Ödev ve zarafet
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu makale Kant’ın ödev ahlakı fikrinin üzerinden akıl ile duygular arasındaki bağlantıyı tartışmaktadır. Kant’ın ahlak yasasını ortaya koyarken duyguları dışarıda bırakması Kant ahlakının duygulara hiç yer vermediği, hatta ahlaki failin büsbütün duygusuz olması gerektiği fikrine yol açmıştır. Bu fikri paylaşanlardan biri olan ünlü Alman şairi ve düşünürü Friedrich Schiller’in bu doğrultudaki eleştirileri ve görüşleri ışığında Kant’ta ahlak alanında duygulara yer olup olmadığı sorusuna yanıt aranacaktır
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses via Kant’s ethics of duty the relationship between reason and emotions. The fact that for Kant, sentiments and emotions should not play a role in the production the moral law has caused many people to think that Kantian moral theory does not leave room for emotions, and even the idea that a moral agent must not have emotions at all. The criticisms and views of one of those people, the great German poet and thinker Friedrich Schiller, will be discussed to find an answer to the question whether Kantian moral theory leaves room for emotions or not.
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses via Kant’s ethics of duty the relationship between reason and emotions. The fact that for Kant, sentiments and emotions should not play a role in the production the moral law has caused many people to think that Kantian moral theory does not leave room for emotions, and even the idea that a moral agent must not have emotions at all. The criticisms and views of one of those people, the great German poet and thinker Friedrich Schiller, will be discussed to find an answer to the question whether Kantian moral theory leaves room for emotions or not.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kant, Schiller, ahlak, ödev, zarafet, morality, duty, grace
Reflektif: Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi