Ekonomik ve kültürel sermaye sahibi sınıfın 1980-2000 arası tüketim pratikleri
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Artan tüketim ile bireyler “üretici” kimliklerinden daha çok “tüketici” kimlikleriyle anılır olmuşlardır. Değişen “ihtiyaç” anlayışıyla tüketim kavramının değiştiği tüketim toplumunda bireylerin nesneler yoluyla kendini ifade ettikleri sosyologlar tarafından ifade edilmiştir. Toplumsal bağlam içerisinde anlamı olan tüketilen nesne ve tüketim biçimi ise rastgele oluşmamış, bireylerin ekonomik ve kültürel kapitallerinin hacmi ve yapısından etkilenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalarda tüketimin daha çok istatistiki veriler yoluyla incelenmesi, bireylerin tüketim sürecinde etken olduklarını göz ardı ettiği için eleştirilmiştir. 1980’de izlenmeye başlanan neoliberal ekonomi politikaları, bir önceki ithal ikameci sanayileşme döneminden farklı toplumsal dengeler ve farklı kentleşme süreçleri ortaya çıkardığı gibi tüketim kalıplarını da değiştirmeye başlamıştır. Tüketimin teşvik edildiği, dışa açık büyüme politikaların ulusal sınırları silikleştirmeye başladığı bu dönemde hayat tarzı mefhumu önem kazanmıştır. Tüketilen nesne ve tüketim biçiminin belirlediği hayat tarzı toplumsal gruplar arasındaki farklılığın yansıması olmuştur. Bu tezde İstanbul’da yaşayan, farklı mesleklerden, itibarlı, orta yaş grubundan, üst ve orta üst sınıfı kişilerin 1980 sonrası tüketim ve tüketim biçimleri incelenmiştir. Kullanılan niteliksel araştırma yöntemi bireylerin tüketim sürecindeki etkenlikleri ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bahsedilen seçkin grubun spor, yemek, tatil, seyahat, hobi, müzik, kültür gibi alanlardaki tüketim kalıpları 1980’lerde yaşanan ekonomik, toplumsal ve kültürel dönüşümden etkilenmeleri incelenmiştir. Ailelerinden aldıkları eğitimleri, kültürel ve ekonomik kapitallerinin zaman içerisinde değişen hacmi ve yapısı ise tüketim kalıplarında ayrımın oluşumuna dair bilgi vermektedir.
With the increasing levels of consumption, individuals are moving from an identity of “producer” to that of “consumer”. Sociologists have put forward the idea that with the change in what is viewed as “need” in this consumption society, we are seeing people express themselves through objects. In terms of social context it is seen that, what and how things are consumed is linked to amount and structure of economic and cultural capital. Consumption studies that used statistical data were criticized because of the disregard of consumer’s activity in the consumption process.In 1980 with the introduction of neo-liberal economical politics, there was a move away from import substitution industrialization and a change in social balances that affected urbanization processes and consumption patterns. During this period in which consumption was encouraged along with politics aimed at diminishing barriers for global expansion, the value placed on the concept of lifestyle became more prominent. The types of objects consumed and the way in which they were being consumed began dictating the differences in life styles within society. In this thesis I study consumption patterns of middle-aged individuals of different occupations, from upper and upper middle classes, living in Istanbul after 1980. With this qualitative study method, I revealed the activity of individuals in the consumption process. I also asses the effects of the changes in economic, social, and cultural variables during the 1980's on the consumption of individuals in categories such as sport, food, vacations, travel, hobbies, music and culture. Furthermore I look into the effects of the individuals’ education derived from their family, as well as cultural and economic capital on the changing consumption patterns found.
With the increasing levels of consumption, individuals are moving from an identity of “producer” to that of “consumer”. Sociologists have put forward the idea that with the change in what is viewed as “need” in this consumption society, we are seeing people express themselves through objects. In terms of social context it is seen that, what and how things are consumed is linked to amount and structure of economic and cultural capital. Consumption studies that used statistical data were criticized because of the disregard of consumer’s activity in the consumption process.In 1980 with the introduction of neo-liberal economical politics, there was a move away from import substitution industrialization and a change in social balances that affected urbanization processes and consumption patterns. During this period in which consumption was encouraged along with politics aimed at diminishing barriers for global expansion, the value placed on the concept of lifestyle became more prominent. The types of objects consumed and the way in which they were being consumed began dictating the differences in life styles within society. In this thesis I study consumption patterns of middle-aged individuals of different occupations, from upper and upper middle classes, living in Istanbul after 1980. With this qualitative study method, I revealed the activity of individuals in the consumption process. I also asses the effects of the changes in economic, social, and cultural variables during the 1980's on the consumption of individuals in categories such as sport, food, vacations, travel, hobbies, music and culture. Furthermore I look into the effects of the individuals’ education derived from their family, as well as cultural and economic capital on the changing consumption patterns found.