Yansıtmalı Özdeşim, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri ve Çatışma Çözme Biçiminin Evlilik Doyumuna Olan Etkisi
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Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi
Erişim Hakkı
Özet: Amaç: Bu çal??man?n amac?, yans?tmal? özde?imin, toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin ve çat??ma çözme biçiminin evlilik doyumuna olan etkisini ara?t?rmakt?r. Yöntem: Veriler, kolayl?k örnekleme yoluyla 123 evli ki?iden toplanm??t?r. Demografik Bilgi Formu, Evlilik Ya?am Ölçe?i, Paulson Gündelik Ya?am Envanteri, Çat??ma Çözüm Stilleri Ölçe?i ve Bem Cinsiyet Rolü Envanteri kullan?larak kat?l?mc?lardan veri toplanm??t?r. Bulgular: Kat?l?mc?lar?n ya?lar? 23 ile 44 ya? aras?nda de?i?mi?, ortalama ya? 32.5. olarak bulunmu?tur (SD = 7.6). Korelasyon analizleri yans?tmal? özde?im, çat??ma çözme biçimleri ve evlilik doyumu aras?nda güçlü ili?ki bulmu?tur. 3-yollu ANOVA analizleri di?il özelliklerin evlilik doyumuna (F (1,115) = 4.059, p<.05, np²=.034) ve itaat etme davran??lar?na (F (1,115) =18.068, p<.01, np²=.136) önemli etkisi oldu?unu göstermi?tir. Çoklu regresyon analizleri bütün de?i?kenlerin, evlili?e doyumunun %52'sini aç?klad???n? bulmu?tur. ?dealize edici yans?tmal? özde?imin evlilik memnuniyeti ile olumlu (Beta = .49, t [122] = 6. 47; p<.001), y?k?c? yans?tmal? özde?imin ise olumsuz ili?kisi bulunmu?tur (Beta = -.39, t [122] = -5. 35, p<.001). Sonuç: Bulgular evlilik uzunlu?unun, çocuk sahibi olman?n, fazla çocu?un ve çözümlenmeyen çat??malar?n evlilik doyumunu azaltt???n? göstermi?tir. Sorumluluklar?n? yerine getiren ve ba?kalar?n?n duygular?na duyarl? di?il ile; lider ve ba?at olma eril karakteristik özelliklerinin evlilik doyumunu art?rd??? bulunmu?tur. Çiftlerin yans?tmal? özde?im yoluyla çocukluk dönemi çat??malar?n?n birbirlerine yans?tarak evlilik stresi ya?ad?klar? ortaya ç?km??t?r.
Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of projective identification, gender roles, conflict resolution styles on marital satisfaction. Method: The data was collected from 123 married people. The booklet of demographic information form, Marital Life Scale, Paulson Daily Living Inventory, Conflict Resolution Styles Scale, and Bem-Sex Role Inventory were used to collect the data. Results: Their ages ranged from 23 to 44 years with the mean age of 32.5 (SD = 7.6). There was a strong relationship between projective identification, conflict resolution styles and marital satisfaction. A series of 3-way ANOVA analysis indicated that feminine characteristics have a significant effect on marital satisfaction (F (1,115) = 4.059, p<.05, np²=.034) and subordination behaviors (F (1,115) =18.068, p<.01, np²=.136). The multiple regression analysis indicated that study variables can account for 52% of variance in marital satisfaction. Idealizing projective identification positively (Beta = .49, t [122] = 6. 47; p<.001), persecuting projective identification negatively related to marital satisfaction (Beta= -.39, t [122] = -5. 35, p<.001). Conclusion: The findings suggest that the length of a marriage, having a child, having more children and unresolved conflicts decrease marital satisfaction. Feminine characteristics such as being a caretaker and being sensitive to other's feelings and masculine characteristics such as acting like a leader and being dominant increase marital satisfaction. Using persecuting projective identification leads the couple to transfer their early childhood conflicts on each other which then results in marital distress.
Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of projective identification, gender roles, conflict resolution styles on marital satisfaction. Method: The data was collected from 123 married people. The booklet of demographic information form, Marital Life Scale, Paulson Daily Living Inventory, Conflict Resolution Styles Scale, and Bem-Sex Role Inventory were used to collect the data. Results: Their ages ranged from 23 to 44 years with the mean age of 32.5 (SD = 7.6). There was a strong relationship between projective identification, conflict resolution styles and marital satisfaction. A series of 3-way ANOVA analysis indicated that feminine characteristics have a significant effect on marital satisfaction (F (1,115) = 4.059, p<.05, np²=.034) and subordination behaviors (F (1,115) =18.068, p<.01, np²=.136). The multiple regression analysis indicated that study variables can account for 52% of variance in marital satisfaction. Idealizing projective identification positively (Beta = .49, t [122] = 6. 47; p<.001), persecuting projective identification negatively related to marital satisfaction (Beta= -.39, t [122] = -5. 35, p<.001). Conclusion: The findings suggest that the length of a marriage, having a child, having more children and unresolved conflicts decrease marital satisfaction. Feminine characteristics such as being a caretaker and being sensitive to other's feelings and masculine characteristics such as acting like a leader and being dominant increase marital satisfaction. Using persecuting projective identification leads the couple to transfer their early childhood conflicts on each other which then results in marital distress.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yansıtmalı Özdeşim, Çatışma Çözme, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri,, Evlilik Doyumu, Projective Identification, Conflict Resolution, Gender Roles, Marital Satisfaction
Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry