The Performance of Deposit Banks in Turkey
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Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi
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Özet: Bu çalışma Türkiye’deki mevduat bankalarının 2011-2018 yılları arasındaki performasını Stokastik Sınır analiziyle incelemektedir. Ayrıca çalışma 4 girdi ve etkinsizliğe etki edebilecek banka büyüklüğü, sahiplik (kamu ya da özel; yerli ya da yabancı), Türkiye’de kurulmuş olma, zaman, TL aktif / Toplam aktif, Likit aktif / Toplam aktif ve Toplam ücret / Çalışan sayısı gibi sekiz değişkeni incelemektedir. Modelin popüler olması, verinin dengesiz bir veri seti olması ve etkinsizlik etkilerini verdiği için Battese ve Coelli (1995) model analizde kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre büyük bankalar küçük bankalara göre daha iyi performans göstermektedir. Türkiye’de kurulmuş olmak mevduat bankalarının performansını artırıcı bir etki yapmaktadır. Çalışanlara daha fazla ücret ödemek banka performansının daha iyi olacağı anlamına gelmemektedir, kamu bankası ya da özel banka olmanın etkinsizlik üzerine önemli bir etki yaptığı görülmemektedir, yabancı banka olmak etkinsizliği azaltmakta ve zaman Türk banka endüstrisinin etkinsizliği üzerinde pozitif bir etki yapmaktadır.
Abstract: This paper investigates the performance of Turkish deposit banks using Stochastic Frontier Analysis during the period from 2011 to 2018. The study also investigates the effect of four inputs and eight inefficiency effects such as banks size (small or large), ownership (state-owned or privatelyowned; domestic or foreign), being established in Turkey, time, TL/active/Total active, Liquid active/Total active, Total Compensation/Number of staff. Battese and Coelli (1995) model was implemented since it is a popular method and it deals with unbalanced panel data and gives the inefficiency effects. The findings indicate that large banks show better performances than their small counterparts, being established in Turkey has a positive effect on the performance of deposit banks, paying more compensation to employees may not increase the efficiency of banks, being state-owned or privately-owned does not have a significant effect on the inefficiency and being a foreign bank decreases the inefficiency of banks. Time has a positive effect on the inefficiency of Turkish banking industry
Abstract: This paper investigates the performance of Turkish deposit banks using Stochastic Frontier Analysis during the period from 2011 to 2018. The study also investigates the effect of four inputs and eight inefficiency effects such as banks size (small or large), ownership (state-owned or privatelyowned; domestic or foreign), being established in Turkey, time, TL/active/Total active, Liquid active/Total active, Total Compensation/Number of staff. Battese and Coelli (1995) model was implemented since it is a popular method and it deals with unbalanced panel data and gives the inefficiency effects. The findings indicate that large banks show better performances than their small counterparts, being established in Turkey has a positive effect on the performance of deposit banks, paying more compensation to employees may not increase the efficiency of banks, being state-owned or privately-owned does not have a significant effect on the inefficiency and being a foreign bank decreases the inefficiency of banks. Time has a positive effect on the inefficiency of Turkish banking industry
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bank Efficiency, Stochastic frontier analysis, Turkish banks, Banka Etkinliği, Stokastik Sınır Analizi, Türk Bankaları
The Journal of Accounting and Finance