‘Kusurlu’ Aklın Seçimi: “Sully” Filminin İncelenmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Araştırma, yapay zekâ ve insan etkileşimini teknolojiye atfedilen rasyonellik ve kusursuzluk ile insana atfedilen duygusallık ve kusurluluk eğilimleri üzerinden irdelemektedir. Bu irdeleme, hikâyesi gerçek bir olaya dayanan “Sully” isimli sinema filminin analizi üzerinden yapılmaktadır. US Airways’in pilot Chesley Sullenberger kaptanlığındaki 1549 sefer sayılı yolcu uçağı, 15 Ocak 2009 tarihinde, New York-Charlotte seferini yapmak üzere havalanmasından kısa süre sonra Hudson Nehri’ne zorunlu iniş yapmak zorunda kalır. Bu olay, pilot Sullenberger ve ABD’li yazar Jeffrey Zaslow tarafından otobiyografik bir eser olarak kaleme alınan “En Yüksek Görev” isimli kitaba da konu olur ve 2016 yılında aynı otobiyografiden uyarlama “Sully” isimli sinema filmi ile beyazperdeye taşınır. Film, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman analizi tekniği kullanılarak analiz edilmektedir. Analiz sonucunda ortaya çıkan temalar, rasyonel aklı ve onun kusursuzluğunu savunan otoritelere karşı, sezgilerin ve kusurlu insan aklının verdiği mücadeleyi betimlemektedir.
ABSTRACT: The research examines the interaction between artificial intelligence and humans through rationality and inculpability attributed to technology and sentimentality and culpability tendencies attributed to humans. This examination is carried out through the analysis of the movie “Sully,” whose story is based on a real event. The aircraft operating on US Airways flight 1549, piloted by Chesley Sullenberger, had to land on the Hudson River soon after taking off for the New York-Charlotte flight on January 15, 2009. This event is also the subject of the book “Highest Duty,” which was written as an autobiographical work by the pilot Sullenberger and the American writer Jeffrey Zaslow, and was turned into a movie, “Sully” adapted from the same autobiography, in 2016. The movie is analyzed using the document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods. The themes that emerge as a result of the analysis depict the struggle of intuitions and the culpable human mind against the authorities that defend the rational mind and its inculpability.
ABSTRACT: The research examines the interaction between artificial intelligence and humans through rationality and inculpability attributed to technology and sentimentality and culpability tendencies attributed to humans. This examination is carried out through the analysis of the movie “Sully,” whose story is based on a real event. The aircraft operating on US Airways flight 1549, piloted by Chesley Sullenberger, had to land on the Hudson River soon after taking off for the New York-Charlotte flight on January 15, 2009. This event is also the subject of the book “Highest Duty,” which was written as an autobiographical work by the pilot Sullenberger and the American writer Jeffrey Zaslow, and was turned into a movie, “Sully” adapted from the same autobiography, in 2016. The movie is analyzed using the document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods. The themes that emerge as a result of the analysis depict the struggle of intuitions and the culpable human mind against the authorities that defend the rational mind and its inculpability.
Anahtar Kelimeler
yapay zeka, rasyonel akıl, duygusal akıl, kusur, Sully, artificial intelligence, rational mind, emotional mind, culpa
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