Hagop Mntsuri’nin ikinci evlilik romanını Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda eşzamanlıların eşzamansızlığı perspektifinden okumak
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu makalede Hagop Demirciyan’ın Yergrort Amusnutyunı (İkinci Evlilik)romanını, Ermeni soykırımına giden yolu döşeyen koşullar, soykırımın kurtulanların yaşamı üzerindeki etkileri ve soykırım sonrası Türkiye’de yarattığı geri dönüşü olmayan gerçeklikler de dahil olmak üzere daha geniş bir tarihsel bağlamda ele alıyorum. 1931 yılında İstanbul’da basılan romanın karakterleri üzerinden, İstanbullu Ermeniler ile vilayetlerde yaşayan Ermeniler arasındaki derin tarihsel ve yapısal farklılıkların izini sürüyor, bu farklılıklara eşitsiz ve bileşik gelişmeye ilişkin edebiyat kuramlarının yardımıyla bakarak vilayetlerdeki ve İstanbul’daki Ermenilerin eşzamanlı eşzamansızlara dönüştüklerini iddia ediyorum. Bu eşitsizlik 1915’de zirveye ulaşmış yalnızca İstanbul’da değil, Türkiye dışında sığınılan her yerde, kağtaganlıkta (daimi sürgünlük) ve felaketten hayatta kalmış olmanın sonsuz sessizliğinde devam etmiştir.
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the novella Yergrort Amusnutyunı (The Second Marriage) by Hagop Demirciyan (pen name Hagop Mnts‘uri’) in a larger historical context including the conditions which led to the Armenian genocide, the ramifications it had on the life of the survi-vors and the irreversible realities it created in post-genocide Turkey. Published in Istanbul in 1931, the book represents the deep histor-ical and structural differences between Istanbulite Armenians and those from the provinces. Reading and explaining these differences in their context through the lenses of Mntsuri’s characters as well as through the lens of the literary theories of uneven development, I argue that the Armenians in the provinces and in Istanbul were deeply separated from each other, becoming non-contemporaneous contemporaries. This unevenness was coupled with genocide denial in the decades after 1915, imprisoning the survivor as kağtaganwithin silence over generations, not just in Istanbul but also the communities where they sought refuge abroad.
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the novella Yergrort Amusnutyunı (The Second Marriage) by Hagop Demirciyan (pen name Hagop Mnts‘uri’) in a larger historical context including the conditions which led to the Armenian genocide, the ramifications it had on the life of the survi-vors and the irreversible realities it created in post-genocide Turkey. Published in Istanbul in 1931, the book represents the deep histor-ical and structural differences between Istanbulite Armenians and those from the provinces. Reading and explaining these differences in their context through the lenses of Mntsuri’s characters as well as through the lens of the literary theories of uneven development, I argue that the Armenians in the provinces and in Istanbul were deeply separated from each other, becoming non-contemporaneous contemporaries. This unevenness was coupled with genocide denial in the decades after 1915, imprisoning the survivor as kağtaganwithin silence over generations, not just in Istanbul but also the communities where they sought refuge abroad.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Ermeniler, Hagop Mntsuri, eşzamansızlık, kurtulanlar, Ottoman Empire, Armenians, non-contemporaneity, survivor
Reflektif: Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi