Ekolojik tarım: nedir? Ne olmalıdır? Türkiye’yi besler mi?
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Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Ekolojik tarım1 . Ne olduğu, ne olması gerektiği hâlâ tartışılan bir tarım pratiği. Fanatikleri var, düşmanları var, makul destekçileri, inananları, şüpheci yaklaşanları var. 1920’lerden bu yana var. Mevzuatı var. Bu yönüyle diğer alternatif tarım yöntemlerinden ayrışmış. Özünde, konvansiyonel tarımın doğal hayata verdiği zarardan kaçınmak ve sağlıklı gıda üretmek için formüle edilmiş, bu hedefl ere herkes için iyi bir yaşam, sosyal adalet gibileri hemen eşlik etmiş. Ticarileşmiş, buna rağmen hâlâ mevzuata dahi girmemiş ilkelerine sıkı sıkı bağlı olarak amatör bir ruhla yapanları da var. Yazımız, bu tartışmaların bir özetiyle başlıyor. Devamında, Türkiye’nin tüm nüfusunu sadece organik ürünlerle beslemek için ülkenin ekilebilir alanlarının %63’ünün yeterli olduğunu gösterdiğimiz matematiksel modeli ve sonuçlarını anlatıyoruz. Son olarak,kâr hırsının ve aşırı büyüme tutkusunun sebep olduğu çevre krizinin varlığında sağlıklı beslenmek gerçekten mümkün olabilir mi sorusunu ele alıyoruz.
ABSTRACT: Organic farming, with “what it is” and “what it should be” being still debatable questions, is a farm management technique with its fanatics, enemies, sensible supporters, believers and skeptics. It is here since the 1920s. It is a regulated farming practice and this feature separates it from all other alternative farming movements. In essence, it has been formulated to avoid the harm done by conventional agriculture to all living creatures and life itself and to produce healthy food. Immediately, these goals have been joined by those aspiring to social justice and a good life for all parties involved. It’s commercialized but there still exist those who perform it with an amateur spirit in compliance with its principles even with those that have not found their way into laws and regulations. These debates are summarized in the beginning of our article which continues to describe the mathematical model and results showing that 63% of arable land in Turkey suff ices to feed the whole population solely with organic foods. Finally, we discuss whether it is possible at all to follow a healthy diet as we face an ecological crisis brought on by an insatiable greed for profit and an obsession for growth.
ABSTRACT: Organic farming, with “what it is” and “what it should be” being still debatable questions, is a farm management technique with its fanatics, enemies, sensible supporters, believers and skeptics. It is here since the 1920s. It is a regulated farming practice and this feature separates it from all other alternative farming movements. In essence, it has been formulated to avoid the harm done by conventional agriculture to all living creatures and life itself and to produce healthy food. Immediately, these goals have been joined by those aspiring to social justice and a good life for all parties involved. It’s commercialized but there still exist those who perform it with an amateur spirit in compliance with its principles even with those that have not found their way into laws and regulations. These debates are summarized in the beginning of our article which continues to describe the mathematical model and results showing that 63% of arable land in Turkey suff ices to feed the whole population solely with organic foods. Finally, we discuss whether it is possible at all to follow a healthy diet as we face an ecological crisis brought on by an insatiable greed for profit and an obsession for growth.
Anahtar Kelimeler
organik tarım, ekoloji, kirlilik, Türkiye, matematiksel modelleme, organic farming, ecology, pollution, Turkey, mathematical modeling
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