Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Öğe Critical voices against the Bologna Process in Turkey: Neo-liberal governance in higher education(Cambridge Univ Press, 2015) Kaya, AyhanThis article analyzes critical voices raised against the Bologna Process by various stake-holders of higher education in Turkey, such as rectors, professors, international office staff, students, and civil society organizations. The data collected through in-depth interviews were analyzed using the discourse analysis method on the basis of the interlocutors' reflections on the Bologna Process. It is claimed in the article that most universities in Turkey have attempted a process of internationalization and institutionalization, but that there have been several impediments during the implementation of the Bologna Process. Rising Euroskepticism in Turkey has also changed the process of Europeanization in the universities. It is revealed that the structural changes made in line with the Bologna Process are perceived by several different stake-holders as neo-liberal acts, and are presented as activities of internationalization, but not of Europeanization.Öğe Democracy, Secularism and Islam in Turkey(Edinburgh Univ Press, 2014) Kaya, Ayhan[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Is National Citizenship Withering Away?: Social Affiliations and Labor Market Integration of Turkish-Origin Immigrants in Germany and France(Ariz State Univ, 2012) Kaya, Ayhan; Kayaoglu, AyseguelAlmost three million German-Turks and four hundred thousand French-Turks encounter various obstacles in everyday life due to the stigmatization and securitization of migration and Islam. This is why their integration into the receiving societies is of great importance, as better social cohesion helps nurture the economic, political, and social contribution of migrants to their countries of settlement. Using the data derived from a recent micro-level survey on Turkish-origin immigrants residing in Germany and France, this article analyzes the determinants of their social affiliations and employment probability as well as the impact of citizenship acquisition on their socioeconomic integration.Öğe Öğe Populism and Heritage in Europe Lost in Diversity and Unity Introduction(Routledge, 2020) Kaya, Ayhan[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Transformation of migration and asylum policies in Turkey(Routledge, 2016) Kaiser, Bianca; Kaya, Ayhan[Abstract Not Available]Öğe European Memory in Populism Representations of Self and Other Introduction(Routledge, 2020) Kaya, Ayhan; De Cesari, Chiara[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Turkish Modernity: A Continuous Journey of Europeanisation(Palgrave, 2011) Kaya, Ayhan; Tecmen, Ayse[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Öğe Öğe Öğe Öğe Öğe Öğe Populism and Heritage in Europe Lost in Diversity and Unity Preface(Routledge, 2020) Kaya, Ayhan[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Öğe German-Turkish transnational space: A separate space of their own(Ariz State Univ, 2007) Kaya, AyhanMost German-Turks have become transmigrants, who can literally and symbolically travel back and forth between their countries of destination and of origin. They have developed something new along the way. Molded by social, cultural, economic, and political imperatives of both countries, they have adopted a rather more vibrant set of identities-more cosmopolitan, syncretic, rhizomatic, and transnational. Agents of this transnational space, like hip-hop youth, are no longer migrants who left their homelands once upon a time to become entrapped in the confines of a remote land, but are also influencing social, political, economic, and cultural spheres of life in Turkey.Öğe The use of the past in populist political discourse Justice and Development Party rule in Turkey(Routledge, 2020) Kaya, Ayhan; Tecmen, Ayse[Abstract Not Available]Öğe THE CRISIS OF CIVILIZATIONAL PARADIGM: CO-RADICALIZATION OF ISLAMIST AND POPULIST GROUPS IN EUROPE(Turkish Policy Quarterly, 2022) Kaya, AyhanEurope is facing several problems, some of which revolve around the issues of migration and integration of third-country nationals. Civilizational and culturalist paradigms seem to have poisoned how many European citizens have perceived Muslim-origin people. In this short intervention, Islamophobism, populism, nativism, Islamism, radicalization, extremism, violence, and terrorism are among the issues to be discussed, deliberated, and communicated. This intervention attempts to elaborate the destructive nature of the civilizational paradigm in Europe, leading to the co-radicalization of Islamist and right-wing populist groups.Öğe Individualization and Institutionalization of Islam in Europe in the Age of Securitization(Seta Foundation, 2010) Kaya, AyhanThis article discusses a new social and political phenomenon in Europe, which has become evident along with the visibility of Islam in the European public space. Revealing the current social-political context in Western Europe, which is mainly characterized by a growing drift of securitization of Islam and migration, this paper argues that there are two simultaneously running processes regarding the changing nature of Euro-Islam, which seem to are antithetical: individualization of Islam vs. institutionalization of Islam. Drawing upon the findings of the field research in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, this article shows that while the processes of globalization seem to prompt younger generations with Muslim background to liberate themselves from the constraints of their patriarchal parental and community culture, western states as well as ethno-cultural and religious brokers tend to reify, or reinforce, their existing communal and religious boundaries. That is to say that the descendants of migrants seem to have been squeezed between individualization and institutionalization of Islam.