Mümkün Bourdieu’ler uzayında bir Bourdieu: Türkiye bilimsel üretim alanında Bourdieu sosyolojisi
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İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Türkiye’de 1995 yılından itibaren çeşitli çalışmalarda atıf yapılan Pierre Bourdieu sosyolojisi bugün artık bilimsel üretim alanı dışına taşan bir yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Bu makalenin amacı, 1995-2013 yılları arasında Bourdieu’ye atıf yapan toplam 143 adet eserin hem niceliksel hem de niteliksel bir tahlilini yapmak ve böylece Türkiye’deki Bourdieu’nün bilimsel bir muhasebesini gerçekleştirmektir. Makalede, Bourdieu’nün kavramsal-teorik çerçevesinin zemini olan özgün araştırma tarzları bütününden ziyade (modus operandi), araştırmalarının hazır sonuçlarının kullanıma sunulduğu eserlerinin (opus operatum) Türkiye’de rağbet gördüğü varsayımı ampirik olarak sınanmıştır. Bourdieu’nün eserlerinin belli bir bütünlük ve ilişkisellik içinde okunmaması, Türkiye’deki yerleşik bilimsel üretim pratikleriyle de birleşerek, Bourdieu’nün Türkiye’de büyük ölçüde eklektik biçimde alımlanmasına neden olmaktadır.
ABSTRACT: Bourdieusian sociology has been subject of an ever-mounting interest in Turkish intellectual field since Bourdieu was first cited in Turkish in 1995. In this article, we undertake both quantitative and qualitative analysis of a total of 143 works that have been produced between 1995-2013 and cited Bourdieu. Thereby, we provide a scientific assessment of Bourdieu-related work produced in Turkey. This research empirically examines the hypothesis that in Turkey Bourdieu’s opus operatum –his works that present the conceptual-theoretical outcomes of his researches- is much more recognized and welcomed than his modus operandi –the ways he conducts his researches which have always been ground for his conceptual-theoretical framework. The fact that Bourdieu’s oeuvre is not received in his integrity and relationality combines with the established practical schemes in the field of scientific production and results in a very eclectic and partial reception of Bourdieusian sociology in Turkey.
ABSTRACT: Bourdieusian sociology has been subject of an ever-mounting interest in Turkish intellectual field since Bourdieu was first cited in Turkish in 1995. In this article, we undertake both quantitative and qualitative analysis of a total of 143 works that have been produced between 1995-2013 and cited Bourdieu. Thereby, we provide a scientific assessment of Bourdieu-related work produced in Turkey. This research empirically examines the hypothesis that in Turkey Bourdieu’s opus operatum –his works that present the conceptual-theoretical outcomes of his researches- is much more recognized and welcomed than his modus operandi –the ways he conducts his researches which have always been ground for his conceptual-theoretical framework. The fact that Bourdieu’s oeuvre is not received in his integrity and relationality combines with the established practical schemes in the field of scientific production and results in a very eclectic and partial reception of Bourdieusian sociology in Turkey.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pierre Bourdieu, Habitus, Field, Bilimsel Üretim Alanı, Alan, Field of Scientific Production
İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi