dreaming new ways of community in the last instance where it will be presented within the framework of practices of self. The emergence of a singularity within this community wears down the walls surrounding the individual rendering him inaccessible. Boredom finally tells the process of passage from an unwilling and paralyzed individual to a singularity appearing within the community, in pursuit of possibilities regarding the self.