I.Dünya Savaşı ve Türk ulusal bağımsızlık savaşımı içinde Batum
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Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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ÖZET: Batum, Osmanlı Devleti’nin ağır bir yenilgi aldığı 1877 – 1878 Osmanlı – Rus Savaşı’nın sonunda imzalanan Ayastafenos Anlaşması’nın hükümleri gereğince Kars ve Ardahan’la birlikte Rusya’ya bırakıldı. Osmanlı Devleti, I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Kafkas cephesinde düzenlediği harekatla buraların yeniden Osmanlı topraklarına katılmasını hedefledi. Ancak Kafkas cephesinde hiçbir şey yolunda gitmedi; Osmanlı Devleti buraları almak bir yana, Doğu Anadolu’nun önemli bir bölümünü Ruslara teslim etti. Rusya’da Bolşeviklerin iktidarı ele geçirmesine koşut yaşanan gelişmelerse Ardahan ve Kars’la birlikte Batum’un da yeniden Osmanlı topraklarına katılmasını sağladı. Batum, bundan sonraki dönemde Türk Ulusal Bağımsızlık Savaşımı sırasında TBMM’nin izlediği dış politikayı yakından ilgilendiren bir bölge olarak anlam kazandı. TBMM’nin bu dönemdeki dış politikasının amacı, büyük ölçüde, savaşan taraflar arasındaki güç dengesizliğini gidermeye yönelikti. Bu çerçeve içinde, bir büyük devletin desteğini kazanabilmek önemli bir hedef olarak belirdi. Bu “büyük devlet” o günün koşulları içinde, kuşkusuz, SSCB’den başkası olamazdı. TBMM, SSCB’nin desteğini sağlayabilmek adına, Batum’u bir ödün niteliğinde SSCB’ye bırakmaktan çekinmedi. İzleyen gelişmelere bakıldığında bu stratejinin önemli ölçüde olumlu sonuç verdiği görülmektedir. Bu anlamda Batum’un SSCB’ye terk edilmesi, kayba yol açan bir hatadan çok; Türk dış politikasına stratejik derinlik sağlayan akıllıca bir gerçekçi siyaset eylemi niteliğindedir.
ABSTRACT: As was required by Ayastafenos Treaty of Peace, that was signed at the end of 1877 – 1878 Ottoman – Russian war in which Ottoman suffered from a hard defeat, Batum was left to Russia, as well as Kars and Ardahan. Ottoman State’s main goal in the Caucasus Front during the First World War was to regain those areas. However, during the course of the War nothing in the Caucasus Front went as was initially hoped for the Ottoman Empire. Besides not being able to re-conquer the aforementioned areas the Ottoman Empire has lost a considerable part of Eastern Anatolia to Russia. In spite of the defeat suffered, the events which led to the rise of the Bolsheviks in Russia -and their eventual hold of the government- has given the Ottoman Empire theopportunity to have Kars, Ardahan and Batum back to her control. During the Turkish National War of Independence, Batum became a significant area of maneuver for the new National Assembly’s (TBMM) foreign policy. The main aim of TBMM’s foreign politics was partly to re-balance the power gap between the two sides of the War of Independence. In this frame, gaining the support of a “big state” appeared as a strategic goal which was perennial to the success of the cause. Obviously, the state of the international relations of the era permitted this “big state” to be no other then the USSR. TBMM didn’t hesitate to leave Batum as a concession to USSR to strengthen the bi-lateral relations through gaining the trust of the Bolsheviks. When judged by the outcome, the consequent events strongly indicate that, this strategy has handsomely paid of and, in time, the handing over of the Batum to the USSR proves to be an act of clever real-politics, which brought strategic profundity to the Turkish foreign policy rather than a loss.
ABSTRACT: As was required by Ayastafenos Treaty of Peace, that was signed at the end of 1877 – 1878 Ottoman – Russian war in which Ottoman suffered from a hard defeat, Batum was left to Russia, as well as Kars and Ardahan. Ottoman State’s main goal in the Caucasus Front during the First World War was to regain those areas. However, during the course of the War nothing in the Caucasus Front went as was initially hoped for the Ottoman Empire. Besides not being able to re-conquer the aforementioned areas the Ottoman Empire has lost a considerable part of Eastern Anatolia to Russia. In spite of the defeat suffered, the events which led to the rise of the Bolsheviks in Russia -and their eventual hold of the government- has given the Ottoman Empire theopportunity to have Kars, Ardahan and Batum back to her control. During the Turkish National War of Independence, Batum became a significant area of maneuver for the new National Assembly’s (TBMM) foreign policy. The main aim of TBMM’s foreign politics was partly to re-balance the power gap between the two sides of the War of Independence. In this frame, gaining the support of a “big state” appeared as a strategic goal which was perennial to the success of the cause. Obviously, the state of the international relations of the era permitted this “big state” to be no other then the USSR. TBMM didn’t hesitate to leave Batum as a concession to USSR to strengthen the bi-lateral relations through gaining the trust of the Bolsheviks. When judged by the outcome, the consequent events strongly indicate that, this strategy has handsomely paid of and, in time, the handing over of the Batum to the USSR proves to be an act of clever real-politics, which brought strategic profundity to the Turkish foreign policy rather than a loss.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Batum, First World War, Caucasian Operation, Turkish National War of Independence, URSS, I. Dünya Savaşı, Kafkas Harekatı, Türk Ulusal Bağımsızlık Savaşı, SSCB
Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi