Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Geçiş Sürecinde Siyasi Seçkinlerin Coğrafya-Medeniyet İlişkisi Algısı
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Erişim Hakkı
Öz- Bu çalışma Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e geçiş sürecinde siyasi seçkinlerin coğrafya-medeniyet ilişkisine yönelik algısını incelemektedir. Bu süreçte seçkinler Batı’yı üretim, çalışkanlık, dinamizm, disiplin ve ilerleme ile özdeşleştirirken, Doğu’yu durağanlık, tembellik, ka-dercilik, yıkım ve gerilikle ilişkilendirirler. Daha da önemlisi, Osmanlı’nın da parçası olduğu Doğu’yu yok olmaya ya da en iyi ihtimalle tahakküm altında kalmaya mahkûm görürler. Bu nedenle “medeniyete” bir başka ifade ile “Batı’ya” bir an önce dahil olmayı hayatta kalma meselesi olarak değerlendirirler. Dolayısıyla coğrafya algıları bir tür varoluş krizi etrafında şekillenmiştir. Erken Cumhuriyet’in Batı’nın bir parçası haline gelme gayreti de bu çerçevede anlaşılabilir.
Abstract- This study examines how the Late Ottoman and Early Republican political elite perceived the interrelation between civilization and geography. The political elite associated the “West” with hard working, production, dynamism, discipline and progress, whereas they attributed negative characteristics to the “East” such as stagnation, laziness, fatalism, devastation and backwardness. More impor-tantly they were convinced that the East, of which Ottoman Empire was a part, was destined to be destroyed or most likely dominated by the West. Therefore the political elite considered immediate necessity of becoming a part of the Western civilization a matter of survival. Hence efforts of the Early Republican elite to become a part of the “West” can be regarded as a consequence of this existential crisis which appeared during the Late Ottoman period.
Abstract- This study examines how the Late Ottoman and Early Republican political elite perceived the interrelation between civilization and geography. The political elite associated the “West” with hard working, production, dynamism, discipline and progress, whereas they attributed negative characteristics to the “East” such as stagnation, laziness, fatalism, devastation and backwardness. More impor-tantly they were convinced that the East, of which Ottoman Empire was a part, was destined to be destroyed or most likely dominated by the West. Therefore the political elite considered immediate necessity of becoming a part of the Western civilization a matter of survival. Hence efforts of the Early Republican elite to become a part of the “West” can be regarded as a consequence of this existential crisis which appeared during the Late Ottoman period.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Coğrafya, medeniyet, Doğu, Batı, siyasi seçkinler, Geography, civilization, East, West, political elite
Reflektif Journal of Social Sciences, 2021, Vol.2(2)