(Neg)Antroposen ve yaşamın noetik vasfı: Bernard Stiegler’in antroposen eleştirisi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Sanayi Devrimi’nden sonraki dönemi ifade eden Antroposen, biyosferin evriminde önemli bir (f)aktör hâline gelen insanın etkilerinin yoğunlaştığı, zehir vasfıyla ortaya çıkan evreyi temsil eder. Antroposen, modern teknolojinin sanayileşme yoluyla gerçekleşen dünya üzerindeki egemenliğinden kaynaklanır ve ekolojik, psişik, sosyal, ekonomik ve özellikle de noetik seviyelerde bir entropi üreterek ken-di gelişiminin sorgulamasını engeller. Bilginin bütün formları, Antroposen’de âdeta sınanır. Bu, yoğun bir entropi artışıyla ortaya çıkan bir proleterleşmedir. Bilgi ile başlayan kayıp, yaşamların yalnızca hayatta kalmak üzerine kurulu olması nedeniyle arzuya, tekilliğe ve geleceğe-yönelimlere kadar sirayet eder. Bernard Stiegler’e göre noetik varlık olarak insan, geçmişe-yönelimlerin içerildiği geleceğe-yönelimleri dışsallaştırarak bireyleşir. Antroposen, arzunun içine düştüğü bu krizden beslenir. Yaşamın arzudan azade yapısında geleceğe-yönelimlerin hiçlik ile dolu olması, bireyleşmenin de yitimi anlamına gelir. Olumsuzlukla ve krizlerle dolu olan Antroposen’den çıkmak, onun ötesine geçmek, sınırlarda düşünmeyi gerektirir.
ABSTRACT: The Anthropocene, referring to the period after the Industrial Revolution, represents the epoch, in which the effects of human that became a substantial (f)actor through the evolution of the biosphere, and having the characteristic of toxic. The Anthropocene origi-nates from the worldwide hegemony of the modern technology actualizing by means of industrialization and it prevents questioning of its own expansion by way of producing an entropy at ecological, psychic, social, economic and especially noetic levels. All forms of knowlegde are almost tested in the Anthropocene. This is a proletarianization, emerging along with an intensive increase of entropy. Loss begins with knowledge and spreads over desire, singularity and protention, since lives are built solely upon survival. According to Bernard Stiegler, human, as a noetic being, is individuated by exteriorizing the protentions that include retentions. The Anthropocene exploits this crisis which desire falls under. Protentions being full of nihil in the structure of desire liquidation of life amounts also to the loss of individuation. Escaping the Anthropocene, that is full of negations and crises, requires going beyond the Anthropocene itself, thinking within the limits.
ABSTRACT: The Anthropocene, referring to the period after the Industrial Revolution, represents the epoch, in which the effects of human that became a substantial (f)actor through the evolution of the biosphere, and having the characteristic of toxic. The Anthropocene origi-nates from the worldwide hegemony of the modern technology actualizing by means of industrialization and it prevents questioning of its own expansion by way of producing an entropy at ecological, psychic, social, economic and especially noetic levels. All forms of knowlegde are almost tested in the Anthropocene. This is a proletarianization, emerging along with an intensive increase of entropy. Loss begins with knowledge and spreads over desire, singularity and protention, since lives are built solely upon survival. According to Bernard Stiegler, human, as a noetic being, is individuated by exteriorizing the protentions that include retentions. The Anthropocene exploits this crisis which desire falls under. Protentions being full of nihil in the structure of desire liquidation of life amounts also to the loss of individuation. Escaping the Anthropocene, that is full of negations and crises, requires going beyond the Anthropocene itself, thinking within the limits.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Negantroposen, eksosomatizasyon, katkı ekonomisi, farmakoloji, organoloji, Neganthropocene, exosomatisation, contributory economy, pharmacology, organology
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